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Everything posted by Hammergun

  1. I went to have a fox mask stuffed once and at the time, the taxidermist was stuffing and mounting a rat as a trophy for somebody :unsure:
  2. Depends on what budget you have in mind.
  3. I wouldn't think you could climb up a tree after the squabs - have you seen the nests - right at the top amongst the spindly branches! :unsure:
  4. My mate once was waiting ready with his gun when he felt a heavy blow to his shoulder, knocking him over. A shot pheasant had descended from a great height, heading straight towards him at terminal velocity! :unsure:
  5. Hammergun


    I think that the UN could have gone a lot further and really leant on Saddam more. However, now war has started, there's no going back and it needs to be executed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Forces need to get in and get the job done, get some stability and then get the hell out again.
  6. You think that's bad! You should see what prawns, crabs, lobsters and plenty of fish eat. I was once in a farmyard years ago when I saw a hen pecking at a dead rat!
  7. It's a bit like passports. The old license should be made void when a new one is issued.
  8. Good idea William. Can you replace the words with alternative "clean" versions, or otherwise YP's posts will be all asterisks, and illegible! And don't forget - you can't blank out "cock" on a shooting forum! LOL :unsure: PS I'm surprised Cranners left that pic of Craigie making love to his car on for so long!
  9. Yes, but make sure you have a photocopy of your license, and that you have enough cartridges. I would ask him anyway as to what you should do so that nobody can later say anything to the contrary.
  10. I found a recipe for Rook Pie in an old cookery book (and am going to try it out this year). Posted before ages ago but I can't find it! (I am told that rook meat is made more tender if marinaded in milk for at least 12 hours before use) "The rook affords a dry and coarse meat. A pie made of young rooks is tolerable; at least, it is the best form of using these birds as food. There is, in the opinion of some, a resemblance between the flavour of the young rook and that of the young pigeon. Rook pie - Rooks require long stewing, or they will not be tender. The breasts are the only parts of the birds which are really worth using, and when the other portions are put into the dish, care should be taken to cut out the spine and the flesh near it to the width of three quarters of an inch, or the pie will have a bitter taste. Many cooks lay the birds in a dish, season them with pepper and salt, put a coards flour-and-water crust over them, and then bake then for a couple of hours; the next day they remove the common crust, lay good pastry over them, and bake the pie in the usual way. The following recipe will, however be found very good: Take six or eight freshly killed young rooks. Skin without plucking them, and to do this cut the skin round the first joint of the legs, and draw it over the head. Cut off the necks, draw the birds, and cut away the legs, backs and wings. Cut a pound of chunk steak into neat squares, pepper these, and lay them in a pie dish, pouring over them half a teacupful of stock or water, cover the dish closely, and bake themeat until it is almost done enough, Lay the breastsof the rooks upon the steak, with a small slice of butter upon each. Sprinkle over them a seasoning of salt, pepper and pounded mace, and pour over them as much stock or water as will barely cover them. let them bake gently for half an hour, Let the dish cool, then line the edges with good pastry, cover it with the same, ornament according to taste, make a hole in the centre that the steam may escape, and bake in a brisk oven. When the pastry is done enough, the pie may be served. Time to bake, altogether two hours and a half, probable cost, uncertain, rooks being seldom sold. Sufficient for five or six persons. Rook Pie (another way) -Skin and draw six young rooks, and cut out the backbones. Season them with pepper and salt, put them in a deep dish with half a pint of water, lay some bits of butter over them and cover the dish with a tolerably thick crust. Let the pie be well baked."
  11. Not altogether sure that this entire topic is a good idea - stag weekend with guns - I think not! LOL
  12. William - could it be that Rapedate was actually PigeonPieman in another guise, come for his revenge? :unsure:
  13. Hammergun


    I've got my eyes on a rookery I'm now allowed to shoot. Gonna make myself some rook pie this year!
  14. At the moment, I'm doing an early morning (7.30am) session, doing some work, then doing a little roost at 4pm.
  15. Anyone going to Chambord this year? I am looking to hitch a ride.
  16. Hammergun


    Isn't it meant to be "Al Qua'eda terrorist" smilie? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: YP - sounds as though you might as well go and give up now. Go and get rid of your dogs and guns, go veggie and get some tree hugging practice in.
  17. Hammergun


    No, we should try to pursue diplomatic means and give the weapons inspectors more time they have asked for. OR Yes, Saddam Hussein has not cooperated fully and has had his chance.
  18. Hammergun


    I may have a Nikko Sterling 3-9 x 40 scope as new for sale cheap if the person who wants it chickens out. Mail me if interested.
  19. In the countryside where I shoot, you would be hard pushed to find a vehicle WITHOUT a CA or BASC sticker!
  20. Hammergun


    You get what you pay for. If your rifle is a spring gun, the cheap Chinese scopes get shaken to bits with the recoil. I wouldn't get anything less than £50 as the chances are it is ****. Second hand scopes often tend to be knackered, so you would need to try it first. Nikko Sterling / Simmons / BSA are OK. They are, of course, all made in China as well, but are of a higher quality. I got a Russian Zenit scope which is superior to the chinese ones, but not easy to come by. There's some good Russian scopes on www.sovietbazaar.com
  21. Mahmood - did you get the 9 shot magazine for your S200? I am looking at getting one but am after some feedback from a user first!
  22. Is he planning to take on Saddam on his own? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  23. Just as I said........... My experience of the police is that there is one guy who is an expert (and a keen shot), but the rest of them in the department are admin staff who aren't so clued up. However, in my region, they won't give out information they aren't certain about until it has been checked by the head guy. I came across an item in an old shooting book today. In 1899, the cost of a game licence was £3 (probably about £50 in todays money), and the cost of a gun licence (annual) was 10 shillings. Interesting how the proportions have reversed over the last 100 years.
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