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Sun, Snow and Power Pigeon


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Ok here it goes!.... I invited a dear friend to come and have a day pigeon shooting with me as he has done all the other types ie, stalking, wild boar, pheasant, rabbit, foxes etc etc but he has never shot over decoys whilst being in a hide ( which I thought was quite amusing! )... So he arrived at mine for 08:00 and went, we got to the location at 08:30 and on the way he just also happened to tell me that he has bought his photography camera along and his notepad. Reason for this being is because he writes articles for a few well know magazines, The Field, The Countrymans Weekly and also Shooting Times.

As we pull up in my truck at the destination we notice 100-150+ pigeons feeding on the cut corn field we are going to shoot over, so without any hesitation the truck was quickly unloaded, hide set-up, decoys laid and rotary magnet in position....whilst posing for a a few snaps :lol:

At this point now I'm beginning to doubt my choice of day as the heavens opened, the snow came then the hail then wind, but to my amazement pigeons seem to commit to the zone in flocks of 4-5 for about 3 hours. It was slow going but we were positive that the day would get better.

We both pulled off some really good shots considering it was my first outing with my new lovely Hatsan Escort Magnum courtesy of Mick (WabbitBosher) :good:

We had a slight quiet patch but a farmer rounded up some sheep about 3 fields away and it disturbed flocks and flocks of birds towards us.. So excitment kicked in, plenty of Power Pigeons were fired for a good 2 hours. We could have stayed there till it went dark but unfortunately my friend had a way to travel back home so we called it a day at 4pm..

So the total bag was 38 for a slow day turned good and my friend absolutely loved it, so I have invited him back up for whenever day he would like :D

Also when he forwards me the some pictures from the day for his article I will post up straight away.


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