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Everything posted by Norrie

  1. Lamp arrived today, superb bit of kit...Thanks..:(
  2. Aye, and I shoot with a guy who has no permissions, apart from a couple near Weegieville, or Buckieland.... so, being a proper gent...I allow him onto mine...:-)
  3. Pete, Hi mate...Can I have first dibs please...depending on your answer to my PM...:( Lamp is ace BTW...thanks again...
  4. Hya, I had the same problem..posted on another forum about my grieff, and was told to download a copy of this...Glary Utilities, fantastic bit of kit...sorted my PC out no bother at all....I "managed" to get a "Pro" copy... Its so good, my mate , who's the IT manager for a large company, bought a "real " copy, and is doing all his works PC's with it... http://www.glaryutilities.com/ Good luck...
  5. Hi there, I'll have this please...PM incoming..
  6. LOL, Like the European Championships in 1996,...actually 14 years yesterday..I was at my Bros wedding in Long Eaton near Nottingham, England were playing Tobler...sorry, Switzerland..the reception was upstairs...we heard roaring,...as we both were VERY interested in the game.... we went down to the bar to see what the score was...the roaring was England supporters throwing the dummy out the pram, and pint pots at the TV...after Switzerland drew level......lol, havent seen anything so funny in ages... England did go on to win the group...and did well ...only getting beat in the semi's...on penalties.. BUT, hopefully, they'll do well and go further this time.....
  7. Hiya, I do it almost every night, as my nephew is over there right now...
  8. Hi There,..Welcome to PW...its a great place and some great guys too...:-) I'm near Falkirk.... :blink: Plenty of us from Scotland on here...have a wee look... http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...ite=%2Bscotland
  9. Just reread this one...and thought I'd better clarify my situation as regards angling....the last 8-10 years of my life in angling have been involved with the Common Skate tagging programme...I personally have had fish caught, tagged., measured, photo'd and released, to recatch them maybe 30 mins later....so...obviously no problems there...especially considering, we are talking fish of upwards of 200lbs in 4-500 feet of water... I'm also a founder member of SSACN.... http://www.ssacn.org/ have a look...it does work..
  10. Hiya, We , (Davy, my mate and I ) were asked by the farmer on one of our permissions to get rid of every Maggie we saw....he's a cattle farmer, and they are sitting on the backs of the cattle pecking away at them...looking for tics etc..so, when it comes to market time, the cattle have massive blotches on their backs...therefore bringing the price down.... We've culled a load of them at that farm so far, mainly with air rifle, but now shotty..but more still keep showing up..... but the farmer has noticed a big difference in the songbird population since the start of the year...B) Another farmer has asked me to clear his ground of them, as they and the Jakies are eating the mastic out his window frames on the farmhouse!!! still got to get round to that.. Today , while out having a wee stroll,at another permission, we saw a family of three Maggies having a play next to a hedge...( Mibbes something to do with hunting songbirds as in previous post) anyway...2 x 12b carts later, strike 2 Maggies.. Another got away!! but later, after having another go at it... it was missing a few tail feathers.. Wings are now being collected to give to the local angling club...got a nice little collection so far!!! and we only started saving them recently...
  11. Hiya, Got any sizes for the trap??
  12. Hi There,...Thats a belter of a boat...the Raider....my mate has the 18 with a 135hp on it, gets you out fishing in no time at all... Glad you had a good day out..I've fished out of Weymouth and Lymington, and love that area.... Well done on a great post.....
  13. Yep, nice one mate...you not been bitten by the "Crinan Fever" yet?:o
  14. Hi Tam, Thanks for that mate...not giving up fishing...will keep my 12lb and 20 class gear... selling the boat too..:o...I'll become a charter tart now...Ian Burret and Ronnie Campbell will be sick of the sight of me soon... Also, I can still go after skate whenever I want , got loads of mates with boats...:o just canny do the trips on my own boat every weekend like I used to..:o
  15. For sale... My Common Skate gear, this comprises of....A Penn International 11 50SW two speed reel....capable of bringing in any fish in at least UK waters. Loaded with new 55KG Powerpro braid, IMHO, the finest braided line available...and to complete the line, a 200lb wind on leader. I bought this new a few years ago..its still the current model, fully serviced just a week ago...and in great condition...cost new from Glasgow Angling is...over £800.... Think I paid just over £600.... Reel does have some scratches etc and marks, BUT, from use and NOT abuse.... Rod...is an 80lb class Conoflex blank, custom built for me by a well known rod builder from Bristol...fitted with Stuart Rollers ( from the US ) they have just been stripped and rebuilt....the Butt is Aluminium, the rod has a fantastic black Gloss/Matt finish..and will easily cope with ANYTHING that swims around the UK...mibbes even the planet......it too has some marks, and scratches to the butt, but nothing at all to detract from doing the job perfectly well.. I've had many Common Skate up to 240lbs on this setup...and I'm only selling because I'm selling my boat as well...all to finance my love of my new hobby...shooting. Rod cost in the region of £300 to get built....and will last a lifetime.... Selling for £350.......or (once my ticket comes in ) swap for a .22 LR or .222 Price will include delivery by courier to your door. If you need any further pics etc etc...just PM me.
