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About psych4shooting

  • Birthday 09/12/1968

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  1. www.myclayshootingrecord.com very comprehensive indeed.
  2. As Salopian says, plus recommendations too.
  3. For me it is not the price it is the quality - there is no standard in shooting, it is a service not a product. If you think it is worth it then you will continue to pay, if it is not worth it and you are not learning then you will not continue with the coaching. The coaching question always rumbles on, but in my eyes it is all down to the value it adds to your shooting, not the cost - if you can find a low cost coast that works for you then that is great, if they are higher priced and it works for you then that is the cost.
  4. Here is the link for the eBook - http://clayshootingsuccess.co.uk/clayshootingshop/prod_1485796-Mental-Training-for-Sporting-Part-1-by-Phil-Coley.html great value at £19.99
  5. Hats off to the CPSA for putting on the first Coaching Conference. Those who attended, in the region of 70+ people, and an array of coaches not just CPSA coaches attended taling part in workshops and over the two days had the opportunity to share ideas and network with other coaches. I for one would recommend it, it was certainly an eye opener for many and the topics were very relevant. The CPSA may get a kick or tow from time to time, but hats off to them for this and it is something that can be built on in the future for all coaches.
  6. If you are at the show please come and say hello on the Clay Shooting stand we are opposite Browning.
  7. Not yet, may look at that at a later date, just got the first DVD pressed and then will look at downloadable options in the coming weeks
  8. I would recommend the guys at Nottingham, always a warm welcome and helpful team to get you started.
  9. Thanks to all who have ordered already, amazing response. Remember free P&P is available until next Monday 11th February.
  10. The new Mental Skills for Sporting DVD from Phil Coley is out now, being officially launched at the Shooting Show next weekend. Buy yours today and get free P&P it is only £19.99, plus £2 from each DVD goes to help fund aspiring juniors in the Elite Clay Shooting Academy. Click Here for more information and to buy your copy.
  11. The new Mental Skills for Sporting DVD from Phil Coley is out now, being officially launched at the Shooting Show next weekend. Buy yours today and get free P&P it is only £19.99, plus £2 from each DVD goes to help fund aspiring juniors in the Elite Clay Shooting Academy. Click Here for more information and to buy your copy.
  12. Take a look at Natasha Lovell`s new website. Natasha is one of the Elite Shooting Academy Scholars. Natasha from Devon receives ongoing mental training from Sports Psychologist Phil Coley, Technical Sporting Training from Ben Husthwaite, Technical Olympic Skeet Training from David Dale all covered through the Elite Clay Shooting Academy set up by Phil Coley & Ben Husthwaite in 2012. The Elite Shooting Academy is proud to sponsor Natasha. A select number of juniors will be selected in 2013 with a selection day planned for May, where those who have already applied will be invited to attend the day. There is no other set up in the UK that offers this level of support or sponsorship. See Natasha`s website click here See the Elite Clay Shooting Academy click here
  13. Well worth the visit, you will be made very welcome indeed, a good selection of targets and you must try the "high tower flush"!!
  14. Thanks Harry for your comments, progress is sometimes never easy. But we certainly feel the new premises are there for all to enjoy. Phil
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