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1001 uses for a round feeder!

Guest Mr Pieman

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Guest Mr Pieman

Did a little rabbit work last night. Its amazing how quickly they cool down when hung over a round feeder! Allows the air to circulate a treat :( :lol:


This is one of two feeders I used to hang bunnies until they cooled and could be paunched at daybreak :lol::lol:



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Guest Mr Pieman

For those who like the details: -


The rabbits were all taken with an Anschutz XV .22lr carbine. It is a bolt action thumbhole stock - true left hand stock. I have three 10 shot magazines that are all loaded to give plenty of ammunition if things get a bit hectic. It is fitted with a S & B 3-12 x 50 scope.


The ammo is Winchester and eley - subsonics. I find that both types of ammo give me exactly the same results and I don't need to re zero so can 'mix and match'. The rifle is re zeroed each time i buy a new batch of ammo - and periodically if necessary.


I shoot out of the passenger window of my Suzuki Samurai. All lights on the vehicle are covered with red acetate, so is the lamp used by the driver.


The rabbits were shot onver approx. 275 acres grass forming part of a 1900 acre dairy/arable spread on the South Downs. This 1900 acre block is part of around 7500 acres of land that I shoot rabbits over. In a tylpical year I shoot between 5000 and 6500 rabbits.


I started shooting at 23-00 hrs and finished at 04:00hrs. The final total was 237 rabbits and a weasel! The bag took two of us over 1 1/2 hours to paunch carefully and load into crates - the bunnies are now all safely 'sleeping' in a gamedealer's fridge.


On more than one occasion I was able to shoot up to 8 rabbits in a group before we needed to drive on which, for a bolt action rifle, isn't bad going :lol:


My 'driver' is one of my oldest friends and he always seems to know where I need to be to get the most shots off safely and efficiently. All but 4 of the rabbits were headshot. Total ammo used = 249 rounds.


Our set up seems to work very well for us. Only problem is my left eye remains at a different focus point to my right one for an hour or two after finishing!!!!!


Cheers :(




PS The cows aren't currently in the fields with the feeders!!!


PPS My biggest bag ever on this land (single rifle user) is 314, shot in winter over a 6 hour period.

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indeed i really am amazed, is that just over grass?


i have about 750 acres of land used with dairy cattle and got 10 off it the other day :lol:


in about 1 day of shooting


i would love to do that kind of numbers,


1 1/2 hours to paunch......i bet there a field somewhere need you with a well fed crow population :lol:


great shooting :(

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Guest Mr Pieman



they were all shot over grass. Most of the rabbits I shoot are on grazing land. Parts of the South Downs has been teaming with rabbits for years.


Most of the paunch goes into a purpose built 'dead pit' but some gets used for bait for Mr Foxy.To keep the nmbers of rabbits down I usually shoot once or twice a week from now until winter. It makes for a very long night but keeps the farmers happy :( :lol:



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They are truly impressive numbers...and to think I was happy with the 10 we took yesterday!


Cant see a location for you but what area of the downs is this done on? I'm also about to seek out a Game Dealer that might be able to take our excess bag, all be it a tiny amount in comparison. But hey if it pays for a new tin of pellets every now and then! Im from Brighton so if you can reccomend anyone, I would be truly greatful.







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Guest Mr Pieman

I use two gamedealers. A guy called John Cook at Wadhurst and Adrian Necci at Staplehurst. Necci is a long way to travel with small numbers but, at around £1 per bunny, I take large numbers there as often as possible. He is very strict with the grading but always fair. Anything that isn't head shot, or stained by bad paunching will only get you 50p :lol:


After so many bunnies bad paunching isn't an issue after so much practice :lol::lol:;)


Axe, I now live in Battle, East Sussex. I shoot on land from here, through to Lewes, East Sussex. It includes the South Downs, the Weald and Rother districts. I also have access to around 1000 acres in Essex where we ferret in the winter :( The 'Sussex' land gives me access to rabbits, pigeons, foxes, crows/rooks, Muntjac, Fallow and Roe Deer, along with the normal vermin like mink, weasels etc.





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I use two gamedealers. A guy called John Cook at Wadhurst and Adrian Necci at Staplehurst.

Thanks for that Mr P, like you said, this is too far for me to travel with such a small bag. But i will keep this in mind.


Lewes is but a 5min drive for me but Battle is 3/4 hour. If your covering the land in the middle, im surprised you get any time to yourself!!! All my shoots currently are in around the Burgess Hill area. We only have around 50 acres or so, but it keeps us quiet. Anyway, beggars can't be choosers and i'm sure theres people out there with far less or indeed, no permission at all.


We are hopeully about to gain a further 180 acres of farm land which I am looking forward too. One of my shooting buddies has also gained access to a large farm and estate for pigeon/barn control, which hopefully will turn in to a full on rabbit stonk.


Anyways, thanks again.



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One of my shooting buddies has also gained access to a large farm and estate for pigeon/barn control, which hopefully will turn in to a full on rabbit stonk.

But first I have to find them!!


I see traces and I can smell them.......... they will be mine.

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Guest Mr Pieman

My preferred method is: -


Hamstring bunny and allow to cool


Hold by back legs and cut* from between back legs towards the ribs


Pull intestines forwards and down, freeing bladder and colon etc - this leaves all the gut hanging outside the rabbit


Hold by shoulders and now let back feet hang down


Put fingers inside body cavity and around stomach (poo sack!) and 'pinch' free of the liver


Pull stomach free of rabbit, which will in turn bring all guts attached in one piece


Place in bin!


* For cutting I use a small craft knife. You can set the blade shallow enough to just cut the skin, but not go so deep as to split any of the gut content and contaminate the meat.


Once in a good rythmn I can do a bunny in around 15-20 seconds. Takes longer to hang them back up again!!!





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Wonderul post and pics Pieman... top notch.




PS I took your advice and bought the Anchutz... superb tool . May be in a few months I shall be posting similar pictures. One of the 400 acre farms I shoot (pasture ) supports huge numbers of rabbits and just two nights ago I shot 24 in a three hour session with just the Logun. God knows what i could have got with the LR


I always paunch my rabbits straight away when they are warm and bury the entrails or conceal them in a hedge for the Charlies. I suppose this would be impracticable with the volume of bunnies you shoot but is there another reason why you let them cool off. ?


The South Downs has always been a stronghold for bunny and it seems it still is.



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Guest Mr Pieman


there are two reasons I let the bunnies cool a little (other than the obvious that constantly stop/start shooting is a pain!!). Firstly, it allows the entrails to sink into the chest cavity a little. This makes it less likely that you'll cut through the guts when you make your cut and a cooler bunny bleeds less.


Secondly, as bizarre as it sounds, a bunny that has guts in as it cools 'sets' better i.e. it gives the finished product a better look. That might sound a little odd but I aim to give the dealers no excuse to not pay top dollar for the bunnies, and they'll try any excuse to lower the price!!!!



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