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About sambu13

  • Birthday 20/03/1988

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  • Gender
  • From
    East Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Fishing, shooting and generally getting outside, not one for the city.

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  1. Sale didn’t work for me but Thanks Spain187 for doing the legwork trying to sort this for me. Really helpful chap!
  2. Thanks for all the replies. Got a bit of a panick on but based on above I will call feo tomorrow. Cheers
  3. Could I transfer them to a friends sgc and let mine lapse? Then re-apply when I get my cabinet moved to my parents in law (not simple)
  4. Thanks for the replies i havent relocated them them yet they are still at my parents
  5. Hi there, in in the process of renewing my sgc I’ve realised i haven’t notified the police that I have moved address. My guns are kept st my parents house (previous address) but I now live with my wife’s parents just down the road. I obviously have the cabinet key in my possession. My only explanation for the omission was that the ‘move’ to my wife’s family home was incremental and took me years to change it on all official documents. Advice please !
  6. I'm pleased it's not just me who thinks it's a great gun! I think it's a fair price and less than I paid.
  7. I wouldn't say dull no. I've attached another photo, I'm a big fan of the more understated engraving. I maybe should have given it a bit better polish before taking the photo.
  8. Hi this is my gun. I've attached a picture of the top lever:
  9. Hi im trying to make this decision at the moment. I think it will save me £70 month (lower rate tax) over the Passat estate which is my other option. most of my mileage is in 100+ miles trips also the real world figures for MPG wont be a benefit. have you found any issues? im particularly interested in motorway driving and the sat nav which I really didn't get on with on the test drive. thanks
  10. HI, Not sure about the chokes I'm afraid, although I've never suffered from the 1/2 and 1/2. Not sure when I'm next down there, would be Jan or Feb - i will let you know? Sambu
  11. Hi, I have just measured it at 8mm at the breech, then widening slightly to 11mm before narrowing to end at 10mm. I used a ruler and there may be .5mm either way. Is this what you were after? Cheers Sambu
  12. This one Winchester 6500 Trap 30" vgc 12 gauge
  13. Thanks for the comments, I bought the gun on the spot after the first try and its a shame to see it go. Hotaeroman - you could always get a bigger cabinet! Sam
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