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Benelli super black eagle- cycling problems, help!!


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Hello all, l have finally paid for my Benelli super black eagle 8 shot today, picked it up and went to give it a go, its second hand. I wanted to rattle some shells through it like you all would to see how it went but l was extremely dissapointed. Every spent cartridge got jammed in the breech- or the bolt that slides backwards and forwards, and it wasn't cycling another cartridge into the chamber- l was gutted. Its a 3 1/2 inch magnum chamber which can fire shots as small as 2 3/4 , l tried them all, but none managed to flow freely or cycle. What is wrong with this?? would a good strip down and clean help or is this a big problem??

Has anyone had this bother before and if so which cartridges should l be using?

I shot remington heavys through it which were 64 gram no 3's and my god they kick you to death!!

Can anyone suggest a good pigeon cartridge in 2 3/4 inch which will cycle through this gun?


I hope its easy fixed otherwise l will be devastated!!

Thanks for your time.

chris :hmm:

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I sold Benellis for years and have worked on many of them. If it wasn't ejecting even the 3" and or 3.5" shells, it sounds like you may have a broken ejector. Black Eagles do not normally cycle light 2 3/4" target loads, but many do after alot of use. Is this an older Hechler and Koch model, or newer? Check the ejector which is located on the chamber area of the barrel. On the older guns, it was common for them to break after alot of shooting. The newer guns have a different ejector.


Other than that, a good cleaning of the recoil spring and tube. But as I said, when it won't cycle or eject the heavier loads, I'd think ejector first.


Feel free to PM me.



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Swell it and get a Xtrema 2 then you will have no problams shoots 1oz to 2 1/4oz no bother


And they dont knock your teeth out :hmm:




Got to keep the Benelli clean as said above, as for pigeon carts, something with some oompf like RC Sipe's 32g 5's :lol:


Edit to add; They wont cycle cartridges under 70mm :lol:

Edited by chrispti
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Thanks for the replies lads, l just thought it might be a simple case of cleaning it or something instead of bothering the shop with it, but might have to.

The extension tube is brand new so not sure if that makes any difference, l'll have a look to try n spot the ejectors, lm not very clued up on this gun yet.

l'll have a bit more play with it as well.


Thanks alot.

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