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Epic Fail

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About Epic Fail

  • Birthday 24/09/1989

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  • From
    Port Talbot

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  1. I hope this sells, I love my 500 that I had for super cheap, but I am looking for stock & forend replacements Did you buy the magpul bits after purchase or were they already on there?
  2. Thanks for these! That is the black diamond range Some of the descriptions say it only has a shelf at the top but some say it has a small lockable compartment Other than the lock breaking, how does the rest of the quality seem ?
  3. do you have any decent photos of this? the ones online are all stock images so really hard to judge the quality
  4. from what i am reading about them, this is what i can see too
  5. That sucks... proprietary locks This is the main reason I was looking at lokaway as they use industry standard locks
  6. So i had originally ordered a Lokaway LOK4DK from my local RFD in June for July delivery from GMK July went, August went & no sign of it on the ship from china. Turns out GMK cant get any from the factory until the end of the year so another cabinet is in order Does anyone have any experience with the Black diamond range from Buffalo river ? specifically the 18 gun https://www.winterfieldsafes.co.uk/buffalo-river-black-diamond-line-18-gun-cabinet.html Struggling to find any photos / videos or info other than stock images and the odd image of a 24 gun cab from the US
  7. Hi Steve Are you still shooting at severnside ? Or have the rfd's number ? Just the joined tondu, but as mentioned it's only smallbore I'm also looking for a larger caliber range to shoot from
  8. Yeah I love the design! Doing lots of research as they don't have the standard BS7558 certificate But they do have a cash rating certificate en14450 Hoping that South Wales police would approve it
  9. Thats a pretty decent price for the 8-10 gun cab !
  10. Do you have a link for this? Can't find the specific model number on the brattonsound website
  11. After a few years i'm looking to get back into shooting. Certs were not renewed in 2014 I have not yet put my FAC & SGC application in but was looking for some feedback on Gun cabinets from the community. I am looking for a larger cabinet so that its as future proof as possible, however as always, money is always going to be tight but do want a good balance of security, size & price I'm not really a fan of the types of cabinets that have 2 independent keys, no handle or locking bolts. as most don't look that secure and the hassle of keeping 2 keys - ones like THIS My previous cabinet was an ebay special and was more of a Vault style, it had 1 lock, 1 handle and multiple locking bolts this is pretty much the exact cabinet i used to have https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GDK-5-POINT-VAULT-LOCKING-6-GUN-CABINET-VAULT-LOCKING-SYSTEM-SHOTGUN-RIFLE-AMMO/291572988343 My FEO was previously fine with this cabinet when inspected in 2009 OK, I have been very fascinated by the company Lokaway, their approach to the door mechanism swinging in and being a full face hinge on one and full face slotted into the frame on the other https://www.philipmorrisdirect.co.uk/lokaway-lok3k-high-security-810-gun-safe/product/ http://lokawaysafe.com/products/gun-safes/lok3k-gun-safe.html It seems to meet the requirements set our by the home office of being made of a minimum 2mm steel, have internal hinges etc It also uses industry standard lock mounting points so that locks can be changed if desired to higher quality locks such as la gard digital locks however it does not carry the BS7558 Certification. It has however been tested to some form of EN14450 Does anyone have experience with this Lokaway brand and specifically in south wales?
  12. This has now been SOLD its gone to a good home thanks for all the messages and calls though
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