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Pigeon shooters wanted for the rape season .


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Took JR 1960 and whitebridges for a tour around the rape today as they will be helping me out through the season . Both are committed pigeon shooters and I dont think I could get better help .

Some of the rape have only just been drilled and is not through yet . A couple of fields have the rape through and there were pigeons feeding on it . Both their bums were twitching and it wouldnt surprise me if they dont have a go fairly soon . Thanks for the help boys I know we will have some super sport as the season gets along . Do you know what to loverly old Norfolk boys .

Harnser .


There's a very big acorn crop in our area this year, in past years that's meant that the birds very often won't touch the rape until well into January, so we'll see.


Perhaps it's a good time to catch up on all of those DIY jobs around the house? :good:



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what a cracking offer, if only i was 100 miles closer to you i would have loved to offer ou some help

I hope you get some good sensible guys, it can be a right pain when there are big flocks of birds

and your trying to chase them round on your own :blink: good luck mate

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Harnser,


Shame I'm not quite ready yet for this offer. I should hopefully start shooting up by Skeyton at first and would like the opportunity to join more experienced guns at some point for some tips and advice if this is possible in the future.


Should be up and running by end of next month so maybe I'll drop you a pm if that's ok and you would be able to help me out at all?

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There's a very big acorn crop in our area this year, in past years that's meant that the birds very often won't touch the rape until well into January, so we'll see.


Perhaps it's a good time to catch up on all of those DIY jobs around the house? <_<




all the pigeon i've shot recently has been stuffed full of acorns (just as well as i've got no rape this winter to shoot over :good: )

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
An oppotunity for 2 or 3 guns to help me out this winter on the rape . I am looking for some guns who will be able to put some time in and give me a hand . I know most of you work and shooting time is restricted mid week ,but a hand at the weekend would help . I would prefer guns that can shoot midweek as well as weekends . All the fields have easy access and a 4x4 is not necessary . You will be able to shoot when ever you want 7 days a week if you want to . The only stipulation is that you have all your own gear , and must have a current shotgun licence and MUST have third party insurance . I am sorry but this is not a situation for novices at the moment and some experiance is required ,I would prefer guns who are known on this website .

The farms are located a couple of miles from aylsham in norfolk in very good pigeon shooting country . This is an excellent oppotunity for guns who do not have any regular pigeon shooting .

Harnser .

wish i had some where to shoot where i live no such luck.

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