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Everything posted by ellebarto

  1. What scope are you using? Make and model would be good. I'm literally planning to buy from the information I get from you guys based on who is getting good results. Got a few on a short list so far!
  2. Is that parallx adjustable? It doesn't say so on the website?
  3. OK, so I followed the instructions above and Im getting better results but still cant get the cross hairs as visible as I would like. Am I expecting too much or is it more likely to be because I'm trying this on my worst scope? (A high end Hawke but still a Hawke) As well as the fixed parallax scope list above, can anyone else tell me a good quality scope they have that works well with this NV?
  4. Great stuff. Thanks for that. Will have another play tonight!
  5. I've got 3 scopes that potentially will use it, 2 with parallax adjustment. 2 leos and a cheapy hawke on which ive been testing it. So perhaps me wandering around the house in the dead of night with the scope to my eye isn't the best approach!! Just didn't want to take it out an spend an hour faffing with it but if that's what's required, I'll give it a go. Lowest mag setting to start with?
  6. Having started a thread on here about night vision, I got some good advice and I bought the Cobra unit and day scope attachment with deben mini gun light and IR filter. So far Ive only attached it on my .22 in the house and switched the lights off to see how it worked but I cant seem to get any kind of image from the scope through the NV unit other than a green fuzz. The NV unit on its own seems pretty good in my limited testing. Anyone added one of these units to a day scope and can offer me some advice on how to set it up. The instructions that came with it were about the worst Ive ever seen and dont say anything about how to adjust your scope!
  7. Me and my shooting partner knocked on 2 farm doors this afternoon and got 2 new permissions. Never had a reaction even close to that before! Quality is yet to be seen but they were happy to have us out there. One said he had a big problem with Geese in August?!?! Why would August be a particualr problem? Did want to show my ignorance and ask!
  8. That's reasonable. The shooter who got me my permission used to ask the farmer if it was ok to bring me along. Half a dozen visits later I asked the farmer if I could come on my own sometimes and there it was! Obviously wouldn't expect a farmer to be happy about giving one bloke a permission and for him to sell it out without some kind of consent. So then are pigeon shooters no use to you farmers? Are we never doing you a service? It had always been my impression we were but seems I'm completely wrong. Why would they want the risk or hassle if any shooters on there land then?
  9. Thats all rubbish. If however swish the end of the barrel around in a small circle as you pull the trigger, a la Harry potter, you get a far bigger pattern! Honest!
  10. That sounds fair enough. I guess weeding out the cowboys is an issue and I'd probably only take someone out who I had vetted and was insured etc. The only permisison I have was obtained in exactly the way you have described.
  11. So if I say to you 'I know its your permission but if I tell the farmer you wont object if he lets me shoot as well' you'd be OK with that? My guess is you wouldnt or at least thats what Ive run into a lot of the time and is probably what I have issue with. Now maybe it was a typo but you used the phrase 'I arent' so are you a Stokey?? Only 20 miles down the road from me. I coul dhelp you with all that land!!!!!!!!
  12. lol. That made me laugh. Ive had the farmers on my permission call quite a few times claiming plagues of pigeons only for me to rock up and find nada! I always treat a shooting permission as a privilege but then I also aim to do the farmer a service by keeping his land pest free and responding to his requests!
  13. Yeah not criticising mate. Just commenting!
  14. I had no idea of how expensive it could be. I guess what I had in mind was more of 'hey mate, if I bung you £20 can I shoot on your permission at the weekend' I mean I'm a fairly experienced shooter. 10 to 1 even an experienced guide wouldnt set up how I like and I dont need someone looking over my shoulder especially if I have a cows **** with a banjo day!!!! Wishful thinking I guess!! I think I'd happily rec my own shoot and slip someone a few quid just for a day at my own risk!
  15. Do you know what would make it easier is if some of the people who have permissions were less protective about it. I mean near me there are acres and acres sown up to the same people and I very rarely see them on it. I know land is hard to get and you have to be a bit protective but you would have thought a good shooter would at least let someone lend a permission for a day if only to service the farmers needs better. How much land can one bloke shoot! You cant be on all land every day! How many of you gyts have acres that you rarely get to?
  16. Which were my thoughts. Ive lost track of the number of farmers who tell me the rights are sown up but then they never see the shooters on there, or at least I dont! In the cheshire area at least its a struggle and rights are kept in families for years and its very difficult to break in. My existing permission is because a mate did me a big favour and leavered me in
  17. I know what your saying but that interpretation is unlikely to be enforced or even taken. I mean there are a lot of people freely advertising it and there are clubs devoted to it. I mean your also unlikely to claim your shooting to help the farmer and you dont enjoy it! Paying to shoot isnt a term of a licence at all. Ah you greedy ******* who obviously have plenty of birds!!! You can afford to poor scorn on a poor towny trying to have some fun!
  18. I know what your saying and I kind of agree but when your coming up short and its your favourite pass time your kind of willing to do a bit more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about paying every weekend through summer but when the pickings are thin I desperately need a good day!
  19. My permissions have been coming up badly short of late and me and my brother are desperate for some half decent shooting. I started to look around for more permissions and came across a variety of people offerring days shooting pigeon for a fee. Has anyone ever done this and had any good results? I know its not guranteed but when your permission isnt working out and you fancy a day somewhere else is this a good alternative? Actually, anyone in the Cheshire area do this and fancy selling me a day? I guess if its over some half decent pigeon fodder crops it helps! Mine is all rape and they just dont seem interested!
  20. Do you think that would have mattered? We started to setup before dawn but it was always quiet until and hour after sun up. On recces we noticed that large numbers were feeding at about 11ish so started setting up at more like 9. Dont seem to be able to get a half decent bag for love nor money these days! Mainly rape on my permission and they dont seem that interested in that!
  21. Recced my land for 2 days and it was rammed with crows on a freshly turned and drilled field (not sure what was planted but think it was Barley) Turned up Sunday morning and it was rammed, then across the trackto the left on the rape that was chocker with pigeon. Me and me brother were like school kids setting up trying to decide what to concentrate on and opted for the Crows. As it happens it didnt matter because the 2 massive flocks ****** off as we were setting up and never came back so at 12 with 4 kills we jacked it in. Really dissapointed. Not had a good day all year! I'd love to understand what the problem was! I think my hide was a bit tuck out in the open this time but even so we didnt get a sniff!
  22. Brilliant. Thanks. Time to get shopping
  23. This looks just what I need on my set of rifles so I can easily move stuff about without having to swap my gun light, which works quite well otherwise. Can you give me any pointers on exactly what they are called and where you got them from? Is it just the bracket and then that snaps into the light or do I need some other adaptor on the light?
  24. Ah right there are metal clamps available for them then? I just use the plastic one that came with it and was told that was all that was available for the mini! When I clip it on the beam is fixed high and not mout of adjusting will bring it down so my scope view is within th beam. Its only just high and I do get some peripheral light but its not central
  25. MMMMMM!!! So simple and so obvious! Cheers mate. I'll be giving that a go, especially as the filters for my gun lamp are £20 and not £118
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