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drilled Rape


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Me and dad went out again today to have another go at the pigeons.

When we got to the farm the farmer told us that the pigeons were starting to hit his drilled rape that was just starting to show through.

So we went to the field and noticed a few flying around over the middle of the field heading for a couple of oak trees along one of the hedges, so we decided to give it ago.


We went over to the oak trees and sat under them and started shooting without any decoys and the birds kept coming in well and after an hour we set up the pigeon magnet just to draw in a few more and they kept coming until about 3:45pm and we then packed up after shooting 50 pigeons and 1 crow and he went round a couple of our wood just to pick up a few more.


Total bag = 61 pigeons (me=28, dad= 33) , 1 crow, 1 dove and 2 rabits.















Edited by MerseaDavid
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:lol: David those pigeon cradles , what I've been doing is tucking the wings in , I never thought about leaving the wings out :good:


Oh an really good shooting mate , :yp:


yeah I used to tuck the wings in until I saw some of Jim Albones ones with their wings down and they looked good, any wind will make the wings move and also it makes the birds look bigger and helps them stand out.


All these things help :lol:

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