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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. As above I have a selection of mowers in diffrent states of disrepair .


    Two old atco mowers


    One nice ransome mower that can turn ito a run on quite old engines runs but a chain is broken to the blade.


    A old landmaster stoic topping mower .


    A mountfield M4 DELUXE


    A aires ride on mower in pieces comes with massive 11 HP briggs and stratton enigine .


    About 5 engines


    All not working but ieal for tinker collection from swindon .


    £50 the lot

  2. Have a look at the crop next time your there see if there is leaf spot occurring.


    Thats what there spraying for phoma stem canker if I reme,ber rightly.


    Its been ideal conditons for it this years.


    Good day :good:


    Cheers OTH

  3. I am confused as some seem to think its wrong to use a 4X4 on public byway legally because it not liked by others or is misused by rogue users.


    But if we take that stance then its clear that our shooting is disliked by others because we kill things,also we drive 4x4 accross areas others would deem natural and we our damaging the landscape and killing wildlife.


    So going on that I ask if others asked you to stop shooting becasue you are killing natures animals would you .


    Regards OTH

  4. If you were within 50 feet and they were on a byway then I believe you would be committing an offence anyway ;)


    Your gunshot could cause a horse to be frighted from some distant and the key frase was legal in my quote .


    So whats your answer :hmm:


    Regards OTH

  5. If it was A rogue user there wouldn't be an issue, we get a mix of hard core 4x4's and trail bikes and quads. Bearing in mind the farm is fairly close to Luton I'd actually say we don't get any that aren't being a pain in the backside. From a crime point of view its the only access to 3 farms that isn't secure so the route the coursers use to get in. The "caravan" access had been stopped with a prohibition notice which pretty much stopped any "legitimate" use as its now a dead end. And the trail bikes and quads that go at high speed terrifying the horse riders and general public don't really need much slating. More use of prohibition notices and ability to shut green lanes that are a problem would help. Some areas its fine but here its a pain in the backside


    So what if your shooting even though was legitimate and within the law.


    But was terrifying a horse on bridleway due to noise of your shots and worrying the public .


    Do you think they should have right to see your shooting banned .


    As its some thing thy dont like :hmm:


    Regards OTH

  6. as the law stands you can make whatever mess you like, the lanes aren't usually made to take vehicle traffic its just ancient law that allows it. Funnily enough Herts have been improving some round us and putting a decent base down. This actually discourages them as its not what they are looking for, pay and play sites are the best place if you want to off road properly


    But do you think it should be banned because of a rogue users .


    Cheers OTH

  7. there is a point to it though the greenlaners do go out actively wanting lanes that need 4x4 to get down and rut them up badly for other users. We have issues with a couple of them and have a prohibition order on one end as that is in Bedfordshire who will help whereas the other end is in herts where they won't. The main problems have been ****** using them to set up camp on the farm with the associated mess and costs to remove them, kids on trail bikes no insurance no nothing using them to get on the farm then riding wherever they like. The fundamental is greenlaners go down greenlanes as they are muddy and they can play with their 4x4's the end result is everyone else has trashed lanes to use.


    But there is a rougue element in our sport does that mean that you should be stopped shooting because of others who dont stick to law.



    Regards OTH

  8. This picture is some boys who where in right pickle on the old roman road going between Cribyn and Fan Y Big .


    I think sometimes they forget how dangerous the beacons can be .


    It was sheet ice and he nearly went over the edge :o



  9. Right point one.


    The guy complaining of 4X4 damage was driving a defender himself.


    Two .The countryfile crew drive round the whole country in gas guzzing D3s.


    The boys in the pay and play site have nowt to do with the problems on byways as they are on private land.


    And there other argument is a few are causing damage etc to byways by speeding so all vechiluar use should be stopped.


    Well if thats the case outside my house hundred speed pass my house so in there view my road should be turned into a right of way only for pepole and horses YIPEEE.


    Totally rubbish countryfile should be banned .


    Regards OTH

  10. I find it strange that someone would not enjoy this type of shooting as this was pigeon shooting at its very best with some real testing shots and all guns involved enjoyed there days imensley ....these poor devils as you put it had eaten 19 acre of kayle ...20p a plant 20000 plants to the acre I will let you work it out to what the farmer had lost to pigeon damage


    Even myself sometimes forget the cost of damage pigeons do to crops as most of the time we as shooters cannot see the damage birds do directly .


    But in the case of sprouts with snow covering the ground you can see the damage and also the huge damage caused by droppings.


    Having said that I still think as shooters we need to show respect to our quarry be it game or vermin.


    Its a hard balance and one we must seek to come to right conculsion ourselvles.


    Regards OTH

  11. What would you offer him for this? With out being too rude... :lol:


    500 NOTES the ball is in your court as trying to sell a no working item means you got power over him.


    Do you really need want the item if no be even really cheekie with you offer you will be amazed how many times your offer is in the end accepted.


    Cheers OTH

  12. The bloke told us his mate had 4wd quad and this one would get into more placeshis mates did,

    and said the 4wd ones eat the front tyres.. How much are the tyres ????


    The bloke talking $$$$


    Get a selectable 4WD the biggest downfall of quads which is also there biggest upside is there light .

    So if you only got 2WD one as soon as you got traction problems the 2 wheels spin like a goodin. Your going nowhere fast .


    Yes quads do chew up tyres but how many of us do mega miles on there quads .


    Cheers OTH

  13. Lets face it we have all got alot to learn from the humble woodie .


    Having said that if it was easy ever day and shooting a ton ever time I think it would soon loss its intrest to us all.


    I have shot woodies that have been sucidal on OSR there has never been any fixed pattern in weather timing etc.


    There are just like us if there in the mood for dancing nowt will stop them feeding.


    Wind is the key to good bags not too strong but stiff enough to push them out of there sitty woods.


    Cheers OTH

  14. Is it just me but I feel sorry for the poor devils? shot them over sprouts many years ago when they were the only green above the snow and they were just about suicidal. Starvation makes them lose much of their sense of fear. Maybe it's a job which needed doing but I do not know if I would enjoy it.



    And the OP says it all when quote NO GREAT SKILL REALY IN THIS CONDITIONS.


    Still some crops need protecting and sprouts are top of the List in the conditons in parts of the UK.


    Regards OTH

  15. Not wanting to start a war,

    but what is in a name? it is the man behind it that counts, but in your reasoning no one would want to got out with OTH as you might not be up for the 5 ft dig

    Any way he might be a fisherman as well....... :lol:





    Agree but my forum name does not sound like I am going to pinch your dogs ferts and whatever else that isnt nailed down.


    Cheers a very young OTH

  16. Agree with Nick its there items for sale not yours no POST or PM is every a legal binding Contract.


    Until the Cash is swopped for items and both parties our happy.


    So you got to live with it no diffrent to any other means of sales.


    Be it in your papershop or Ebay the seller can sell to somebody inbetween you making contact and viewing or paying for the item .


    Cheers OTH

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