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    Solihull West Mids

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  1. Not the sort you can attach your own slip too. If I wanted a Hamilton, I'd not be bothering asking anyone 👍 Saw that one, it doesnt attach and as you say is very expensive. But thanks for your reply 👍
  2. Hoping someone can help me. I'm trying to find one of those adjustable spiked gunslip stands. They used to be on sale everywhere, but I can't track one down anywhere. I'm looking for the type that you can fix to your own slip, can't provide a picture (because I can't find one 🙄 ) Can anyone help please?
  3. Most of them I'd say! Smaller shoots local to me include: Forhill (Worcs) Three Lakes (Warks) Springbrook Farm (Warks) Bordesely & Redditch (Worcs) Hereford & Worcester (Worcs) Kinver (just outside Worcs) Park Farm (Worcs) Wedgenock (Warks) There's 100's of 'em.
  4. Could this really be a shaggy dog story? A few months ago I was driving to my local shoot. My mate and I saw a large black cat like creature just stroll across the road about 75 - 100 yrds ahead of us. It was broad daylight and the animal was in no hurry, we both saw it clearly. Neither of us had idea what it was, but it was BIG, certainly not a domestic cat.
  5. My guess is they are not dysfunctional, that lad just has the look of a spoilt brat all over his face. I'd wager he's had his own way all of his life and has learnt to just demand or take what he wants. Anyway, despite what I think it's lmost impossible to believe that someone could do that to their own Grandfather. It's bad enough somebody beating up an old person, but actually STABBING your own Grandad!?!?! Absolute pair of *******! Edit: ******* = ryhms with bankers.
  6. I'm lefthanded and have owned both left and right handed guns. Like you, I have no desire to enter comps and have shot "OK" with both. But as has been said, only you will know the difference as it affects you. Remember though the cast "on" or "off" centre, at the heel, is only about 4mm on most guns. ie the difference in cast between a left and right handed gun is about 8mm. Based on what you've said 9ie you're not into comps etc) my gut reaction is that the cast is not going to make a huge difference in real terms. However, I agree with johnphilip - it's worth getting this checked properly as you have a responsibility to dispatch live quarry cleanly. EDIT: Bakerboy posted as I was typing this. Take him up on his kind offer.
  7. I don't recall anyone ever commenting along the lines of the "Wally with the Brolly" However, I must admit whilst I don't normally carry a brolly, there have been times when I wished I had. Bottom line, I'd say it's up to you. Normal rules regarding the use of brollies apply of course.
  8. Might be a bit tame, but I did this recently - Local pub - I paid for a slap up Breakfast for about 20 mates (no beer), local clay shoot for a spot of shooting fun - include a flurry. Back to the pub for those beers. Simple but we all had a great day.
  9. This is what I was thinking. Your Daughter sounds like a nice person though
  10. Agreed ref the marketing and as you say getting Richard Foulds on board was a major signing. I don't think anyone's knocking Beretta (or any of the other guns) Hammy, and of course I'm not qualified to comment ref an engineers test. It would certainly make interesting reading though! For me, the mere fact that any company has been doing something for "XX" years, is not in itself a default measure of superiority. In truth, I suspect what jmoz actually means is that the older guns are (obviously) more established, and clearly they have an enviable track record. And THAT can not be earned in 10 - 15 years, and to fair, I partly agree with that. However to simply dismiss, without any kind of reasoned argument, what is self evidently a super product, is in my humble opinion a tad blinkered. CG, as Ed rightly pointed out, did have a few teething problems with early guns. But this, (in my opinion - remember I have two CG's so far) has been more than adequately mitigated by a series of excellent reviews from highly regarded sources. And of course, the steady increase in the use of these excellent guns by club; registered competition and internationally known shooters has to count for something.
  11. OK, I'll just wait for my guns to disintegrate into a pile of dust Sorry jmoz, but you're going to have to come up with a slightly better argument to convince me that you actually have a point.
  12. So how long have Miroku been around? Do you know how long CG have been making guns?
  13. Fair point, I withdraw that comment.
  14. Why bother asking? Don't feed the troll
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