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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 6 hours ago, ladyjack said:

    Yeah hodge been there  done it, taken people out and never  returned the favour, also went behind my back and tried to get on farm,tends to leave you wondering if its worth it, even though it's a bit  of a drag  by yourself, 

    Yep ... took a so called "mate" out on my permission 3 times then I had an accident and had to have an operation on my shoulder which meant I couldn't drive or shoot for 6 weeks . I rang him to see if he fancied going out & I'd lamp for him but always got the answer "can't just now m8 got a lot on ".

    Fast forward 6 weeks I drove to the farm to apologize for not being up as I couldn't drive . Farmers reply was "oh I thought you had as I've seen the lamp on the fields a few times.

    Couple of weeks later my "mate" called in with his young son who during the chat dropped into the conversation "hodge there's loads of rabbits on your farm me & dad have shot loads lately"

    Needless to say he's now an ex mate ....

  2. 11 minutes ago, ladyjack said:

    Ok I'll check 2morrow morning 

    Hi  hodge,I've  been trying to look back at my messages, but can only go back so far, I think we were going to go shooting together a few years ago, when my l200 was off the road, unfortunately I had an operation that left me unable to walk for 1 year, and unable to get a out for a further 2 years, this would have been about 2015, I think, hopefully everything works out for you with liscence, and  you are back on the road soon, all the best da e

    yeah mate

    I cant remember the exact details bud but something on those lines  . its a proper pain in the but not been able to jump in car & go out …

    ……. funny how the coin flips ….. lads that I have taken out and can drive haven't been in touch to see if I want a look out  now that I cant 

  3. 1 hour ago, ladyjack said:

    Got to take  my chainsaw  back to still again, to get fixed, tomorrow  on my way to farm hopefully pick up on my way back,let me know what sizes your after and I'll have a look, or I can cut the size for you, 

    about 1" thick and about 12" round or near to ………….. idea of making a couple of clocks to see how they go … [no tick tock comments ]

  4. hi mate thanks for taking time to reply .

    I,m in Swalwell  [ metro centre ] .

    I am going bloody stir crazy not been able to drive until I get the all clear from the hospital.

    even going to miss this season driving the game cart on the shoot that iv,e been on for the last 18 years 😭😭.

  5. 15 hours ago, figgy said:

    Remember the ypvs power band thing, like mad thing when it kicked in.

    OH YESSSSSS !!! 

    "Back in the day " my best mate was one of the 1st in the area,to have the lc350 ypvs 

    That was the first bike I ever scared myself stupid on .

    Whilst overtaking the scholars bus on a large steep hill I dropped a couple of gears and cranked it open and just as I got mid bus all hell broke loose and it climbed up on to the back wheel for the rest of the length of the bus (my best  ever feet on pegs wheelie) I have never been any good at wheelies but that accidentally pulled one had all the kids on the bus thinking I meant to .

    When I got off I was buzzing like a bee hive 

  6. On 17/11/2019 at 14:56, Walker570 said:

    I'm a long way away but if someone is travelling the M42/A42/M1 route then I am just 10 minutes off at the junction A444/M42/A42. 

    DAMN TOO far {as my luck always goes} 

    if there is anyone closer to me got some let me know please 

  7. On 15/11/2019 at 21:33, Walker570 said:

    Can find you a few. BUT, you must realise that once cut to say 1 1/2 inch thickness there is little doubt they will crack.

    I have a 15 inch yew log lying in the yard which has been there two years. I have cut a few slabs off but your welcome to have a slab or two if you can collect. Also have some oak, ash as well but a bit smaller...12 inch ish.

    Whereabouts are you mate ?

    Unfortunately I can't drive at the moment (see my post in off topic "well peed off") but depending on your location I may be able to get a mate to collect for me 

  8. So then would it be more sensible to get pre-cut discs from planking.

    Any info on what type of wood is best would be good .

    My idea is to use a battery mechanism and use .243 case ends for the 12   3   6  and 9 and .22 lr case for the other numbers 

  9. cancelled my membership 3yr ago now after it took them nearly 16.5 hours to recover me 175 miles , I phoned them at 9.30pm on a sunday night and informed them that I needed transporting back home to Newcastle on tyne as the bottom crankshaft pulley on my diesel Vectra had done the usual and separated into 2 parts . 11pm a man in a little van turned up only to say oh theres nothing I can do with that I,ll have to see if I can arrange a recovery truck 12.30am a sub contracted recovery truck turns up loads us up and takes us a further 65 miles away from home to meet up with a AA truck at service area on M6 then the farce started we were dropped at every service area up the M6 to await another truck eventually we got dropped at services on the M62 and told we had to wait for the next shift of drivers to start it still took another flaming 4 trucks to get us home at around 2.30pm on the Monday afternoon .

    now during my multiple phone calls to complain about the appaulling  service provided not once did we get any form of apology even though both my wife and I had missed multiple doses of medication .

