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got em so use em

ricky green

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thought it was about time i went out with my airgun as i havent used it for a while,so a quick phone call to a small bit of permision i have to clear the battlefield so to speek,and we off.There are a few bunnys about but a bit jumpy,but managed to finnish up with six in the end. :good: then couple of nights later,and out with the.222had the first fox at about 120 yards is,she came into the colbri turkey call with a bit of chickin in distress thrown in for good measure as i was next to a chicken farm :beer::mad: Then as i was walking back to my car another one decieded to put in an apperance ??? ,this one was a bit more canny and tryed to get downwind of me but i was a step a head of her and see was stopped at about 90 yards..Friday 11.9.09 had to came to call,shot one at about 40 yards,unable to shoot the second,as it run out and through some cows ??? ther for another night.12.9.09 this was the result off farmerthat had seem foxes around the back of his barns,then14.9.09,this was a sit and wait in the yard bind his barns,the scene was set out with some whiskers at 50 yards,as was useing the rimfire for safty reason,after hour or so a fox appeared for supper,off with the yukon on with lamp,ping and yep i missed him :yes: so thought thats that for tonight,but 5 mins later it was back,off with the yuk,but this time give my eye time to adjust back to normal,on with the lamp,ping-thowk and yep it was tasting whiskers in foxy heaven.and that my shooting buddys is me up to date. :good:







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