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Wiring Led work lights, when do u need a relay?


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I'm going to wire some LED worklights/driving lights on to my dumper for working later on on these dark nights.


When i was a daft boy i put some spot lights on my first couple of motors but this was before LEDs and possibly even halogen so would be drawing a lot of current.


With these Led lights which draw very little current do u have to put a relay in or at wot power draw do u need a relay.



Also thinking of putting some reversing lights on my trailer, have tried it in past with a 5w buld light but never been that successful, would it need a relay too?

Had a 2nd cable/plug coming of the reverse light in van/pick up for power/live feed, in past i've thought not enough juice getting to trailer light so hoping the LED system should work better



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I think you will only need a relay, basically when the on/off switch your useing and wireing to it won't handle the load pasing through it. It all depends on the current and Wattage of lights, the thickness of the wire and capacity of the switch. i would imagine a 5w LED would be fine without a relay.Connect them up without a relay, but with an inline fuse, leave on for 10 mins, every minute or so see if the wires going to, coming from switch, or the switch itself gets warm/hot.

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These are 18W work lights but i can't find anything i the packaging that says wot ampage they draw.


Only thinking 2 lights on easch circuit, 2 driving 2 for working on roll bar and 1 behind for reversing on 3 seperate switches


Meaning to put some up in my dog kennel too just with an inline fuse as n power ran out to it yet

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