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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 4 hours ago, Jim Neal said:

    He's a chunky little chap, is he from pure working lines?  I'd be considering the full tail as a slight disadvantage but not a deal-breaker, just have to hope he wouldn't smash it to bits on door frames, kitchen cupboards etc plus the issue of getting snagged up in heavy cover but that can be mitigated against by keeping it trimmed.

    He's a busy little fella!

    Yea if you listen to the video I say it's the only downside to him by that I mean the tail ... 

    Yea his siblings are all black and white pure working cockers.

    He's the Only one that colour .

    I probs won't be getting him as I'm struggling raising the funds and the lad is selling them quite quickly... 

  2. 4 hours ago, NoBodyImportant said:

    Over here Pets falls under the Castle doctrine in most states.  Meaning you can use deadly force to protect.   You can also actively presue and use deadly force to retrieve them which separates them from property.  Someone steals a TV you can’t track them across town and shoot them.  But pets you can as you can a kidnapped child.  

    You can use deadly force to protect property own your on land but you can’t go to his house and kick the thieves door in.  Pets you can if you suspect they are in immediate danger. 

    Sounds good to me !!!! 

  3. 12 hours ago, Old farrier said:

    it’s recognised that dogs can sense seizures and fits in humans before they happen

    Yep Jess would jump up on sofa and lie with her head on the wife's lap about 2-3 mins before she had a fit and not move until she came out of it also if I wasn't in the room she'd bark to get my attention ... All of her own accord no training in any way 


    I've got a video of the pup running round our sitting room but can't upload it  so if any kind person has WhatsApp and would upload it let me know ( pm me your number).

    It's KC reg microchipped vet checked and had 1st jab 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Old farrier said:

    Cockers can be a bit of a challenge 🤭

    however go for it as your obviously the boss 


    the wet sack trick works ever time 

    Lol I'd just go and buy it now if it wouldn't cause her problems with her epilepsy . Stress and arguments trigger them off so I have to work very diplomatically around things .

    I have however got the seeds planted as today she said " if we were to get another I'd prefer a spaniel over a  labrador either a Springer or cocker" 

    So time will tell hopefully

  5. Well I'm thinking that my may be losing my marbles .

    But can some of you intelligent folk give me some guidance PLEASE....... 

    It's 2.5yrs since I lost Jess unexpectedly .

    She was Springer X gwp and was the First gundog I've had and easiest dog I had ever trained .. 

    Now the interesting bit 

    Yesterday I got offered a cracking little dog cocker honey & white 


    My Mrs is still saying no but I'm well on the way to having another .

    So I'm wondering how much harder they are to train .

    If anyone has WhatsApp and knows how to upload videos I can send a video of it running around our sitting room ....

    Oh and any ideas on how I can convince the boss on getting him 



  6. 7 hours ago, Centrepin said:

    Thanks for all the replies, I'll take the ball off and have a proper look. 

    It's always soft when it doesn't start, becomes hard in two or three pumps then fires up immediately. 

    Definitely sounds like you've got a bad seal somewhere that's allowing drain back check the leak off pipes between the injectors ( if it's got them) they are prone to going hard and cracking allowing air in over time 

  7. Is the primer pump the rubber bulb type that you squeeze and let go ect ? Is it soft and playable or hard to squeeze . If it hard I'd say by experience ( more than a few times) that's your trouble as the rubber hardens it becomes porous it doesn't leak fuel but does allow the fuel to drain back over night


  8. Just found 4 feeder springs in shed will swap for an opinel knife or W.H.Y ( may be more if I find them)

    I know they haven't got much monetry value but some one might want them .

    I'll cover postage of springs you cover post your end ... 

    Owt considered

  9. 5 hours ago, ditchman said:

    using copper was my next venture...and then bronze......but i found it difficult to find bronze plate the right size and thickness.....or phosphor bronze...........when i get moved (soon now)....i will start again   and try different bone/antler /horn....etc.............really like the idea and look  of the horn you did....i wonder how it would take chequering ?

    I've got a mate that owns an old fashioned scrap yard and I just go see him and have a rummage .

    That's where I got the 13mm ally plate that I used.

    Hopefully he'll have some copper buzz bar lying around 

  10. 2 hours ago, ditchman said:

    i think the reason why they make superb gifts is EVERY ONE IS DIFFERENT...............when you recieve it ....you know damn well that is the only one like it....and will never be copied..........its like a limited edition of one :good:

    Spot on m8 .

