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  1. I cannot get the photo to upload but click the black line for the short video.
  2. Anybody have any ideas what make of shotgun this is? I cannot get the photo to upload but click the black line for the short video. https://x.com/NaviGoBoom/status/1813259346966683745
  3. Yep, use exactly the same stuff. It is called cohesive tape and you can get a pattern very close to DPM.
  4. Thought as much but was told something. Scaremongering I think.
  5. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on if i can import NON pressure bearing shotgun parts from Europe and have them posted to my address. Thanks for any info. Cheers.
  6. Going to get an ultrasonic cleaner for gun parts and other items and i have noticed that most cleaning solutions that are homemade or commercial are mixed with water. Once you have cleaned the parts i am worried that there may be water left in areas that would be hard to reach to dry. Does anybody or can you use a product like WD40 in a ultrasonic cleaner to displace excess water. I would be interested to hear of peoples experiences and thoughts. Thank you.
  7. I love haslet. There is good and bad out there. I agree it is cracking with piccalilli. Grave you piccalilli on toast, that good too.
  8. Now that is the colour chips should be.
  9. Dip it seasoned flour and fry it so there is still a bit of blood in it, lovely.
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