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20g Cartridges for Game

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Might be a bit of a long shot - but I'm after an 'affordable' 20g cartridge for game shooting - in particular pheasants and maybe the odd pigeon. Not overly fussed about the brand, but needs to be fibre wad and reliable. Anything around £150/1000 would be ideal, but I maybe hoping up the wrong tree there!


Anyone got any recommendations?

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I use Hull 'High Pheasant' 25g fibre. I get through thousands of them each year, and have no had a misfire for a significant period of time. They have (for me) the right blend of wallop and felt recoil. I use them for pheasants through to about mid-November, and then fall back to a 12-bore.


RC are well worth a look, but they are pricier. Eley and Gamebore seem to create much more noticeable recoil.

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Eley VIP maybe a bit out of your price range but a decent shell ;)


I'd certainly 2nd that but probably nearer the £200/1000 mark.


With game cartridges though how many are you using a year? If you have a lot of pigeon shooting and you are getting many 50+ days at a 2:1 shot to kills ratio, then you might get through 2 or 3 thousand a year. If you can save £50 per thousand that would be significant. If on the other hand you either have a few driven days or just mooch about you may only fire 500 in a year. If that is the case then the few £s extra is hardly worth bothering about especially when a top notch cartridge might be the difference between a good day & a blank day.


Hope this makes sense B)


Mr Potter

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No contest, Eley VIP Game 28g is the one to go with. For game shooting it doesn't pay to economise; what you want is value for money.

If you are in the south/south west they are usually available from Mole Valley Farmers outlets at pretty reasonable prices.


Last ones I bought (Nov 08) were £172 per 1000 + VAT

Edited by Longwool
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