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    Nottingham, nr J 24 of the M1

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  1. **** sake. Thats horrible, fat *******, SUV driving, old people shooting helpless, birds 'just for the crack'. That makes me sick. Look at the **** in the red shorts. Sometimes I hate to think I'm related to these people.
  2. Bonjour, I'm going away soon, to stay in a cottage on some farm land I've got permission to shoot on. I will be taking my shotgun (1) but there is no safe or secure location for the gun. Where should I keep the gun? I will have my dogs with me, so I'm not worried about anyone stealing it, more than im 'ticking the boxes' in the eyes of the law. I thought I'd break the gun up, sleeping with most of it in the bed at night(extreme but best for security?!). What do you do with guns while you're away from home, on a shooting weekend or similar? Thoughts? Thanks, Jon
  3. GJUK

    Money to burn

    Just bouncing off the limiter is not the way to drive a car like that. It's probably not his!
  4. GJUK

    James Edwards

    His screenshot shows AVG antivirus running, something a company would not trust or use. Shows he was on his home PC at the very least :-).
  5. GJUK

    trojan virus

  6. He got the time for breaking in and saying he would kill the guy, not for flushing away the drugs. Stop reading the Daily Mail.
  7. Hmm. My teacher told me to look at the 'pip' not the target, close one eye and then shoot. I may try your way, see if it improves things for me J
  8. Not with that information. No.
  9. Yes. don't be a cheapskate. If you love dogs, you should buy them from a proper breeder. Backyard breeding does nothing for any breed.
  10. Ner it'll be alright. Lob any two dogs toegether and hey presto. You always get 100% healthy pups if you do this.
  11. Can't beat a bit of cheap 'back yard' breeding.
  12. Derby is near me. I'm a new starter to shooting as well though (been out in the field around 10 or so times). Maybe inthe future we'll 'hook up'. Good luck and have fun.
  13. Another child the tax payer will pay for . Nothing changes.
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