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Everything posted by welsh1

  1. And the plot thickens. https://news.sky.com/story/snp-accountants-quit-days-after-arrest-of-nicola-sturgeons-husband-in-finance-probe-12851893
  2. You posted in the wrong section, you also did not follow the rules "All sales items must be accompanied with a suggested price of sale, unless the vendor wishes to arrange a swap ONLY (ie rules out a cash sale), in which case there is no requirement to state a cash price. Should the vendor wish subsequently to offer the item for cash sale, a price must then be stated. Where an advertisement is posted without a sale price, the poster will be given 24 hours notice by a moderator to amend the thread. If the thread is not amended within 24 hours of the reminder to include a sale price the thread will be removed." You were not even offering anything for sale just seeing if there was interest . If reposting, please place in the correct section and please give a price.
  3. Now why do you think we had to add this rule to the sales forum? We hope everyone is trustworthy but sadly there is always someone who will try to take advantage.
  4. Sadly politicians seem to wriggle out of things that us plebs would get serious jail time for.
  5. And now the buyer who may not of been aware that he was giving up some of his protection will also be aware of the pitfalls of using that type of payment, and anyone else viewing this thread will have been reminded of the pitfall ,and the rules of this site.
  6. FYI i am a floating voter and have no allegience to any party. I was just pointing out that no Prime Minister is ever voted for by the general public. And i fully expect you to be as critical when labour come into power and not try to blame anyone else when they fail just as much as the tories.
  7. Wee nippy and her hubby are slippier than a bucket of eels and have memories that at times make you think they both have alzhimers, the police will have their work cut out to stick something on them.
  8. No one voted for him, how many times do people have to be told
  9. As i said it is a reminder, for both the buyer and seller, if you had asked for it as the seller your sales post would have been edited or removed and you would be suspended from the trading post.
  10. Just a reminder, "Sellers should not ask for payment to be made by Paypal as a "gift", this removes all Buyer protection and Ads with this condition will be edited, or removed and the Seller will be suspended from the Trading Post."
  11. Innocent until proven guilty of course, but the sudden resignations and "loaning" the party £100,000 smacks of something not adding up. Will he and Nichola have those sudden not being able to remember moments they seem to develop every now again again? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-65187823?fbclid=IwAR1lLagl2XqGgSB2NJUAmYDNrPP2Y2caBmCJfNTV5HfzXS_l0FLwfxv89PU
  12. Not my money i'm afraid.
  13. In my old job i used to deal with very large amonts of cash, the bank was a mile from my house, that closed, the next bank was 3 miles from my house, then that closed the nearest was then 12 miles from my house, what a pain to bank lots of cash and each time i had to use another branch i had to go through the rigmarole of explaining to them i was allowed to cash a cheque with someone elses name on, and constantly be quizzed as to why i had £20,000 in cash (amounts may vary). When the card machine was introduced to the company, people stuck their card in, i gave them a reciept, at the end of the week the office printed off a transaction log, life was so much easier.
  14. No it was grey plastic, and had a picture of a proper astronaught on the face, funnily enough my next watch was a timex, which i believe my Mum still has tucked away somewhere. That's a thing of beauty.
  15. Go look at the immigration laws changed by Blair, things don't happen overnight, you are looking at the damage started by Blair and labour. Who are the first to object when change is attempted?
  16. You are naive if you think that something instigated by blair and labour years ago has no bearing on the immigration problem we have today, not only blairs multi cultural britain and labours dismataling of immigration policies, but blairs disater in the middle east which even today we are feeling the repocussions. Labour and it's meddling with the immigration acts have a direct correlation to the position this country is in on immigration today.
  17. Do you accept that under labour and blair is when immigration started to become out of control, blair wanted a multi cultural britain and a bigger voting base, it was labour that started something that has contiued, and will continue even under a labour government. As for apptly demonstrating something, you have clearly demonstrated the way labour try to weponise anything another party does, if they spend money labour says it's to much or not enough, if they go to deport labour are against, if they start spending labour say it's to late. What i would be really interested in is a fully costed plan from labour for anything they object to and say they will do it better, because from where i am sitting as a floating voter starmer is the man of promise, but it is smoke and mirrors and he has no costed plans for anything, starmer will do nothing to stop the immigration problem, it's not in his parties interest to do so.
  18. And a labour government would control immigration lol, i seem to remember it was labour under blair that encouraged mass immigration. Nothing will change if labour come to power.
  19. Love a pocket watch, the first watch I ever owned as a kid was a plastic pocket watch with an astronaut on the face, there is something about opening it up to see the time and the workmanship put into them. That looks great.
  20. Not a Tag fan, my brother dropped a small fortune for one at Dhubi airport, it stopped working and getting it serviced is the cost of a kidney transplant. I do like the Tudor though, understated but just right.
  21. That must surely be down to parental laziness, my graddaughters 7 and 4 both know how to tell the time from a clock face (the 4 yr old is a work in progress lol), although it doesn't stop my eldest GD from waking up a between 3-and 5 every morning.
  22. You can buy mechanical watches everywhere, i prefer them, and have just adjusted two of mine a couple of weeks ago by demagnaising them and then adjusting them, they now run at -1 to +3 seconds a day. The centre two are mechanical, the reading was from the green one.
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