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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. its one of the most painful things you,ll get . the affected area usually a joint [ its a build up of crystals in joint] sometimes it feels hot looks red but the pain is intense .

    I could not even bear the weight of a bed sheet on my foot  breaking my thumb was less painfull

  2. 14 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    Some folk should never be allowed to own them. I was in Morpeth today coming out of home bargains, a bloke walks past, kids in tow with a lovely border collie. The dog walked into his path and made him stumble a little. He called the dog worse than ****, the the ****** kicked the dog :mad: 

    after he was confronted for his action, he said “ do what I want, it’s my durg” 

    should have been taken around back and treat like his dog. :no: 



    people like that are muppets and should be prosecuted no warnings or the like there are ways to let your dog know its done something wrong without physical contact.

    the last time me and my mate [hes built like a brick ****house and has a switch not a temper] were at raby castle show while walking round encountered 3 young chavs you know the type walk round all day every day dressed from head to toe in realtree cammo all with bull cross lurchers bragging to anyone who was stupid enough to listen to then how many "pigs" their dog had done . any how one of the muppets for whatever reason decided to rag this pup round by the lead then kick it a few times . that action immediately hit my mates RED BUTTON he walked straight over to them grabbed the dog off the one who was kicking it passed the lead to me turned and hit the kid that hard it lifted off his feet and put him straight on his behind then turned to the other 2 and asked if they wanted the same and that if he ever seen them again that day they had better not be abusing the dogs . after he apologised for kicking the pup we gave the lead back and walked away . for the rest of the day at the show we crossed paths repeatedly and the lads were like little school kids … now before you all start I know he,d probably do the same to the pup once away from the show but at least for a couple of hours it was safe-ish

  3. Yep I know how you feel .... I've got a couple of things that need finished but just lost interest in them for now ...

    The biggest being the one swmo is whinging about the most ..... earlier in the year I made and fitted (currently in primer) the new kitchen unit doors and drawer fronts .

    They need sanding and spraying high gloss (2 pack paint).

    My excuse at the moment is its too cold to spray them the truth is I'm that peed off with myself I can't be bothered

  4. For flip sake !!!

    Does anybody have a fast forward button to get rid of 2019

    along with all the rest of the poop that has been put in my cup ( losing jess , losing sister wifes health deteriorating my seizure I November) to top it off tiling the new steps into conservatory 3rd from last tile cut didn't snap cleanly jagged point ripped the heel of my left hand . Lot's of blood later off to walk in centre 2.5 hour wait then xray 5 stitches later (god. Does it sting when their pushing the fatty tissue back in to the hole prior to stitches ) left hand bandaged up ..... yes I'm left handed..... so if anyone does have a F.F. button for life an they loan me it please .

    The faster this year is done the better 

  5. My mrs received a text from 07378903131 saying 

    "Google has a present for you" along with a link to click on . Thankfully she didn't and showed me first .  I typed the number into "who rang me" and its got a red danger alert attached to it . Its been searched for over 2k times and is definitely a scam txt.

    so please warn people to be careful

  6. I know how your feeling mate (as will every other member who has lost a four legged friend) having lost the best dog I've owned in may of this year .

    She was her normal self until she very unexpectedly collapsed and that was it .

    Losing her has affected me more than losing my dad as I knew he was dying (cancer) where as jess was fine (or so I thought) . She is still a huge miss so please accept my thoughts and sympathy at losing a family member / best friend/ companion.

    Right that's it I'm away to wipe my eyes 

  7. The shaft of the mechanisms are 18mm long ... I understand it will be very difficult to cut them that 

    Sorry I thought I had sent this Wednesday but it must of gone into draft folder as it just sent now when I logged in ..

    Your fire and wall inc adornments look ace m8 

  8. Have you actually spoke to trading standards ?

    There are very specific rules that apply to motor retail industry.

    On the lines of vehicle must be fit for purpose and you have to (which you have done) give them a chance to put things right and I think there is a bit that says it is relative to the price paid  I.e if you pay a couple of hundred £ its completely different to the amount you paid .......

    You need to ring your local trading standards ASAP 

  9. The shaft of the mechanisms are 18mm long ... I understand it will be very difficult to cut them that thin so if I say 25-28mm thick and I can recess the back about 10mm to sink the mechanisms in .

    As for dia a few different ones would be good 



  10. 8 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    That looks fab. Hope everything goes swiftly with your recovery! 

    Cheers martin I'm going stir crazy stuck in & not been able to just jump in car go . Even more so coz I'm missing driving the game cart for the first time in years 

  11. 2 minutes ago, moondoggy said:

    A stunning picture of a stunning dog.

    I lost my dog at the same time as you lost yours. I still talk to him.

    I know what you mean bud the casket with her ashes in are on the corner of the mantle piece in sitting room .

    I (once I feel time is right) plan to scatter some of her ashes up on the shoot where we spent a lot of great times .

    There's one spot where we used to wait for the pigeons flighting over under the cover of a large single tree .

    She would sit next me and watch the gun go up like a coiled spring ready to launch herself to go retrieve the bird .

    She was,also phenomenal at hunting the cover regardless of how thick it was  and would go on point when there was something in 

  12. 12 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Yep, not good for you but one of the most beautiful woods when finished.

    now my interest in doing a good job has just trebled .

    anyone fancy going in depth to describe best ways to get the best look from it ...…….....PLEASE...…...……. :drinks:

    am I thinking along the right lines regarding precautions to take ….

    1, [as already mentioned] good respirator

    2, gloves

    3, eye protection

    4, dust extraction [ I have a vacuum that I can plug sander / tools into that auto starts when tool switched on ]

  13. hi all 

    a Q for the wood gurus amongst us 

    what is the best way to finish / buff to a high gloss finish on yew wood discs ?

    I have a post in the wanted section for trunk discs . a mate of mine has managed to get me some yew wood discs cut from a trunk that has been dry stored for over 2 yrs now .

    I have not seen the wood yet but I,m planning on using it for some clock faces and would like a nice high gloss finish on them if I can .

    do I go for spray on laquer or brushed on epoxy resin buffed to a high shine ……………………...… or does any of the P.W masterminds know a better way 

    any info / ideas would be excellent 



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