    I had been a member for 18 years [gold card]

  10. thanks for all the kind words guys …..

    I,m hoping its a 1 off through all the worry I,ve had of late 

    losing jess , having to break into my sisters house & find her dead and the long wait for the results to see if my mrs has parkinsons on top of her epilepsy and other health problems 

  11. 7 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    You need to be very careful driving wise usually you need to be seizure free for a year before your licence is re-issued, assuming, of course, that you informed DVLA?

    going to wait until ive been seen by the neurology DR before I contact dvla but I wont be getting behind the wheel either for sure

  12. Just now, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Well at least you got help promptly.

    I hope it all gets sorted out and that you do as you're told.


    most certainly mate there is no way I,m risking mine or any other road user by driving until Drs say so as it is all a blank I can not remember any of it at all

  13. sitting posting this feeling well peed off .

    Friday teatime me and the mrs went to the metro centre for xmas presents for the grand kids and I ended up in A&E for 48hrs .

    I can just about remember parking up and the next thing I remember is the paramedic clicking the seatbelt on the stretcher in the back of the ambulance ….

    my wife tells me we were walking round when I turned to her and said I needed to sit down as I felt funny and promptly collapsed to the floor bouncing the back of my head off the tiled floor and going into a full blown seizure .. biting my toungue frothing at the mouth and shaking . from collapsing to coming round in the ambulance took around 45 mins .

    I,m home now on the mend but it looks like my season is done as I can not drive until I,ve had tests done and got the all clear [fingers crossed] from the Drs .

    as I have never had anything like it before hopefully its a 1 off .

    they say it comes in three well this is hopefully my third the other two been loosing jess my dog/best friend then shortly after having to break in to my sisters house to find her passed away now this [all since end of may this year]

  14. we had melanistic pheasants on the shoot I drive the game cart for about 5 years back and they were the worst birds for flying we have ever had in the 15+ years I have been there .

    during the beat you just  about had to kick them up the backside to get them to lift …. on a morning when we dogged in they would run the full length of the field with the dogs close behind and the bag numbers for that season were the worst ever ….. the land/shoot owner ordered them after attending a shoot down south the previous season ….. but he agreed it was a huge mistake and has never overruled the keeper again 

  15. Well in these days of scams and dishonesty today I had a pleasant surprise.

    I've decided to clean the cobwebs off my fishing gear (as that's something my Mrs doesn't mind accompanying me for with me being her carer and since the untimely passing of my sister who used to sit with her to give me a break) .

    So I contacted a local angling club with it's own stocked lake to see if there was any membership spaces going.

    The Secretary swiftly responded with an offer that was really impressive. There is membership spaces available as of 1st January (£20 per year) but he also said to get in touch when I want to go up and he'll give me a complimentary day ticket so I can try the lake out .

    Now that's something I never expected......🎣🎣

  16. had mine for a year now 2004 mk1 diesel auto . replaced my 2003 xtrail

    had it across the fields and dirt tracks on my perm and its been fine even with road tyres on was fine in the snow last year 

    ive had it remapped for economy and on a run down to Whitstable from Newcastle it averaged around 48 mpg at a steady 70 mph [set on cruise control] 

    never had a volvo before and really like it .

    repairs are a bit costly tho just had a reconditioned steering rack fitted along with 2 lower ball joints 2 front drop links at a cost of over £650 

  17. 1 hour ago, Lloyd90 said:

    I didn't mean yours,

    I meant Andrew's when he suggested telling them there was no food and no water... despite that not being noted in the original post.

    It was something that was made up just to get a call out... a false report and a waste of everyone's time. 



    Ok mate thanks but I thought I better clarify my post just in case 

  18. 16 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:


    Most sensible post so far.


    This time of year and recent weather your bound to get fields full of mud, and horses on grass eat and eat and can become sick. 

    Also there are plenty of horses that live out and don't need silly coats or jackets. 


    I'm quite surprised, many on here would be up in arms if the RSPCA came round and started lecturing them on keeping their gundog outside in a kennel, yet some have suggesting making false statements in-order to get them out... 

    If you mean my post I'll clarify..

    I made the post as a,tounge in cheek go at the rspca 

    By that I mean that when people contact them (me included) to report what may or may not be a geniune case of improperly kept animals they should attend to confirm either way ..... which if I remember correctly is what they were set up for... 

    But they have way too many times proved they are now an association that is far removed from its origins and will if there is any suggestions that some form of country pursuit is taking place will attended rapidly in the hope of gaining a prosecution / publicity .

    But contact them to report a suspected case of cruelty they do not seem interested in the slightest .....

    I will end there as I can carry on with true incidents of THEM breaking the law ..... but don't want to be kept typing all morning

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