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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. ever since i posted in this thread theres been a pizza delivery van parked outside the house with a satellite dish on the roof :lol:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    you get a pizza truck :lol: lucky!!


    I only get this ole white landrover with flashing lights and angry men with guns. They say they want in, but not before they tell me the secret password!!! :lol:



    1 litre wide-mouth bottle

    12oz 350g blackberries (take care not to bruise/crush them or you will get a raspberry/vodka smoothie!)

    2 or 3 cloves

    1" 25ml cinnamon stick

    4oz 125g caster sugar

    I bottle of cheap vodka


    Some fruit in the bottle then some sugar some more fruit more sugar, at some point put in the spices, repeat and then pour in the vodka.


    Stopper it and leave alone for as long as you can resist temptation.



    How long can you leave this unattended, because I'll be away from home for 3 months, and it'd be nice to have something waiting for me :lol:

  3. Thousands of brave men that answered England's call during two World Wars.




    Back to the Polish again are we?


    Still I suppose NI is British while the hand outs are happening, just like Scotland. Maybe you should try standing on your own two feet for once. I wonder how long it would be before you were on your knees?

    oh, you know us, always back up in a flash and raring for more :good:

  4. Sorry Mick,


    We still have Northern Ireland, and that grates on you lot more than anything else. So that will have to do.


    I may have missed it in history lessons but what have the Northern Irish ever had? Apart from the means to blow innocent people up. :yes::oops:

    well, at a time the biggest (and best) shipyard in the world, one of the largest linen producers


    Oh, and a ship that couldn't quite go all the way :good:

  5. I don't know if I'm alone in knowing about this fantastic album, not one of my metal loving friends had even heard about it, but you have got to listen. Probably the best rock album that'll be released this year


    for those of you who have spotify: click here


    For those without, you'll have to get it from other sources I'm afraid

    here's 8 of 11, Time

    enjoy :good:


    (and yes, ozzy fudd is the same guy :good: )


    edit, it appears the youtube embed isn't working, here's the http http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXjNVJpAA44

  6. I do believe (could be hearsay) that the most dangerous form of transport that you don't drive yourself is the train ???


    and relax, the wings are meant to flex, it's a reed and oak tree situation :good:

  7. Have you thought about ringing around the dealers near the airport and asking them if they'll let you rent one of their courtesy cars?


    you'll definitely get a better motor that from euro car or similar (last rental was a 308 diesel :hmm: )

  8. I got a 1.4 206 back in january, cost a grand at the time, and has cost something in the region of 500 quid to tax and get it through the mot. On the upside, I get 40+ mpg which is nice and easy on the wallet (relatively :blush: )


    I can categorically say though that it is as much use as a chocolate tea pot off road though, alright in the dry, but lets face it, I live in Ireland (island of) and it's usually wet.


    Insurance was in the region of 800 quid with me as a named driver, but for me it was only social and domestic use (hence my mother uses the car more than me)


    I would imagine that something like a subaru justy should be nice and cheap to insure, 1.0/1.2 engine, 4wd, fairly cheap


    If you're thinking about something more recent, there's always the fiat panda :lol:

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