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Everything posted by scuta

  1. Me thinks the parents should be looking much closer to home for someone to blame......
  2. er, no........I haven't got the patience and they don't pay enough........
  3. I am indeed a clever ****, it comes from knowing what I'm talking about and not confining my homework to the newspapers. Yes, people have been found guilty of not being in proper control of their vehicle, due to eating. This does not, in any way, mean that anyone eating whilst driving commits the offence per se. Construction and use regs 1986, reg 104 - "No person shall drive or cause or permit any other person to drive, a motor vehicle on a road if he is in such a position that he cannot have proper control of the vehicle or have a full view of the road and traffic ahead" that's a big 'if' and will always be down to interpretation. Realistically, it's not going anywhere unless it's either bleedin' obvious, as in the 'lorry driver's elbows' scenario or you can show whatever the driver was doing had a detrimental affect on their driving, for example, swerving.
  4. Do you seriously think it's illegal to eat a mars bar whilst driving!!! :lol:
  5. To address your points in order........ 1) I would argue that what I have stated is undeniable fact. The applicants will only ever be a general reflection of the pool you draw them from - for good or bad. I would however, hazard a guess that this is skewed favourably towards the 'good' with respect to all of the services. 2) Again, I believe that generally, we have. No system is perfect, however, for it's faults, I believe it compares favourably it to the rest of the world. 3) On what grounds do you base this statement? 4) A good leader, is a good leader, regardless of their environment. The only thing that will be addressed by bringing in fresh blood from outside is the leadership style. It will not affect the calibre of people you have to work with, the law or the regulations that they have to operate within. 5) I don't think there are, however, there will always be a proportion that slip through the net. This is unavoidable and to think otherwise, is frankly naive to say the least. 6) Totally agree with you. 7) Would be interested to know what those offences are before passing comment.
  6. ****!!!!! What a delightfully simple world you live in! I'm sure the media will be delighted to know that there are still people that consider them to be unbiased, accurate & factual......
  7. Well done, with your well considered and balanced ( ) argument you've now convinced me that the Police are clearly over run with bullies, who were initially drawn to the job by the promise of picking on people. Most I'm sure joined without a moments hesitation when they also realised they'd get paid for it. Moving swiftly on to your second statement - that story is clearly hearsay, in fact it couldn't be 'more' hearsay if it had a neon sign of the definition of hearsay hung around it's neck. The Police, (now don't go telling everyone) consist of a cross section of society and just like society, you get good and bad. Generally the myriad of good news, successful outcomes and tales of daring do go unreported, whilst the bad news makes the headlines for the media. Now clearly, the above is an extreme case and rightly the man has been tried in court and subsequently sacked by a discipline hearing. Just remember it was the jury - 12 independent members of society - that found him not guilty, not a faceless puppet master. I'd be curious to see the number of complaints, both substantiated and unsubstantiated, compared with the number of calls answered or incidents dealt with. Shaun4860 - to try and answer the question about his pension - if my homework is correct, the Police did pay 11% (now I believe rapidly climbing) of their salary into their pension. I don't know, but believe, that an officer has to be found guilty of a criminal offence, before it can be touched. That being said, I'd be interested to see how that works, because I don't see how they can just take his money as some sort of additional punishment. (Any Police Officers or Solicitors feel free to jump in!)
  8. Don't know the bloke from Adam, although have seen him about at various grounds. I made the assumption that he likes a bit of attention from the gun I saw him shooting & the way he handled it - but each to their own. Came across his website once & within a very short order I lost the will to live. It's such a puerile diatribe. Christ, I'm no Oxbridge graduate - I just about scrapped through a secondary school education - but why are people unable to put forward a sensible, considered, balanced, grammatically correct case or argument!!?? For f' sake, have they not heard of spell check!!?? I lost all sympathy & found myself hoping the Police would lock up the author for crimes against the English language!!!!
  9. Scrum pox is herpes simplex, so no.....,..
  10. Dartford - ESP, ESK, DTL, etc. Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. www.dartfordclayshootingclub.com Shrove Hill 70 ESP / White Bear 50 ESP - alternate Sun. shoots, www.shot-your-trap.co.uk Fennes Estate - ESP practice Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat mornings? www.fennesclays.co.uk Essex Shooting Ground ESP, ESK, DTL. (wouldn't bother with their ESK or DTL) Weds, Thurs, Fri alternate Sats www.claypigeonshoot.co.uk Orion - Don't bother!!! If you've got the time (a day to kill) and you like your sporting, then head over to the Fennes, you can play all day. If it's only a morning or afternoon, or you fancy a play across the disciplines, then Dartford. Both Dartford and Fennes are friendly and run on a 'clay mate' type system, so you can shoot on your own, if there's no one to shoot with. Dartford wins hands down for the breakfast!!!! Scuta
  11. Having sat through it in the stadium, then watching selected highlights on the TV (courtesy of x32 fast forward) I can honestly say it didn't translate well. It was absolutely stunning live, a breath taking spectacle & magical atmosphere. Having got home, everyone thought I was on something.......having looked at selected excerpts, I can see where they're coming from. C'est la vie!
  12. I can't even send you some friendly bloke abuse without it getting star'ed out!!

  13. Thank you gents, sometimes I have my moments......not very often to be fair, but if you put an infinite amount of monkeys in a room, with an infinite amount of typewriters...... Different points of view make life interesting and I enjoy a well informed and articulate exchange, however I hate sensationalism and ill informed ranting - get me, with my state education and 5 GCSE's!!!!
