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    Shooting Pigeon,Shooting Squirrel,Shooting Rabbit......

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  1. I have had this Don't tighten the guage to much on the block ,it stope the ar to the guage , Ask me how I know.
  2. Hi Wyn , sorry for the late reply, I would be very grateful if i could have a coppy of this software, Thank you. My email address is , doomsday55@sky.com Many Thanks, Graham
  3. Is there any info available on castng 40gn .22 hornet bullet head in the UK, I have looked for molds but cant seem to find anything here, sending for one from the state is financially impossible. Any ideas.
  4. Does any one have a few 8 bore cartridge heads for a project i am attempting, please email me at doomsday55@sky.com if you have, Thank you.
  5. Heres a longshot, Does anyone have a copuy of the reticule design software for the Pulsar N550, I have looked and no one stocks it anymore, Anyone ??
  6. Hi Speaky, Im sorry I didn't reply but been busy with covid, The Theoben is back up for sale due to someone wasting a lot of my time, the price is still the same plus rfd charges which are around £60 at the moment around here, if your still interest please email.me on, doomsday55@sky.com Thanks.
  7. Hi Speak, The Theoben eliminator is back up for sale due to someone wasting a lot.of my time , please contact me if your still interested on email, doomsday55@sky.com.
  8. Hi Fallowbuck, I know what you mean its typical when you want one there's nothing about but loads afterwards.
  9. Can I publicly say a big Thank you to Wabbitbosher who is a member of this site, I won't go into detail as to why ,but needless to say he is a gent and has been really understanding and has dealt with me very speedily and plleasantly, I cannot stress this enough, he is a great guy to deal with.Thank you again.
  10. No there is no hole for a pin the spent primer comes out the front of the ram, I suppose I will just have to prime by hand. Oh well.
  11. This is the press and ram , as you can see there is nowhere to put a primer arm because there is no pin in the ram.
  12. Gelatin from the supermarket, get plenty its cheap and reusable.
  13. I cant, the pin isn't missing it dosent have one there is no hole for it, or hole for a pin,
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