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shotgun law


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If you are the holder of a SGC you can have another certificate holders gun in your possession for 72 hrs, without the need for any paper work.


You cannot lend or give your gun to someone who is not a certificate holder - both of you would commit and offence.


The only exception that could apply in this case is if you are the occupier of land, and you lend you gun to someone you are shooting with - but then again we open up the old chestnut of who the police think are occupiers of land. Farmers, yes, farming tenants yes, anyone else...maybe- check with the police in your area who is a tenant in their eyes.



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Does it not depend on where you intend to go shooting clays?


i thought if they had a section 11 certificate it would be ok for non certificate holders to shoot?.....i may be wrong



Only under the instruction of the person named on the section 11 usually the coach

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11.6 permits are issued to a named person who has responsibility for the non-sgc holders shooting on the named land ( 11.6s give time and place, can be a single day, a schedule, or 24/365 depending on the clay ground's needs).


If there is an 11.6 permit at a ground, and you just roll up and shoot with your mate, your mate being a non-sgc, you are comitting an offence unless you have reported to the 11.6 holder and the sgc holder has been delegated the responsibility of the supervision. If you are unkown to the 11.6 holder, they will probably want you to go with the club coach or a known member of the ground.


Interestingly, the supervision of juniors by an responsible person over the age of 21 does not require that the supervising person has a SGC, although it would be prudent if they did!

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