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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. Strange how on this forum that tradesmen get roasted for changing X a day to earn a honest living to pay tax and council tax etc and then some many actually say in another breath dont worry about paying council tax .


    Be honest is what I think even if the goverment is bent etc I would not stoop to there low standards .


    And PS this is not a personnel attack on the thread starter kind regards OTH

  2. Once the the wheat/barley has chiited it can produce even better bags IMO not all drilling is found straight away by pigeons it can take two weeks and if the weather has been just right not too wet or too dry it can produce the right situation for the ceral to chit.


    Also it more than likely it chickweed ot maybe even charlock a small memeber of OSR family which is bascally a weed.


    Kind regards OTH

  3. After spooting them yesterday on some barley drilling I managed to have a pop late today with a a northish wind which is strange for april I had to setup under a telegarph pole with the wind blowing straight at me.


    The M4 behined me and the sun on my back the birds where whipping over the M4 agaist the wind low passing within feet of the hide and dropping into the deeks .


    Not the most testing shooting in the terms of shot but I had to keep dead still why they passed me and comitted to the pattern.


    Finnished with 65 and a knackered dog.


    Kind regards OTH



  4. Thought now that i have registered i had better say hi. Has anyone got any idea why oxfordshire is so dire for pigeon shooting ?


    Welcome from a fellow oxfordshire PW member the birds are about but most of my shooting in wiltshire.


    A certain pigeon guide and his foreign clients have blasted the hell out pigeons in parts of oxfordshire that why there so wary and scared to death IMO.


    Read some of my post you will see there are some good bags to be had but I do have roughly 20000 acres to shoot.


    Regards OTH

  5. Could be the heater matrix is blocked or more like it got a air lock in the matrix so no water runing though equals no heat.


    Check the coolant level td5 are we know for cool running and poor heater temp could be some sort of head gasket problem .


    Regards OTH

  6. Just a few lines as I have a very quite couple of weeks due to lack of birds and work picking up.


    But finnished work last night took the dogs for walk and drive they love pigeon spotting as much as the wife.


    I have only one spot of drilling so far this spring with the weather delaying the baulk of the drilling.


    But as of the weekend the farmer have been going crazy last night found a field thats on a organic farm who plants a mix of peas barley for silage type feed the birds where minging on it.


    Next field barley on a non organic field once again 2 to 3 thousand birds so I am trying to crack out and finnish a patio this morning once the building supplier opens yippee.


    Will give you a update either tonight or in the morning Kind regards OTH

  7. Some of the comments really sums up why never going to be world peace Anti bikers are very much evident on this forum.


    But its ok for your to be anti bikers but when a anti shooter hunter etc some of you are up in arms about they dont understand the whys and what fors of hunting etc.


    All I can say for all the anti bikers just because somebody rides a motorbike does not make them a C%% like one comment surgests just like how some shooters behave does not make us all C%%% .


    Kind Regards OTH

  8. Cam belts are not normally visable so probley the the auxliary belts .


    Regards OTH


    Gram71 no problem but where in my statement do I say ITS THE CAM BELT.



    what's the problem oth? from what he described last night it sounded like the cam belt, you yourself stated as such. now, without seeing the vehicle how was anyone to know different. i simply offered to help because he's not that far from me and it's nice to do the odd favour once in a while.


    2 did I mention your name I think your offer is very kind and generous and I take my hat off to you all I was pointing out is problem solving complex mechanics over the internet when the oringnal poster has little knowledge is diffcult .


    Kind regards OTH

  9. I've got the part, it was the Alternator/Serptentine belt. I'll be having a go at it as I'm pretty practical person, who just happens to know nothing about cars. It seems like a pretty simple job.


    Alright, thanks for everyones help, I'll let you know how I get on,




    This post goes show how a well intended question asking for help could if you listern to some of less knowledgeable car mechanics you would have been buying a cam belt.


    It was clear from your description of the belt that it was not the cam belt so for all who think they know it all this is stark warning that ill informed advice could cost another forum member money or worse still if you was given advice about brakes etc or somebodys life.


    I am not trying to start a war just pointing out giving good advice over the forum without really knowing what your on about is not that good.


    Kind regards OTH

  10. I have have set a concrete lump under where my axle to my trailer and caravan and chain it to axle under the trailer makes it diffcult to access to cut the chain etc the only down side is you have to get on your back and get covered in mud etc.


    But the theifing toerags would never look under the trailer and would try to drive off and break there knecks and the trailer but I woul rather that than they get my trailer.


    Regards OTH

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