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7 foxes,less to worry about


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Well my last week at home was good for me,but not so good for charlie,

went up to one of my farms in wales,who has chicks laying eggs i also have permission on the 4 surrounding farms.anyway was up there on the 3rd june from about 4ish in afternoon,me and a mate set up on a bit of high raised ground behind the chicken farm which would let us look out onto my other permission.plus the land i was on.so quite a large area.

The farmer and his wife came out to have a chat,and when he seen my bobbing fox enticer the farmer thought what the hell is that.i told him what it is and what its for,but with the grin on his face,he thought i was puddled.so as the chat between me ,my mate and farmer and his wife went on.

I popped my head over the brow from where we were set up.and bingo,fox creeping up on my decoy,without ever doing any calling,realising i didnt have my rifle loaded i then got my *** into gear,loaded the mag,slid rifle over brow,resting on my arm,spotted fox through scope.still in the 2nd field.where a few live rabbits were running away,i slowly squeezed, and down went the fox.ranged at 198 yds.

well farmer was so made up,and couldnt believe that a fox decoy without any calling would work.how wrong was he.never had camera that day so no pics,as you will see soon.

Also went on the 4th june we called 2 in at same time,but only able to shoot one,as both came in at diff angles.so took the safest shot.

this was a cub fox.

Then went back on the 6th june.on the land next door to chicken farmers and again called out one fox from where we believe the earth to be,one out of poss 2. shot that at about 80 yds,straight after that shot,i carried on calling and scanning with binos.only to spot another cub out in the middle of a field.slipped into the prone.and let the round fly,taking that one at 240 yds.both were at 7ish,so still quite light.

Stayed out quite late that night calling in another cub which then decided to turn and simply walk away.with the wind blowing against me,i left my mate with the calling at my 4x4 while i walked and followed the cub fox,for a poss shot at using rifle with night scope.i followed it down a hill up a hill then down and back up.then i realised i had the callmaster call in my belt rig,sat down,turned on,fox cub turned and ran for me.like a steam train.eventually taken at 50 yds. shot 3 that day.then said to bill eh getting light early,then looked at watch,and was almost 5 in morn,soaked but a enjoyable day and night.

then lastly went out on the 9th.before my trip back to work on the 10th,again called 2 more fox cubs.using again nightvision.shot both one at 170 yds and one at 220ish.which i couldnt find.


So in that week had a really great time,and the farmer was made up.7 cub foxes.which had been roaming around his chickens.there were still say another 5 cubs.from the poss 2 earths.which im sure someone else will take care off.








can only attach 3 pic,will try get last 2,on another posting



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