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    stalking,foxing hunting abroad,

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  1. been and come back weather is aweful just like your attitude I will go for a deer in the morning instead
  2. just thought I would share my experience with Riflecrafts copper remover,after trying most if not all the cleaning products over the years Iam truely amazed at this stuff. I had a demo of it at tyhe Newark show and I was sold,I bought there cleaning rod and jags which are not bronze so they dont weep blue onto the patch which gives a false reading. well I gave my 7mm a good going over with it today and the copper it shifted was amazing, I would highly recomend trying some if you like to keep your rifle shooting right. just to say I have no afiliation with riflecraft just sharing my experience of a great product. try some you will be amazed
  3. as usual reverting to insults,when you havnt anything else to say,typical key board warrior
  4. Iam thinking the same,I have one on the way I dont mind the fox its the **** it leaves that my pup rolls in and the stink of it **** around my gate
  5. sorry to disapoint you as it seems you follow me around like a bad smell to "try" and get a rise,unfortunatly Ive been around a long time to get upset by words spouted on the internet by faceless key board warriors. I actually thought you had found a sence of humour with your last comment I did find it really funny,but your getting very very boring and again ruining someone thread. well done you should get out more,its doing you no good "stalking" me,Iam flattered but your not my type anyway got to go off out shooting "again",not sat in all night thinking of something to try an upset people
  6. now thats what I needed to read,many thanks
  7. now thats funny,if you wasnt such a tit i think I may like you b ut you are
  8. turn the record over mate ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  9. yes mate,but dispatching a fox held in a snare isnt really shooting is it,muzzle held to the back of the head. quite true
  10. yes you should be sorry,now grow up you should go and read my first post again,but very carefully instead of flyingf into a rage to try and pick holes that just isnt there
  11. a fox that keep messing in my garden
  12. to set snares around your garden ??
  13. no one can really answer your question if they did it would only be a guess,just put the board out and see where it lands
  14. says nothing apart from I had a great time unlike some who constantly sit bickering on there PC looking for argumnets that just arnt there Gixer you fail,to grasp "accuracy kills" you or I, well I owe it to what we are shooting at to place a bullet in the vitals. accuracy in the field is no diiferent to accuracy on paper if you havnt got a stable rest you dont take the shot,well responsable shooters wont. what is a "practical limit" ?? I think I started a thread on "whast your comfort zone" a while ago and 99% agreed "its what your confident with" so Gixer just becasue you not confident at 400 yards doesnt make it wrong for someone who is. the bench mark for a hunting rifle is 1 MOA or under for lets say "practical limits" so anything over that needs work and I wouldnt take into the field,but thats me. you seem to be very "hung up" on people who can shoot beyond "your confort zone" or is it you just dont understand what a modern firearm with taylored home loads can do. your getting so boring with your little digs Iam sure if i said black was black you wopuld say it wasnt instead of ruining a thread like the loads of posts thats been already removed which were all probably a dig at me,why dont you add something constructive
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