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Air rifle carried on Motorcycle

Lord Geordie

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I have a question for the Legal advisers if there are any about.


I have a Motorbike and would love to leave the Cage at home and take the Bike out on a days shooting. BUT Where does the Law stand with the carrying of a gun by a motorcyclist?:thumbs:???


I know the Law changed reguarding carrying a gun (even cased) in a public area unless it is to a gun shop or to a place of legal use IE gun club or crossing land to gain access to your shoot.


Where does it stand on carrying a Rifle on a Motorcycle??


Question is


Can I or Can't I




Lord Geordie

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The way i see it, as long as it is in a case/slip and your goign to or coming from your shoot/club/gunshop there shouldnt be any problem with the way you transport it, either by car foot or bike (as long as its safe to do so!)


hope this helps you out, but if you have any doubts at all contact your local police station and ask to speak to the firearms officerm, im sure they would be more than happy to help you out :thumbs:


all the best


ROB :)

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The best thing to do is ring BASC. They have a team of people who do this sort of thinking for a living and have OUR best intrests at heart.

Re read this and whilst I stand by what I said I must apologise if I came over ar**y and "Mr. know it all"



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As has already been said, to be totally sure phone your local firearms officer or contact BASC. Better to be safe than sorry.


My understanding is, you are ok as long as you meet the following criteria;


1. The gun case is securley fastened and the gun has been locked/disabled in such a manor to prevent any persons from firing it.

2. The gun is not loaded and/or cocked.

3. You have sufficient reason for carrying the gun in a public place.


Hope this helps.





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You must be at that time of the month or something snakey <_< it does'nt read anything like how you think it does :) I see your reply as some good advice and from the people that should know if he can or can't(as well as the plod).

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Thanks for all the replies Guys.


I was going to Join the BASC anyway i am already a member of the BASA but think it would be better buisness if i go to the BASC as i am after going FAC too if i meet the criteria.


Guess all i need now is a trip to Market street police station :)


Lord Geordie

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Hi Lord Jeordie.

Would you mind posting how you get on with finding out whether or not it's deemed legal to be carring an air weapon on a motorcycle :) providing of course all necessary measures have been taken to prevent anybody using the weapon in the wrong manner :*)

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As long as the gun is fully and securely covered, why would it be illegal to carry it on a motorbike? You are perfectly allowed to carry a covered gun on foot after all, as long as there is a good reason to do so. I bought my TX200 last week and carried it through the streets of Newcastle upon Tyne central business district, until I got to where I'd parked the car, three hundred yards away - a much more ' in yer face' act as far as the public is concerned.


Fifteen years ago, I used to carry my twelve bore to the farm strapped to my motorbike. I'd say the key issue as far as the law is concerned would be, 'Are you carrying it in such a way as to remain in full control of the bike?'


Regards to a fellow Geordie, albeit from a mere prol, your Lordship...

Edited by Evilv
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