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ss vs ou


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I am just waiting on my cert coming through the post then will be off to buy my shotgun, i,m on a very limited budget so was wondering why most of you seem to prefer o/u to sxs as you all know i can get an sxs for less leaving more for decoys etc, im thinking probably baikal for their robustness, I know about more percived recoil with sxs but would appreciate any other views. I dont care about pretty, its just for a hide gun and mooching.



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SxS's are cheaper while O/U's are often easier to shoot,but everyones different though.


Have a look on gun trader for something in your price range.





Says it all really, and sxs get hotter faster, you cant see much when you mount one, muzzle flip is more pronounced, they kick like mules and often come with 2 triggers(some like some don't)


I shoot a sxs because it was given to me and I havn't finished growing and don't want to spend 1500 on a gun that may not fit next year!


Get an OU

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There is one advantage to a S/S on walked up days especially when it is warm and I have dispensed with the wax jacket I've found an O/U places more strain on the arm due to the narrower contact area (walking with gun broken). Its not really noticable if I'm out for an hour or two rough shooting but on full days I've felt like my arm was hanging off by midday otherwise I'm happy with the Lanber Field.

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