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I'm pretty new to clays and shooting in general, as i'm localish to Bisley and it's open a lot i have been and shot a few rounds of skeet but my best was a 9, i have made a few changes in the last week or so, finally got a skeet vest, skeet chokes and took some high velocity 9's i know it's not required but as i was using a fleece to shoot in to hold the cartridges before the heat was getting to me and i wasn't comfortable.


Anyway, i decided to grab the gun and do a few rounds this afternoon, me previous best was a 9.


I got there and there was a guy there who i have seen before who shoots very well and i went for a round with him, i felt more comfortable in the vest and think it's a comfort\confidence thing. He gave me some pointers, i used to miss behind but he said i was high today so listened and adjusted my style. Also made a concious effort to keep both eyes open all the time and was far more successful.


The first round i was just settling down and did a 9, the second however things got better :lol: I straighted stand's 1 and 7 and ended up on a 15 so i am really happy :hmm:


I wanted to do a few more rounds but no one there to button, i hung around for for half an hour or so but no one else about so i headed home.


At the end of the day the numbers don't matter really but do help :hmm: The important thing is being safe and when you pull the trigger it goes bang :hmm:


So that was todays skeet, i have a couple of weeks holiday so plan to do a lot more. I was chatting to a couple of AA\AAA shooters at Churchills yesterday and they were also really helpful and said that skeet is a good way to start, i'm still going to do sporting but hope the combination works.


I'm now 100% happy that the gun\choke combo is capable of breaking any bird presented, the only change i will make is to use a 28g 7.5 for sporting and 28g HV 9 for skeet.


Thanks for reading.




PS i know it should be It's in the title but can't change it :blink:

Edited by JonD
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28gm is overkill considering the amount of battering your noggin will take over 100 for the iinperceptible advantage you may get from them. They're also more expensive


24gm, and even 21, is just fine.


Will and can shoot 28 gm all day long and im pretty sure there as cheap as anything else :good:


You big girls blowse :good:

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Well done on your massive improvement mate - that's a huge leap.


Don't overcomplicate things worrying about what cartridges you're using... if the gun's pointing in the right place and still moving when you pull the trigger, the clay's gonna break regardless of whether you're putting 21, 24, 28gr, lead or steel through the barrels.


When I was learning skeet (not so long ago) I really struggled to get past the 17 mark, and I enjoyed every single minuite of it. Then an old boy gave me a few tips that really helped...


  • Try to hit the first birds before they reach the centre peg.
  • Point your leading toe towards where you want to hit the first clay.
  • Hold the gun with the barrels at the same height as the trap house window, and 1/3rd of the way between the trap house and the centre peg
  • Shoot a round of singles first, then if the first round went well, go for doubles.
  • And then figure out where you need to look when waiting for the clay... some can look straight in the trap house window, while some look a few yards out from it - you'll soon figure that out for yourself.
  • Shoot the bottom barrel first as that helps minimise muzzle flip.
  • And last of all, keep your score cards and practice the stands that you're struggling with the most.



When you can hit 20, you will have enough confidence to straight the range - especially when you don't think about it and shoot naturally.


Best of luck to you :good:

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