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About miroku4399

  • Birthday 11/06/1971

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  • From
    Colchester, Essex

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  1. I hope that the Argy's try and take the Falklands back at the beginning of May this year as Im going down there for 2 months with my Company Shane
  2. I carry my hmr and shotgun most times when im out rough shooting, on monday when i was out i shot 4 rabbits and a squirrel with the rifle. I prefer using the rifle for rabbits as it doesnt spoil the meat which i prefer as it goes to my dads ferrets. It does make it a lot heavier carrying all the kit but the benefits are worth it. Shane
  3. I had that feeling once go on and have a good spend Well Done Shane
  4. Shot 8 yesterday whilst out with my dad on wheat stubble Shane Total 14870
  5. Shot a jackdaw yesterday whilst out with my dad after a few pigeons Shane Total 5329
  6. I was confused that he was being charged with murder but am in agreement with some of the other posts that maybe he has admitted to it. Shane
  7. Nice gun seeing that reminds me when I was in the army cadet force at school Shane
  8. Had 14 today on a field of wheat stubble Shane Total 13984
  9. Shot 3 last week with the shotgun at night Shane Total 4299
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