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Everything posted by Norrie

  1. Hiya, Aye?? Paint, flake from the U.S. and 7 coats of Epoxy ?? Good one.. Have a look here, http://www.bellevuedobermankennel.com/news.php Scroll down till you see the van..."before" and "during "...still waiting on him to put up the "After" pics..:o
  2. Hiya, Dont know about cars...BUT, My bro lives in Nottingham...he's a spray painter...anyway, he bought a Doberman from a guy in Belfast, they got talking, and the guy drove over to Notts, for my bro to spray his van.....it's an amazing custom job, and the guy says there is no-one in N.I. doing that type of work!!!!
  3. Tequilaaaaaaaa.....Try a Tequila Popper, in Mexico, ahem, or rather TJ....( Tijuana) immediately after drinking it in a oner, the waiter wraps yer head in a very hot towel, ...then shakes yer napper like a mad thing...you feel like yer brains are gonny pop!!! absolutely amazing!!!!! Slammers are good too, but everyone " normal " drinks them....
  4. Well, We canny use your car..no bleedin sunroof!!!!
  5. LOL, Yep, you keep hitting them, I'll keep going back and kill them for you.,...
  6. Aye, didnt think it was, but thanks for looking..:o Once I get my new remote lamp..( Sunday) I 'll be driving over the farm...not walking..:o Sheer bliss..
  7. Hi Guys, Thanks for all the great comments..I didnt realise the value of it.but he's a great mate, and is looking after a true "Newbie" to the sport.....he's also swapped me my old Vulcan for a remote lamp for my 4 x 4...:o ..and I def got the better bargain... Gixer, I dont think thats the serial number, sure it has 4's and 7's in it...cant look at it just now, as it's living near Weegieville at Davy's place....not got my licence yet. ( interview next Thursday) ..BUT, will check next time I'm out with it... If yer ever down this way, and want a wee try of it to reminice....PM me, and I'll get you a day out on the farm with it.. :o It will be out a few times a week soon enough...as one of my permissions is literally at my back door.. One thing we did notice tho', it's heavier than Davys Baikal....but, as I'm a fitter, stronger specimen, thats not a problem... NOT !!
  8. I'd love to go and get it right now..which I could no problem..would only take a few mins....but, would'nt it still be an unlicenced firearm?? Therefore, years in jail...and dont pass go!!
  9. Thanks guys for the replies....LOL, In a Bush....not quite, but almost. ..found it I did, in a wrecked cottage on one of my permissions....I was having a "look around" after a rabbit as you do, and saw the top end of the barrel sticking out from under some rubble...been there for ever I think...but left it lying ( Re Hidden ) as I wasnt sure about the legalities of taking it home....I've not got my FAC yet, and didnt want to jeapordise that... Its seized absolutely solid...and will ( I think ) never work again..
  10. Been fishing for 40 odd years, never felt like that...and NOPE, I dont share yer views...they seem too anti for my mind!!!! D'you think the same about the Rabbit, or Deer, or even the Fox you shoot ?....no, so why think like that about a fish...hmmm, next it'll be Mussels, then Worms.....
  11. Hiya, Can anyone give me some idea what this is please, and age.......it needs some TLC I think...piccs were taken last evening.. It had QL2 on it.... Sorry about the pics,. all done on my phone.. Thanks in advance guys..
  12. Hiya, Just very recently got this as a gift from my mate...it was his second string gun...now my first..:-) Not had a kill with it yet..still not used to it...but loving the learning curve.. It's an E. Rizzini 12g O/U ejector, havent measured the barrels yet... it came with all the chokes, and the key in the original wallet..... What a crackin guy my mate is.. B)
  13. Hiya, Your gun looks brill...nice stock....:0 I love my .22 Solo...and took this a couple of days ago...it wasnt till I downloaded the pic and opened it...that I realised how good a job the cammo tape does...I didnt see the barrel or mod against the shed door till I looked properly.. Not as good as yours tho'...
  14. SOLD To Ishapoor....thanks Michael...enjoy mate..
  15. Hi There., PM replied to, email on its way.. Norrie
  16. Hiya, To hopefully assist with the purchase of yet another new gun..( Remmy 597 ).I'm sticking this up on here first before it goes on that Evilbay site... Written in 1855 a 1st Ed by Christopher Idle it is 7in x 4.1/2 in wide. In good readable condition, no pics. It has some cracking to the spine, ( Please see pics ) but still all in one piece. It comes from my collection of sea angling books ( over 1000 ) that will be getting sold along with my boat and my gear..have decided to concentrate on shooting nowadays, as I need to get fitter , and not fatter...!!! I want £35 incl Special Del, paid any legal way, tho, if Paypal, please add 4% to cover charges. I paid wayyyy more than that for this very rare book......but needs must. So, a great piece of shooting history using muzzle loaders... Any more pics etc, get in touch through PM. Thanks guys.
  17. Thanks Gordon....just off to have a look.. Much appreciated.
  18. Hiya, As the title, any idea where I can buy a new fibre optic sight for an E.Rizzini??? I'd never even heard of them till this afternoon...
  19. Hiya, I'm a total newbie as regards Shotguns, and this afternoon was out with my mate...I had a few tries with his Hatsun Escort 3 shot, and liked it loads...light, and responsive on the trigger.... he bought it new, and has'nt had any problems with it at all....
  20. Hiya, Yep it is, set in a country estate....all the facilities too... BTW, I'm NOT on commission...hes just a good friend...
  21. Norrie

    Road tax

    Ah!! Didnt know that...my tax is renewable every March, so, not too bad...
  22. Hi Tam, Thanks for that mate..BUT, I just finished fitting it last night... My mate has a Bratton Sound, as that's what his FAO advised him to get...but some price he paid for it..
  23. Hiya, Last year, my mate used his X5 to tow his 18 foot Raider to Drummore in SW Scotland for the Sharkatag Event...anyway, they eventually got there, all be it they were all seasick on arrival, due to the car/boat porpoising all the way on the 3.1/2 hour journey at anything over 45-50mph.....then when they tried to drive onto the sandy beach, it got bogged down straight away...actually, it was the ONLY car to do that out of maybe a couple of dozen other 4 x 4's....so, I used my beat up old Challenger to launch the boat, into 18inches foot of water....and then after the day, the X5 wouldnt pull the boat out of the water, so....guess who did it again for them...what a waste of metal that thing is....should be kept for mums doing the school run.. The whole X5 escapade is on vid somewhere...I'll see if I can find it from one of the guys.. Pic of the conditions.. and the forlorn X5 Crew walking behind..
  24. Hiya, Thanks for the replies...well, I got a red 20w bulb and a loan of a 12v battery..., and it does the job, tho, not as well as I expected...so, going to keep it as is for now.. I was in at Glasgow Field Sports on Sunday, and had a good look at the bigger lamps....and I'm now dropping lots of hints, as its my birthday next month...
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