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CZ 425 trigger creap


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Iv just bought a new CZ 425 american,


Sometimes the trigger creap is different ( sometimes it will be 2mm and then 5mm):good:


this only hapons every now and agian but is it enought to upset your shooting.


Has anyone else had this problem?


I have always intended to get a trigger kit for the gun as iv read on here that the trigger pull is a bit stiff, the trigger pull dosnt bother me that much realy but the changes in the creap just puts me off.


will a kit solve this problem???


thank you

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Yes it will, ..................but only use the two lightest springs with extreme caution, they give a very light pull! .....try the middle one first!

When you have changed the spring and maybe fitted a collar to adjust the creep, test the rifle by cocking it on an empty case and giving the butt a good slap and shock or three to make sure that it's not too light a pressure and goes off unintentionally! (Pointing it in a safe direction obviously)

IMO it's worth asking somebody who has done it before to help you, might save scratching the wood work at least!

Don't have it generally set as light for hunting as target use!......remember if there's an acccident it's down to you and you will also have voided the warranty!

Sorry but just MHO!

old man

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you follow the threads on Rimfire Central you'll see that getting trigger kits from Eric Brooks is a hit and miss affair, even in the US. Some people get them immediately, some after weeks or months, and some people never get them at all.

CZ trigger kits are available in the UK from South Yorkshire Shooting Supplies, much quicker and safer way of getting them.

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