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Everything posted by ellebarto

  1. Yeah doesnt seem to be listed there at all now!
  2. Cheers Steve, I know you replied once before. Is it this one? http://www.uttings.co.uk/Product/766/107457/nikko-stirling-mountmaster-4-12x50-rifle-scope/ Struggling to find it in stock anywhere but does seem to still be sold and at a price I;m willing to take a punt on!
  3. I know Ive asked this once before amongst the conversation of another thread but if anyone uses a Cobra Gen 1 unit with dayscope adaptor, can you tell me what scope you use with it, especially if its a new (still being sold) and inexpensive scope, which seem to be the ones producing the best results? I'm getting rubbish results with my Leo and want to try another scope but dont want to throw good money after bad on just trying something that may or may not work for me! Been given loads of great advice from people who are certain it works so it must just be a formulae I havent hit on yet!
  4. Interesting. I'm using Winchester Subs. Always found them to be great with everything else but will try a few different types and see!
  5. Detailed stuff. Cheers mate. Don't get me wrong I've done a lot of research an I'm not expecting the world but so far it's falling massively short. Will try all your suggestions again. I think if I can get it to focus correctly that's my start point and then I can look at more powerful lights for it!
  6. Yeah tried a hawke an a leupold so far. Neither worked great but not sure what to adjust. The parallax adjustment is where to scope attachment fits so that isn't ideal
  7. Yeah I've tried to find the ags swat but they don't make them anymore!
  8. Went out last night to zero my new Ruger 10/20 which has a hogue stock and heavey target barrel and also to properly field teste my Cobra add on scope. What a miserbale night. Saw hardly any bunnies to start with but all the kit performed badly. Ruger was throwing shots in a best of 8" groups at 50 yards. It was a 2nd hand gun and I'm not 100% sure of the scope but even so I was massively dissapointed with it. Think that will be going back for an examination bu the gun shop! The Cobra NV, where do I start! Got loads of advice from users on here regarding setup had a deben mini gun light with IR filter and although I never actually targetd a bunny I just couldnt get a good image from it. I tried it on my leo scope and it was dire. Tried it on my Hawke cheap and cheerful and it was definitely better but still only out to say 50 yards. I'm desperate to get this working. I can see the potential but it just seems so fiddly. I'm going to invest in a scpe that people on here have tried and tested with the Cobra but if anyone else has advice about setting it up then please feel free to jump in!
  9. lol. Lots of good advice guys. 223 appears to be the front runner based on the original needs I set out.
  10. Right thats a good starting point and all makes sense. Cheers
  11. OK, sounds like your on my wavelength. Do you know the pros and cons between .223 and .243. I will never be shooting deer. It will be dedicated to foxes!
  12. Just wanted to bounce a few things off any of you guys that go after Charlie. I've only shot .22RF and .17HMR before but there is a need on my land for a fox calibre. Officially .17HMR isn't sanctioned specifically for foxes. What I'm after is a calibre that has easily sourced and reliable factory ammo and isn't overkill for my quarry. If the ammo doesn't cost a fortune that woul dbe good but not vital. Anyone give me some pointers? I'm sure .22 hornet will come straight up but everything I read says factory ammo is comedy for it so in my mind Ive discounted that already. Re-loading is something I want to get into but need a house with more space first.
  13. lol. So you dont have to specify the animal you are hunting? I mean 50bmg thats T-Rex isn't it?
  14. Which is why I was asking because thats what I understood the official position was. My confusion was more because my land is in a different constabulary to my licence.
  15. Yeah I pretty much agree with that! Interesting about just applying and authorisation of the firearm effectively being permisison for the calibre. If I cant get any answers I'll try that.
  16. Yeah. Never been asked but you just know the one time you make a kill some do gooder will start asking questions. Just this year things have changed so I now have to send an email to the local police force advising them I'm planning to go out shooting and what I'm using to do what. Apparently its to stop ARU being rushed out to suspected poachers. Just want to make sure I'm covered. Lands about 100 Square acres but interlaced with tracks which dog owners have been known to frequent. Nearest public highway is 750 yards from the points I shoot at.
  17. Ive got a permission on which I shoot .22 and .17HMR. There has been a surge in fox activity and the farmer wants me to make in roads into them and whilst I'm OK using the .17 its a grey legal area, especially in Cheshire. Anyway, I want to look at getting a more appropriate calibre. The permission has been shot on for years and Ive know idea what calibre has been authorised to be used on it other than what I use. I'm in GMP licence wise and the land is in Cheshire. How do you go about finding out what calibre is authorised? First thoughts are emails to one of the constabularies but not sure which? Anyone got any pointers for me?
  18. Mine's closed. As far as I'm aware you can use it anywhere you can use a shotgun covered under your SGC. Ive certainly taken it to clay shoots.
  19. Mines FAC. I think once a gun is capable of being section 1, thats it. Just because you can make it section 1 again doesn't make it legal.
  20. I bought the M2 for pigeons about 4 months ago. Owned a lot of auto's in my time and it is by far the best in terms of quality, cycling and general feel. I've even given it a quick run on the clays and posted a best ever score. I think its a fantastic gun!
  21. Ive just bought the Cobra add on NV for my HMR for exactly the purpose you have described and with the advice and help from many of the guys who have commented above. Still trying to get to grips with it as it does seem to be scope fussy but planning a proper test on Thursday which should tell me if its any good or not. Or at least if I need to go and buy a new scope. As they say, £400+ for the kit and a possible scope change and an additional power IR light source to make it work properly. Maybe just a filter for your existing lamp. Assuming it will work OK with one of my existing scope it will have cost me about £500 to get setup.
  22. Weird how most people claiming good results are lower end scoped! Lots to go on there. Cheers guys
  23. What scope are you using? Make and model would be good. I'm literally planning to buy from the information I get from you guys based on who is getting good results. Got a few on a short list so far!
  24. Is that parallx adjustable? It doesn't say so on the website?
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