  14. First of all, I have never and will never, be employed in any of the above mentioned industries. I'd just like to raise a few points, don my body armour and retire to my bunker......... 1) I am personally aware of the total inaccuracy of newspaper reporting and how they are capable of manipulating public sentiment....there are lies, damm lies and statistics......why do we continue to buy whole sale into their hype? 2) As a country which has no remaining industry to speak of, we are heavily reliant on the financial sector and our position as one of the leading world centres. This does not in any way mean we should turn a blind eye to any illegality or malpractice, however, if we continue to vilify and pillory banks and their management, they can and will relocate. Internationally the banks dropped 'us' and 'them' in it. But how much of that was down to we, as individuals borrowing money that we couldn't afford to repay, (So the banks lent it......but that doesn't absolve the borrowers of personal responsibility) to give ourselves an instant lifestyle that we thought we were owed or deserved. If you ain't got the money, you don't get it. Seemed to serve our older generations quite well....... 3) How much of this is just down to jealousy because 'we' perceive that 'they' earn more than 'us'? If you want to earn those sort of wages then become a CEO!! If you want cheap holidays, then work for a travel agent or airline, if you want good money and time off, then work on the rigs, if you want the (laudable) satisfaction of saving lives, become a paramedic....the list is endless. Each career path offers many different 'perks', many not monetary. I am sure that most of us derive some sort of satisfaction from our careers, even if it's the camaraderie of our colleagues. Invariably we trade responsibility for money, we wouldn't all like the loneliness that a leadership position can bring. 4) The banking industry is global. It decides the renumeration packages it needs to pay it's top talent to keep them. It's no different to football (and there's a group of people that generally I dislike and don't think are worth it) We just seem to be on a self destruct. RBS owes us - the tax payer- money. About 35 billion, I am led to believe. We need to parachute in a top talent to turn it around and to get our investment back. That talent is going to cost the going market rate. But the great British public, spurred on by the press, demand that he return his bonus!!! I too would be a tad p'd off if I was in his position. So we can no longer attract the talent we need and we lose the lot.....brilliant! Alternatively, we could blame everything on the bankers....make them wear a an identifying badge.......maybe round them up.....confiscate all their property........... :o So, I'm not a banker, I too am overworked, underpaid (but get to do a lot of things that money just can't buy) and think we should wind our necks in and stop bitching - go figure!! :yp:
  15. Richard Weller. An independent instructor based down in Surrey. He's a top bloke. I've had a few lessons with him and he's sorted me right out. Very patient and relaxed. My 'hour' long lesson was closer to an hour and a half and very reasonably priced. He'll travel to whatever ground you choose or will recommend a venue. Can't praise him high enough. Look him up at www.fieldandclay.co.uk or give him a shout on 07971577871. Cheers, Scuta
  16. First of all, good luck to you both. Secondly, (& without any judgement of anyones actions on my part) you made it everyone's business the second you posted details of quite a personal event that envolved you, your new partner & both your ex's on a public forum, so expect opinions and what would appear to be not unreasonable questions.......
  17. No doubt about the speed......Definitely shot shells though..
  18. Must confess that I don't know the full details of the cause of the SER Skeet / Dartford 'issue' I'm not a skeetist! I didn't like what the rumour & gossip suggested had been done by the SER committee, so I asked some questions at the GL AGM of the SER Chairman to clarify....He gave an answer (not a satisfactory one to my mind, but thats life!) I subsequently asked for the minutes and got a big chalky tablet!!!!!
  19. Conversely, I've been on committees and involved in meetings/conferences where the minutes have gone out with the delegates at the close of play (admittedly a little extreme) or asap after the meeting. To be honest, as a minimum, I would expect some sort of report to the members (maybe on the region website) and no attitude!
  20. I recently e-mailed my county secretary and asked when and where the minutes would be published from our AGM held in February. My first e-mail was ignored. My second received the following response........ ..........As for the AGM minutes, as they have not been ratified until at the next AGM they are not available prior to the AGM in 2013. - His grammatical errors not mine!! I queried this, (Paraphrasing here...) asking why a draft copy couldn't be circulated, so that those present would be able to check the content for accuracy, whilst the events were fresh in their minds and those not present, would be able to see what was discussed and agreed upon by their committee on their behalf. The response......... ...........Matter discussed at committee, the answer is both Region and GL will not issue minutes except at AGM's for record purposes, the committee now consider this matter closed and are not going to enter into any further discussion over it, as more pressing matters are of importance. sorry this is not what you wanted to hear, but that's life. At the AGM, I also had the temerity to raise the SER/Skeet/Dartford issue, which has elicited this stinging response...... .............With regard to the matter that you asked at the AGM under Any other Business, it was, and it was deemed not related to GL business, but the South East Region. Members at our AGM were encouraged to attend the Region AGM but according to my feedback none did so thereby missing an opportunity to raise the subject in person/s, (although ******* ******* did raise the topic) one has to ask why they took up so much time (wasted) at the GL AGM and could not be bothered to attend the SER AGM? Maybe it was not that important? Pardon me!!!! I thought it was proper to raise an issue through the 'Chain of Command' so to speak!!?? No, I didn't attend the SER AGM, because I was working. I can't comment for anyone else. I'm not looking to resurrect the SER/Skeet issue, just trying to highlight what I think is an appalling response from someone who is meant to be acting in my interests, on my behalf. If this is how the organisation is run at a county level, no wonder we're screwed!!!!!! Having served on the odd committee, I realise that things run that much smoother without the membership, but that's not the point! Deep breath, whinge over and relax............
  21. Is it professional?...........No Was anyone hurt?..........No Does it really matter?.....No Get over yourselves people!!!
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