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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. I am not squeaky clean I done stupid things when I was young and older but and BIG but is that now I am older and hopfully slightly wiser I would encourage others to do the right thing .


    Yes some MPs are stiffing me you and ever other taxpayer and by not voting is only spelling the end of the right to vote .


    But then we are off on a tangent on that one.


    Cheers OTH I am just spraying some WD40 on my joints to stop me squeaking :lol:

  2. My sentiments exactly. People think it's a victimless situation but in the end we all pay with prices being driven up. No harm in reporting the fact that they have been delivered incorrectly and then it's up to them to collect.


    As for signing for things with a false name and then claiming they haven't turned up. That's just wrong. :no:


    I am very surprized ME says he does this with his own freight business I wonder how he would feel if one of his clients done that with a 30K load .


    Regards OTH

  3. Commendable OTH, commendable. I'm glad to hear that you are completely honest, like the rest of us really. well you imply it. How many endorsements on your drivers license do you have, or have you had, the truth now.


    But these 3 aren't....click here to expose


    Neither is this one... Another Thief


    And these are our children's role models, and ours.


    Do you think they would send the boots back?


    I have never had points on my licence.


    I have made mistakes in my life but I have learnt from them not encouraged others to follow suit by saying I done X when I was a lad so crack on.


    Kind regards OTH

  4. Nice to see we got some honest members here :hmm: Being dishonest is that a good trate to have as a shotgun/firearms user what other crimes would you be willing to commit.


    I think not and thats how the police will see it.


    And being dishonest only drives up RRP prices along with stealing which is what would accur if the OP listerb to some of you guys.


    Remember most carriers use real time global tracking PDAs so can track a signed for item to your postcode and precise time.


    Regards OTH

  5. After doing some felling in some local woods I took the gun and few cartridges and had a slat for the last half a hour.


    Good numbers coming in but think fog all the talk on the forum ref to shooting and how diffcult to shot on the OSR etc.


    The truth is we need a change in weather to slightly windy conditions before any of us can make a decent bag.


    Finished with 8 well fed woodies .


    Out with the ferts tommorrow.


    Cheers OTH



  6. After yesterdays inspiring posting by a fellow PW member saying we should all try the three bird decoy pattern in a V shape :blink: .


    I gave it a go today after missing that idear in the last twenty years he was right I shot 102 i did not what to ruin the pattern so ever time I shot some I run out like a crazy farmer and pulled the shot birds in to mantain my sole three birds :unsure: .


    You boys have got to try this one .


    I got too much time on hands :D .


    Have fun boys OTH

  7. What pattern are you using when you put your decoys out. ??????


    Many years ago, as I'm an old ***, I had a long chat with Old Archie Coates.


    He explained that as far as any pattern is concerned it should always face into the wind and MUST be an inverted V (apex into the wind) you only need a minimum of 3 decoys, or 5, or 7 etc making the V. You can watch birds feeding all day and try and copy there pattern and it will fail.


    He said you must think like a bird, Why does it have 340 deg vision--because the Hawk attacks from behind, why does it have mono & stereo vision--so it can lock onto a single blade of grass or twig to land on.


    Now the last bird either side of the V is Hawk bait--so the incomming bird will always overfly those points and land as close to the front bird as possible.


    I know it may sound daft but believe me it works every time, my son & I always have the birds committed and into any pattern we lay out and have good bags.


    Trust me try it.


    Best Regards and Happy New Year.


    Must try that 3 bird decoy pattern on the 200 acre OSR field and watch them stoop in there hundreds with me shoot right and lefts one after another :hmm: .


    I must have missed that pattern :lol:

    Cheers OTH

  8. Shot today and took 52 from two diffrent setup points heavy fog but the birds are happy now the cold has gone it was barmy in fact .


    They can be shot but are tricky keep chasing them my way boys.


    Cheers OTH

  9. Chris had a spin last night in the woods shot 9 cracking birds a grey squirrel and a nice cock phesant had a brillant night .


    I have shot some good bags in the last few days out wens/thurs and also friday will keep you updated .


    See you sunday at gilbrater barracks.


    Cheers OTH :good:

  10. I know one thing that as mainly a sole woodie shooter there is huge decrease in other shooters out in my area swindon wilts oxon gloucester .


    Why there is a awful lot of pigeon shooters in the building trade who go shooting and with the cut backs in building and also the cold weather for 4 weeks some have not earned a penny /


    So they cant afford to shoot the cartridges off which is good for me as it equals more ground but sad for our sport as some will not return.


    I think this will be the same for clay shooters in the area.


    Cheers OTH

  11. Beech best BTUs by a mile .


    Crannys guides is good but is only general very rough guide as it states popular to be trully awful .


    Not all popular is awful if you are luckly to come across black popular its a great burner maybe a little to quick .


    Cheers OTH

  12. It maybe geniune some of the questions are odd but if he/she has no knowledge of what to ask when selling pups it maybe why some of the strange questions.


    Rock up to his gaff have a look and then make your mind up.


    OK after reading the second post I think not :no:

    Cheers OTH

  13. Hi "Over the Hill",

    I was wondering if these fields were near Warminster as I see your location is Wiltshire. This morning on fields both on the Bath side and Salisbury side of the town there were hundreds on OSR. I wanted to stop to watch, but wasn't allowed by 'her that must be obeyed'!!!!!!


    No there on one of my permissions just over the glouscester border near leachlade.


    Cheers OTH

  14. We have an 'outside' tap that is located inside the garage which was built onto the side of the house afterwards. The pipe comes up through the concrete floor of the garage and does not appear to be connected through the house isolator.


    The copper pipe to the tap itself runs up the wall which adjoins the house and has some reasonably thick lagging on it, but I am obviously slightly concerned about it in these somewhat testing conditions.


    Should the worst happen how difficult is it to turn off the supply at the road? Am I allowed to do so, and how would I go about it?


    Double check its not connected to your system by turning of yout mains supply and see if it still runs.


    Generally the mains could supply a couple of houses or not but can be quite hard to turn off unless you have the iron tool to reach deep into the supply tap.


    And a tip is to even few months turn your mains stopcock off inside the house so if you do get a burst pipe you know that you can turn the water off quickly.


    The amount of houses damaged due to the owners being unable to turn the water off due to a seized stopcock is very high.


    Cheers OTH

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