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About Aled_cky

  • Birthday 13/09/1989

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  • Interests
    Shooting / Computers / Drinking / Surfing / Girls

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  1. that does look extremely grose.. and i just had food i've skinned a rabbit.. and while gutting found it was pregnant.. about 6-10 from what i remember of them.. i just came across something that looked like a lung heart.. but there were loads of them near the womb of the rabbit and they were blue anyone else had this?? that is just horrible though Vim.. i'd like to know what it is though if you find out. Aled
  2. Come on aled you tease `fess up found out that my best friend fancies my girlfriend.. she had a text from him yesterday saying apile of ****.. both of us are shocked... but i guess thats just one of the #1 ways of back-stabbing... :( i had suspected something when he asked her round for a shooting.. but i said not to wise decision now.. thats the main Friendship issue... best friend stabbing me in the back by saying to my missus he fancies her and she has no interest in him atall Aled
  3. you lot might kill stuff with a .177... but i by hell wouldnt.. dont shoot rabbits anymore with .22.. just use 12bore and 410.. Aled
  4. Aled_cky


    i dont mind ruining it only joking.. with people like Hubertus with the english language i think it should survive. to be honest.. Napier has posted ALOT and a hell of alot more spelling mistakes than me... and im dyslexic Aled
  5. looks good mate.. what Cranfield said would be best... but yours is extremely realistic.. Aled
  6. recognised it aswell.. one of the funniest ones is when they are doing a film over 300years ago and you can see a plane flying in the sky or the smoke coming off it :o i've seen a car in one film that was based for over 400years ago i know in the film 'The Village' they forced all planes to stop flying over.. if you see the film you'll understand why.. and i think in more and more films they are stopping air traffic. Aled
  7. my dads Baikal is very light.. from what i remember.. will have to take pics for you Dunganick. Aled
  8. would like to see that .177's maybe.. but the wood quality is awfull. i have a Gamo .177 and the wood is awfull.. dont like the gun atall.. then the BSA .22 is very very nice.. if you did a poll between Gamo and BSA.. i would say BSA would win hands down. Aled
  9. i got the first part Aled because thats my name and then cky because that was my online gaming name 3years ago and was until last year because i finished.. i kept the name as cky for on here incase anyone else had Aled and if anyone knew me from the gaming days... getting to one of the top teams in UK alot of people start to know your name :lol: well.. thats me. Aled
  10. yes i have seen this many times... i saw a few films over christmas (Aliens 2 being one) where they are firing at stuff for about 3-5mins straight and they still have half a magazine left.. if anyone has seen the film THE CROW with Brandon Lee(son of Bruce Lee) in he does actually die when he jumps onto the table near the end.. there was a stone or something in the end of the barrel.. and the pressure from the blanks made it fire towards him and rip through his chest can't think of any others.. Clint Eastwood films are usually good because of the 5shot mag rules etc.. Aled
  11. i dont think i've ever heard of a .22 used in target shooting though .177 goes further as the weight of the pellet is alot lighter.. 65yards for a rabbit with .177.... even i can't believe that.. 65feet or yards now? i think there have been many topics on this already in this forum. look around.. i much prefere any .22 to any .177... Aled
  12. Q: What does DNA stand for? A: National Dyslexic Association if there are any other people who are dyslexic on here sorry.. and i know there are afew.. i am dyslexic but still found it quite funny :o Aled
  13. thanks for that Jess.. you have expressed my feelings i did find that quite funny but on the serious note.. i have found alot of posts recently harmfull... Aled
  14. for shooting birds and rabbits etc.. a .22 is the best weapon though.. .177 can only just kill starlings and the odd pigeon .22 just knocks down them all... even when my .177 is 11.9 ft/lbs and the .22 being about 7.5 ft/lbs the Lightning is the same as the BSA Supersport but with a silencer and no open sights Aled
  15. something you could kill a fox with then :o Mr.Sniper last posted before that one mid afternoon on New Years Eve, i believe Aled
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