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Baiting for Foxes?


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After following some tips here, I went out earlier, shot a bunny on arrival and the land, that was fairly easy.

Pocketed that and had a look about, this place is like a wildlfe park, a mix of woodland and grassy rides, being sandwiched between 2 keepered shoots I guess wildlife goes there for an trouble free life.

So, having watched a couple of muntjac, and then a nice roe doe feeding away quite happily I got on with the job in hand.

Opened up the rabbit and left it in the desired spot.

I went for wander about to kill a bit of time and just had 'that feeling' I was being watched in the woods

So stopped and had a good scan round, and sure enough there was a fox looking straight down the track at me.

And I mean down, totally skylined, absolutely no way it was a shot. I tried squeaking it in but it wasn't having any of it, so I had the idea to walk up to where it was and wind it so it moved towards the baited area.

After that, I went and sat out about 100 yards away and made myself comfy, the .223 resting on my sticks and .22 at my side just in case anything else appeared.

At this point I noticed a small sapling between me and the rabbit, so made a note to shoot the fox (should it appear) on it's way there or way back.

I didn't take up the chance at a rabbit over near my waiting rabbit, but couldn't resist the squirrel against the oak tree in front of me, it even waited patienly while I swapped the .223 for the .22 :yes:

Another 15 minutes and out of the blue the cub I had seen earlier appeared towards my bait, remembering the sapling, I shot it as soon as it stopped.

And that was that - thump.

I have shot foxes when they have just been opertunities, but this is the first time I have been specifally asked to target them, and I have 2 similar calls from 2 different land owners in the past fortnight.


It is great feeling, when a plan comes together.


Here's a mobile picture of the cub, this is the entry side, the exit side isn't very pretty (who said A Max's don't expand :good: )




I hope you get yours Frenchieboy, at least this should offer you some encourgement.

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i beg your pardon gentlemen , casual baiting is NOT illeagal , however i was thinking of an old form of baiting ,ie, stink beds , that was when we used whole sheep carcasses and anything else that was found dead , a bowl of dog and cat food would not cause any harm , one of the best methods we found by accident was dead day old chicks scaterd , the foxes cannot pick them all up and run with them .


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Good on you Stu :yes:


Nice to see you got what you were after, as said previously it looks a good size cub almost looks a year old, some of the cubs ive shot over the last few weeks have been ranged from kitten size to about the size of a Jack Russel, and thats only 3 weeks apart.


Like yourself i've had request from farmers to shoot Fox's the past 2 months due to stock being taken, Ie; poultry & lambs even Fox mess in sillage feed, this is whats its all about good nights out (or days) :good:


Just to add,tonight just talking in the local i've just got another 500acres to shoot on just because i,ve gone out and enjoyed my sport- hobbie :lol::lol: a big thanks to "word of mouth"

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Nice one Dougy.

The picture may make it look bigger than it is, I reckon the body was only 14-16" long maybe, I know it looked tiny through my scope so I did think a miss was on the cards :yes:

I shot a vixen there about a month ago after getting reports of her taking ducklings from next to a pond, I was assuming this was a cub from this year?

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i beg your pardon gentlemen , casual baiting is NOT illeagal , however i was thinking of an old form of baiting ,ie, stink beds , that was when we used whole sheep carcasses and anything else that was found dead , a bowl of dog and cat food would not cause any harm , one of the best methods we found by accident was dead day old chicks scaterd , the foxes cannot pick them all up and run with them .


Thanks for clearing that up JSR. It sounds to me like a mixture of chopped up rabbit scattered around with some dog kibble soaked in fish oil and then trodden in to the ground is about the best bet. I have now picked up a new permission where the owner has a real dislike for foxes. I went out last night and had a look around and found a huge dung heap where the foxes pass through regularly, this would make a perfect back stop to ensure a safs shot with a shooting position within a comfortable range of it. I was within range of 2 last night (About 80 yards) but I didn't have my 22-250 with me as I am on a mentoring condition. but that is going to be taken off next week which gives me time to get the little devils used to their free meals in a spot where I want them on 2 different permissions, so look out Charlie, there are going to be some "ready meals" waiting for you closely followed by some 50grs Sako Soft Points.

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Best of luck with the fox, 80yards is a bit on the close side for a 22.250,


You could, (of course its your call) go out to say 150-200yards from your baited area, call the cubs away from the vixen towards you as close as you can, then shoot the Vixen first

then take the cubs on there way back. They may possibly hang around the dead Vixen also giving you a chance to take another shot.

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I quoted 80 yards as on this occasion that is the range from the cover I have chosen to the safest place in the gully where I intend to shoot it! On the advice of my mentor I have my 22-250 sighted to shoot an inch high at 100 yards which covers from about 100 yards to 200 yards, a range that I am comfortable shooting at!

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invest in a trap...........


That`s ok with a fox in semi rural/town environments, stick one out on 3- 30 000 acres of Scottish mountains and you will wait a long time.









Snares however next to a carcase that is surrounded by thick brashings ................... :good:

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