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    Gamekeeping love of are humble English partridge

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  1. Can you put a picture of repair please cheers farmer
  2. Can I have the 2 duck dvds please pm sent
  3. Ducks are very messy creatures and disease will spread to your pheasants in no time ducks have a higher immune system. I reared 200 one year worse thing I ever did they stripped 3/4 of my rearing field then paddled it into a mud bath Learn from my mistake it's not worth the bother
  4. Has anyone tryed these cheaper versions if so how was the quality of picture many thanks kev
  5. Has anyone got any available days in January walked up driven Duck flighting pigeon roosting abound Yorkshire /humberside can get around 5 guns if places available are syndicate has dropped out due to land for sale
  6. Am working down hear and have ample time after work if any one needs a hand on farm or shoot I will do mostly anything to pass the time many thanks Kev
  7. Nobody ever learnt ot from a dead fox too many people now are going out trigger happy all year round shooting foxes how long can it be sustained. Something's got to give
  8. Small world. I would love to have a pint with him after a days shoot he sure knows his stuff atb kev
  9. Run your own shoot by David Hudson has some good articles in about broodys and there is another book but off top of my head I can't remember Al have a look for it. If you wanting to get them to sit get a card board box cut slits in one side just enough so ventilation put some straw in and 12 hard boiled eggs or golf balls put her in and leave her 12 hour then take her off to have a drink and feed and muck out then place bak on the nest she will be sitting by the 5 day it's all in David Hudson book it's worked or me I have loads of broodies
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