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Just A quick Pic Of My Fox Snare


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Heres a picture of where one of my fox snares has been set. It has been set between a stone dry wall, thats obviously, but its has been set there because the fox has been passing from a 13 acre field into a small paddock like field where there is one lone sheep and it does not look in good health. There are good signs that he/she has been using this run, string smell of fox, foot prints in the snow and hair on the wire, so hopefully while he's out looking for meal he'l get more that what he wanted. The snare is connected to the fence post with the snare clip you get when you buy the snare so there's defiantly no getting away if he gets caught in it and my tealer is a 13 inch piece of hazel that i have cut myself, these work a treat but with the hard ground can be a fiddle to get into the ground and sometime snap so always carry a few spare. So tomorrow morning il be there urley, hopefully at first light with the shotgun to have a look and check the snare, wish me luck guys. FoxSnare.jpg

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It did cross my mind but i had a good look around and moved any objects the fox could get entangled in.

A fox, if caught will jump through those squares in the wire, I know because they have done it before when we have set snares under fences on our shoot. Good luck I hope you get it :good: . Did you check the rest of the boundary of the field for possible runs? It shouldn't be too hard with the snow to find out which one he is using so I am sure you have the right run.

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I'd be very surprised if the fox hasn't jumped through the stock fence once caught.


I had done similar set ups, with great success, until I read in the guide that it wasn't recommended to set snares in or under fence lines presumably to prevent the fox hanging itself as mentioned.


I'm not telling you not to do it, just passing on what I read.


Best of luck.


What are you arming yourself with when you go to check them??



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