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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. Hammergun


    YP - did you by any chance used to be one of those really annoying Dukes of Hazard fans with CB Radios in the 1980s?
  2. The post was about someone shooting a fox at point-blank range, where the pellet still has most of its energy and is easily able to penetrate a fox skull. Even an FAC air rifle pellet posesses a fraction of the energy of a basic rimfire (about 100ftlbs). I know of someone who has an antique precharged air rifle which takes .303 bullet shaped pellets (I think it was), fully rifled and is very powerful. There is an insert tube to allow it to take a smaller gauge pellet as well, which fits inside the .303 barrel.
  3. When I log onto the chatroom, I keep getting an error message where it says "Java connections must use secure encoding". Can anyone help? :(
  4. Red_stag88. Your first idea for a real bird decoy would be far more effective as a rat decoy. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Don't forget - papier maché shrinks and shrivels when it dries, so you need a strong wire frame.
  5. The CLA Game Fair. Harewood House, Harewood, Yorkshire. Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd August 2003 Midland Game Fair 2003 Saturday 20th September & Sunday 21st September Holkham Country Fair JULY 19th & 20th 2003 Holkham Park, Wells, Norfolk Chatsworth Country Fair Sat 06 and Sunday 07 Sep 2003 Lowther Country Fair August 9/10 Great Yorkshire Show Tues 8 - Thurs 10th July 2003 Journées Nationales de la Chasse et la Peche, Chambord 20 - 21 - 22 June 2003 Definitely Clay Pigeon Shoot at Lowther and Chatsworth. No pigeon shoot at Great Yorkshire Show. Don't know about the rest.
  6. "EXTREME"!!!! The name says it all!! :laugh:
  7. Remember to ask your ma before you borrow her liquidiser to make the papier maché!! :laugh: :laugh: I am going to make some real bird shells this summer. They are made by de-breasting and cleaning birds, then preserving them with formaldehyde (raid the biology lab! lol). Apparently they are the best deeks. I will mail instructions if anyone is interested.
  8. Don't forget the 16 bore. It is lighter than the 12, but has more range than the 20!
  9. You should avoid using such generalisations as it does you no favours. What may be true in some odd cases does not necessarily follow for everyone. I know a number of farmers struggling to make ends meet. It's a bit like saying all people living in the South East are rich, or all foreigners are stupid.
  10. Happy Birthday :( :evil: :(
  11. If you payed by PayPal and used your credit card, many credit cards carry insurance against fraud, so I suggest that you also contact your card issuer to see if you can get your money back from the card insurance. If the seller takes your money and doesn't give you the goods, then this is without doubt a case of fraud!
  12. Brain Dead - this subject has been covered several times before - suggest you look through some previous posts in this section. =( Hollow points are good, but only at close range as they are not terribly accurate over distance. I've found wasp as good as anything, but again this has been discussed at length previously..
  13. I think the CZ200 is the same as the S200. If so, I am very pleased with mine. I am told it is good for rabbit shooting but I've always used the shotgun for that up till now - maybe try it during the summer. With a good scope, it is very accurate. I have shot hundreds of rats and barn pigeons with it, no bother. I am looking to get the 9 shot magazine as well.
  14. Have a look round your local industrial tool shops (see the Yellow Pages). The ones I have linked to are so comfortable, you can almost forget that you have them in. I am not a fan of earmuffs, and would choose plugs every time. With earplugs, it is much easier to concentrate on your shooting and ingore what is going on around you, especially in clay competitions.
  15. My advice would be to get a few pairs of the reusable type ear plugs on a cord. Buy the flanged type. Don't use the foam type (sponge picks up all sort of dirt over time and can lead to infection). The type I use is commonly available from industrial tool and safety stores and costs about £1.20 a pair. I don't reckon it's worth spending loads for earplugs as these give as good a protection as the expensive ones. They can last for months, provided you keep them clean. Remember to wash earplugs after use or being in dirty pockets to prevent ear infection. Get a few pairs, leave one in the pocket of each shooting jacket, another in your car, and one in your guncase. That way, you will never forget them. The link below shows you the type which I prefer. These are the highest rated reusable earplugs available: http://www.howardleight.com/cgi-bin....airsoft
  16. Yes, I'm tempted, but I want to see one and try it before I buy one. If your budget is only about £50, I would look at getting an old Webley, BSA or Diana, rather than one of the new Chinese things you can get for about £50 at the moment (which aren't worth the effort). There's a lot of farmers and other folks who have old webleys or BSAs stashed away somewhere, and if you ask around / put an ad in your local farm store or paper, you should get some replies. Remember to try out before you buy!
  17. I have an Air Arms S200. Nice and light, powerful and easy to use. Bagged over 100 rats, and several pigeons in the first week I had it.
  18. When the farmer gets to the bottom of the hay stack, the bales which have been on the ground are often a bit mouldy and don't get used to feed animals. He will most likely let you take these. Hay has the advantage over straw in that it is heavier and lasts longer without falling apart. Once you get your hide built, it will stay put for a very long time. The farmer where I shoot suggested that I build more than one hide, at the edges of the field, so I get the field well covered. A hide in the middle would interfere with the crop too much.
  19. Seeing that we are discussing this (again) at the moment, let's have a poll!
  20. I have patterned the following carts, all with the same gun, true cylinder. Best pattern was from Grand Prix 6 x 30g and HB Pigeon 6 x 32g. Gave an even distribution. Impax 28g and Clear Pigeon seemed to give a more uneven shot distribution, with large gaps. Express Pigeon Special 6 x 30g was somewhere between the two.
  21. One obvious difference with 12 bore compared to 20 or 16 bore is that you have lots more choice of cartridges.
  22. Non-toxic shot is not necessary for seagulls themselves, but lead is "banned on all coastal foreshore areas and on certain inland and coastal SSSIs which are of importance to waterfowl. Additionally the use of lead is banned for shooting all species of ducks and geese as well as common snipe, golden plover, coot and moorhen." Anybody know if gulls are any good to eat?
  23. First piccy is the rock dove, recognisable by its dark neck, black marked wing feathers. They are protected by law (don't know why as they're not endangered - they are all over the place) Second pic doesn't look like anything I've seen. Looks like some kind of feral pigeon, which has maybe some rock dove in it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  24. Haven't we been here before (several times)? Anyway, I'm now hooked on HB Pigeon 32g fibre for pigeon. and Grand Prix for pheasant Got to agree that I don't like Blue Diamond (I found that even 24g Express was more effective), and I'm not too keen on Impax
  25. Firstly, I would try telephoning the seller. You can get their details by asking Ebay for them if you bought the item through Ebay. If not, I think PayPal can do so as well. If you bought the item via Ebay, you should contact their customer services for advice. You can file a claim for non-received goods. I have done this before and it is easy to do. If you bought the item outside Ebay, you should contact PayPal as they have an insurance policy for non-received goods.
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