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death from below

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just out of interest(due to this gyrocopter incident) I decided to have a look around the LACS and other hunt sab sites.....amazingly they all seem to have follow on links to anarchist websites. I'm glad to see that my taxes pay their dole money so that they can conduct their grubby little illegal pastimes.


If you have never had a look on some of these sites I would suggest you do. I( never realisd I was such a murderous animal who , apparently, 99% of the general public despise.


Maybe I should take up flower arranging :innocent:

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Ha! i just had a read of that, it's hilarious! some of the quotes on there!the thing is that people will read that and accept it as gospel!

my favorite "although they lowered their guns as we passed the tranquillity of our countryside stroll was already shattered''

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Punters pay anywhere from £400 to £10,000 per day to blast hundreds of birds out of the sky. Most of the carcases will have died for nothing more than sport and rather then reaching the cooking pot will simply be thrown away.


More lies, every bird on the shoot I go to is consumed.

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99% of people despise me anyway, thats what i get for working in insurance :LOL


my ex was a bit of an anti - she was a vegetarian and when i first started shooting i was "allowed" to shoot pigeons, etc, but nothing with 4 legs - humans were ok tho :innocent:


anyway one night we had a row, next day i was off work and she was working, so walked into the garden, shot a rabbit, butchered it and cooked it and left the remains of the bacon wrapped carcass in the oven. she found it when she was putting her quorn sausages in the oven.... ;) ;) ;)

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Don't give them the time of day. Did you see the female member on Kill it, Cook it, Eat it?

Silly cow!


Anyway, what has a stag being shot with an Airgun got to do with the shooting communtiy? As I remember, it was a stalker who put the deer out of its misery.

Edited by sirnovember
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It's easy to be an anti as they have very good, but shallow propoganda. Any average human being seeing their propoganda is going to say 'oh that's terrible'. However, further and deeper research reveals the truth about hunting, and the absolute horror of the alternatives, and also what very nasty and sick people many of the hardcore antis are - education and the provision of non-sensationalist material is the most important thing, so that people can make informed decision, and know whether they are responding in a subjective or objective manner. The pro-fox hunting lobby have done an excellent job doing just that, and you can see the increase in popularity caused by the banning, as have the fur industry. It's also a case of making people see that being anti-animal cruelty is NOT the same thing as being anti country sports.


Remember PETA lost a lot of support from the models because of PETA's behaviour, not because the models were bribed into wearing furs.



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