    I'm doing his with buffalo horn but obviously different to mine .

    I'm thinking of maybe brass or copper  pommel and I've seen a mosaic pin with a deer head in the centre  

  11. 13 hours ago, Diver One said:

    @hodge911I now officially hate you😂 As you have just opened  a new winter pastime for me when I am not attempting stick making 👍   And a local shop has just started stocking Opinel

    Lol as ditchie says it's a bit addictive... I was up the estate yesterday having a catch up with my keeper mate .

    I took it up to show him and came away with an old opinel of his to do for him 

  12. 11 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

    Sounds very complicated and a minefield.


    Oh yes .

    When I was testing I can remember asking the vosa man who used to turn up unannounced to watch us test a question on a problem I had with a vehicle and the reply I got was " well that's a bit of a grey area and is down to tester's descresion "  . Instead of them just saying this is a pass and this is a fail . And having it in black and white . 

    What I asked about was a transit 

    The guy rang and said can I book a class 7 test so I booked it in . At the given time a swb single wheel transit with no side loading door turns up . I said to him that's not a class 7 mate it's only a class 4 he says I've had it to another station and they say is a class 7 ... Now after testing for many years you know what is and isn't a class 7 .

    I start to take vehicle details 

    Reg number 

    Go to passenger side door step for vin plate I write the chassis number down and the gvw which was 3500kg making it a class 7 

    Something was still not sitting right with me as I'd never seen a single wheel swb transit as a 7 .

    So I go to driver's side door where the vin number is stamped into the step .... AHH right . The chassis number on the vin plate and the one stamped into the step were completely different. Looking closer at the vin plate I could see the pop rivets holding it on were too big .

    On pointing out to him that the numbers should be identical and there was a problem he jumped in and drove off.

    The trick they try to pull is put the reg number plates and vin plate off a knackered class 7 pick up or van onto s good vehicle to get a pass cert then swap back onto the knackered vehicle therefore gaining a full test on a pile of poop ( yes u guessed it he was a *****) they were camped a mile or so away and I passed the camp and seen the van parked up latter on that day 

  13. My Mrs used to wear a perfume called ORGANZA .... 

    We were at the metro centre when she said oh I need to get a new bottle of perfume so into perfume shop we go and the middle aged woman behind the counter pipes up can I help .

    My Mrs says yes please can I have a bottle of ORGASM  sales assistant replied I wish they sold it pet I'd have the biggest bottle they sold . I was peeing myself .

    My Mrs took a wee while to fathom out why 

  14. 1 hour ago, Old Boggy said:

    4.5.1 states vehicles after 1st March 2018 regards fog lamps to be checked. My 21 year old RAV4 is therefore exempt (I think). Thanks for the link though.


    It also says 1980 onwards vehicles must have 1 working lamp in center or offside ... 

    So it all depends on when vehicle was registered ..... 

    There are lots of cut off dates for different class vehicles it's a mare trying to remember them 

    I used to test Cass 1 2 3 4 5 & 7 

    I can't remember how many times a day I had to check the tester's Bible to see what dates / rules applied to

  15. 10 hours ago, ditchman said:

    how did you attatch the pommel ?

    Edited 10 hours ago by ditchman

    I sort of copied you ...

    With the ally being 13mm thick I drilled 2 holes about 10mm deep and tapped a thread into them screwed machine screws into them with locktite then put white paint on the ends of them lined it up with the end of the horn and marked it drilled slightly bigger holes in horn tapped them then filled with epoxy and coated the horn end and clamped until set

  16. 29 minutes ago, Dave at kelton said:

    I had the same problem with cutting the slot. In the end the only way was to do it by hand and eye with a Dremmel and cutting disc.

    Lovely job though and something to be proud of. Well done.

    Firstly I used a 1mm thick cutting disc on my angle grinder but struggled getting the blade to close I ended up using a carbide cutting / reaming attachment in my dremmel but that also opened the width of the slot .

    I think it was mainly down to the curvature ot the horn  making getting an even depth a bit harder.ll

  17. 5 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

    Also can confirm that the fog lights don`t form part of the MOT as one of mine faces skywards after driving over rape stubble and still passed

    They do mate ... Only the one on the driver's side must be working . And it must be a certain distance to the right of the centre of the vehicle.