  16. Hi All, After MUCH discussion, with both my (ex ) stalking mate, and FLO.... and taking all your posts into account....I've decided for a few reasons, to stick to the .222....main one is, I'm a total newbie to shooting "real" guns...and want to walk before I can run....also, at the moment, I'm only after Fox, and Roe, so, the .222 will do for that. The ammo is easily bought too...Rab..I'll give the Stirling shop a shout mate, thanks for that...I work in Stirling often.... Another is cost/economics,...the .222's I've found are a tad less expensive that the bigger calibre guns, and thats an important part for me...till I sell my boat at least.. As I said, experience is my main concern.... I really want to progress to stalking Reds , but at the moment, theres no real reason for me to have a large/er calibre gun, as there are no Red Deer on any my permissions, only Roe...so.... BUT, on saying that....I've been invited with my mate on a Red Deer cull, up where we fish on the West Coast of Scotland...and at some point, I will need a bigger calibre.... So...Can I thank EVERONE of you for your much needed, and very valuable advice....I really do appreciate it all.... Please feel free to continue BTW, I'll gladly keep reading..
  17. Hiya, I'm in Scotland too, and had my interview last Thursday...my FLO was very informative...and really helpful..and a proper nice guy....Tho', I dont remember any questions at all, cept "did I have any convictions?? " and about the calibres I wanted and why...,...no problems there at all... He talked me through the forms again, and told me a few things that i didnt know about.... He inspected my cabinet and ammo/bolt safe and said they were fine...then after a general chat, that was it.. He gave me his card, and his email addy, so I can let him know what fishing gear I'm going to be selling to pay for guns.. In fact, when he saw my boat in the drive, the convo was to a big part all about boats and sea fishing.. I had been really nervous till he knocked on the door, as soon as I met him, he really put my mind at ease...his love of his job and his training did that I suspect... So...Dont worry about yer interview...I was , and in hindsight...nothing to worry about, long as you told the truth on yer app form, you'll be fine..Honest... I wont wish you good luck...you wont need it ..
  18. Hi Guys...Phew!!...what a discussion I've created...and I've loved reading all the comments..Thank you all so much.... . I cant get hold of my FLO till tomorrow, due to the bank holiday.. so, will phone him then and have a chat with him.... I also called Glasgow Field Sports on Saturday, they say that .222 ammo is not a problem to get, they have lots in stock ..so...that ( for me) dispells that part... My reason for asking for a .222 is, it will be my first "big calibre" rifle, and I will be using it for Fox, and Roe...and I was advised by my mate, also one of my referees, who was a stalker in the Highlands for years...he gave it up, but still does lots of shooting , so, that might be why he advised me to get a .222, I'll also get back to him.. Another mate has a 22.250, and its a lovely gun, hits everything ( almost) that he shoots at.. .bit expensive for me right now tho, this is a new hobby for me, and I want to walk before I can run... The learning curve is massive for me...but as is shooting, its VERY enjoyable... Thanks again guys, and as soon as I speak to my FLO, and re-read the thread, I'll get back and let you know what I decide... :blink:
  19. Hiya, just had my interview tonight...and the gun calibres I asked for were ok...no problems there at all... Air FAC, .22lr and .222 ....now, my question...I dont see a lot of .222 guns around, either for sale, or being used... is this a popular calibre??...I was advised to go for this by a friend , who's much more knowledgable than me...so, go for it I did....should I have gone for .223 ?? It's not too late for me to change calibre.....so...hopefully you can help me there.. Cheers guys..
  20. Thanks guys,,...my son in law has his own car valeting company...he's ordered all of the above for me..
  21. Magic, will get to Halfords at the weekend, and get some...Thanks for that..
  22. Hiya, Anyone know what I should use to clean up the sidelplates on my Rizzini 12G ?? Or...should I even clean them up ?...they are a tad dark....I was told by the original owner, that he had'nt cleaned the sideplates in the 7 years he had it...he did tell me to use Toothpaste..tried it tonight, but wasnt convinced........I dont want to go using "brasso" type products.... It's very nicely engraved with pics of various game birds..Tho from this pic, you would'nt think so.......and a decent clean up ( IMHO ) would just finish the gun off... Thanks in advance guys..
  23. Hiya, Thats exactly what I was worried about guys, and thats why I reburied it under a ton of rubble.....it hasnt been moved from where I found it, and from where it's lain for maybe up to 40 odd years... I read that article too, most worrying..
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