    Coronavirus (COVID-19)Guidance and support

    MOT inspection manual: cars and passenger vehicles

    Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
    20 May 2018
    22 March 2021, see all updates
    Search this manual

    4. Lamps, reflectors and electrical equipment

    Headlamp, position lamps, daytime running lamps, stop lamps, indicators, hazard warning lamps, fog lamps, reversing lamps, lighting ‘tell-tales’, trailer electrical socket, electrical wiring and battery rules and inspection for car and passenger vehicle MOT tests.

    Show all sections

    4.1. Headlamps,Showthis section

    4.2. Front and rear position lamps, daytime running lamps and end-outline marker lamps,Showthis section

    4.3. Stop lamps,Showthis section

    4.4. Direction indicators and hazard warning lamps,Showthis section

    4.5. Front and rear fog lamps,Hidethis section

    In this section

    4.5.1. Presence, condition and operation

    You only need to inspect:

    • front fog lamps fitted to vehicles first used on or after 1 March 2018
    • the 1 rear fog lamp which must be fitted to the centre or offside of vehicles first used on or after 1 April 1980


    A rear fog lamp is not needed on:

    • vehicles not fitted with front and rear position lamps
    • vehicles with permanently disconnected, painted over or masked front and rear position lamps
    • tricycles and quadricycles

    Front and rear fog lamps are permitted to operate independently of any other lamps or ignition systems.

    Fog lamps must produce a steady light which is:

    • white - for front fog lamps
    • red - for rear fog lamps

    Rear fog lamps may be combined with the rear position lamps.

    A ‘light source’ means any bulb, LED or other means of emitting light.

    You must assess damaged or repaired lamps for security, colour, light output and durability.

    Defect Category

    (i) A front or rear fog lamp with a multiple light source up to 1/2 not functioning
    (ii) An obligatory rear fog lamp missing, or a front or rear fog lamp inoperative or in the case of a multiple light source more than 1/2 not functioning

    (b) A lens defective:

    (i) which has no effect on emitted light
    (ii) such that emitted light is adversely affected

    (c) A front or rear fog lamp:

    (i) not securely attached
    (ii) likely to become detached


    4.5.2. Not in use

    4.5.3. Switching

    Front and rear fog lamp switches may be combined or independent switches.

    The switch or switches must:

    • be secure
    • be able to be operated from the normal driving position
    • operate the fog lamps as intended

    Rear fog lamps may be combined with the rear position lamps. Front and rear fog lamps are permitted to operate independently of any other lamps or ignition systems. The function of a fog lamp must not be adversely affected by the operation of any other lamp.

    Defect Category
    (a) front or rear fog lamp switch inoperative or not operating in accordance with the requirements Major

    4.5.4. Compliance with requirements

    You must inspect:

    • all front fog lamps fitted to vehicles first used on or after 1 March 2018
    • the 1 rear fog lamp which must be fitted to the centre or offside of vehicles first used on or after 1 April 1980

    Fog lamps must produce a steady light which is:

    • white - for front fog lamps
    • red - for rear fog lamps

    Rear fog lamps may be combined with the rear position lamps.

    A rear fog lamp is not needed on:

    • vehicles not fitted with front and rear position lamps
    • vehicles with permanently disconnected, painted over or masked front and rear position lamps that are
    • tricycles and quadricycles

    Switch on the rear fog lamps and operate all the other lamps in turn to see if the rear fog lamps are adversely affected.

    You must assess damaged or repaired lamps for security, colour, light output and durability.

    Defect Category
    (a) Front or rear fog lamp emitted colour or position not in accordance with the requirements Major
    (b) A rear fog lamp adversely affected by the operation of any other lamp Major

    4.6. Reversing lamps,Showthis section

    4.7. Rear registration plate lamps,Showthis section

    4.8. Rear reflectors,Showthis section

    4.9. ‘Tell-tales’ mandatory for lighting equipment,Showthis section

    4.10. Trailer electrical socket,Showthis section

    4.11. Electrical wiring,Showthis section

    4.12. Not in use,Showthis section

    4.13. Battery(ies),Showthis section

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  18. 7 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i bet you are chuffed with that :good:

    the begging letters are going to be coming thick an fast

    Yea very pleased at my 1st go .

    It's not up to your quality but I have a few ideas for the next one . What I had the most bother with was cutting the groove for the closed blade . It ended up slightly wider than I would of liked . And getting the blade to close .... 

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