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Everything posted by columbus

  1. Little girl is cying in tescos, security guard ask her whats the matter, cant find my mother she replyed, whats she like the gaurd asked her. Big c**** and vodka the little girl said.
  2. Confusion :unsure:??
  3. Isnt it annoying when you go to send someone a message and thier box is full. Say you fancied a chat with someone so you send them a message, chat :unsure:? and all you recive is sorry this persons message box is full.
  4. columbus

    Iraq War

    Craigie is that with or without the exhaust central heating
  5. Y P i can assure you that cars imported from japan have a different spec than the same model in this country. The dealers now this and concequently charge a higher price for the part.
  6. Ive had toyota's for the last `10 years woundnt have another car for the beach and mine have been all petrol 4wd's estate cars im on my third one now 2 tercels and ive moved up to a corolla 4wd now its not the rust that gets them its the brake pipes, discs, hand brake, etc. that go it makes them uneconomical. Pay 2 to 300 squid for them use them for 2 to 3 years then throw them away. One thing i would say about imported cars is that parts are different on them and you have to pay well over the odds for them. Just thought id cheer you up. :unsure:
  7. Gary im no expert when it comes to training dogs but, one thing i have learnt is that if you have a problem with a dog, step back and try to see it through the dogs eyes. You may be right that the bitch is so eager to please that she is fretting that she is getting it wrong, if that is the case. Personaly i would make things a bit easier for her, give her stop signals on simple retrives where the dummy is only 20 mtrs away from her in the open, that way she would see the stop whistle as part of the retrive not as a failure to complete the retrive on her own. As i have said im no expert but that is the way i would go. It will be intresting to see what nttf has to say, the experts oppinion so to speak.
  8. now im not keep getting hs_err_ pid4 after it knocks me back to my home screen any idears
  9. yipee im in thanks william just deleted all temp files and cookies
  10. i got windows me downloaded java still get the same message (disconected from server jave users must use secure enc) any idears
  11. Brooktrout you still looking for a pup or have you found one.
  12. columbus

    member no's

    William could you please tell me how the member no's work. we have NTTF who joined on the 11/02 03 and is no 181, then you have ernyha who joined on 22/09 02 and is no 195, then you have me who joined on 30/08/02 and is no 232. not complaining just curious.
  13. NTTF Ive had one good dog in my life and i think im about to get the second i see a simular pattern appearing with the way the dog is behaving i know they are differant breeds but the dogs behavier is very simular. Dont know if this makes sense to you.
  14. NTTF i know this sounds like a cilche but seeing a lurcher coursing is like poetry in motion the grace as he opens up, the agility when he turns, how the dog works the rabbit/hare. The whippet x i had would get between a rabbit and a hedge to keep the rabbit from disappearing into the hedge.Yet on a hare he would try to push it into the hedge. that type of thinking from a dog is what its all about, when a dog is able to think for himself.
  15. NTTF out crosses are used on greyhounds and whippets to produce lurchers because of the hybred vigour. IE a bedlington terrier crossed with a whippet should in theory give you a small quick lurcher with the coat & gameness of a bedlington and the speed of a whippet thats the theory. Some people breed lurcher to lurcher i.e. yps whippet/bedlington x saluki/greyhound pup that he is buying. The crosses with greyhounds are there to give the dog stamina as well as speed the best night i personaly have had with a dog is 27 rabbits and 1 hare. That was with a line bred whippet / bullterrier x whippet /greyhound.
  16. France have got to beat us yet :unsure: :*)
  17. Sean i know that the water is cold and fish bieing cold blooded dont move about much, but they still feed on natural food. Ask NTTF where he breaks the ice to fish. So you can still fish a natural imatation and catch fish. Course if you wish to spin thats up to you and good luck to you. If you are paying 20 to 30 pound a day i suppose you want to go home with something to show for it.
  18. One thought! a lot of people say they fish fly. When in fact they are spinning with a fly rod. Anyone who puts on a sinking shooting head sticks a cats whiskers,etc on the end,casts for the horizon, and procedes to pull the line back as fast as they can,can in no way claim to be imatating a fly.They are spinning with a fly rod. I am not saying that its wrong i am only saying that they are fooling themselves. They are not learning anything about fishing they may learn how to catch stocked fish,but that is not what fishing is about. With the prices that they charge on these stock ponds as every put and take fishery is, They run it as a money making exercice,they have a markup on every pound of fish.
  19. Buzzer its been a few years now since i bought a fly line but at that time cortland were the dogs dodaas. I dont think you can get a better fly line. But with the nights being as cold as they are i would go for a sink tip or an intermediate fished very slow.
  20. As a pro gundog trainer i would be intrested in NTTF opinion on electric collers. Having never had any experiance of them id be intrested in his views on the subject.
  21. Tell the officer that you will give him the cert when you recive the new one you have no legal requirment to surrender your cert . Ive still got my old certs from when thay came on white cards. Despite having moved three time in the mean time. Remember you do not have to give up your cert. If you doubt this advice phone b.a.s.c . they will tell you the same thing.
  22. Flightline are you sure you know the meaning of anthropomophism,because i cannot detect a hint of "attribution of human traits in animals" in that post.
  23. columbus


    Harry i live in West Wales I think the earliest i have seen a martin/ swallow / swift, is the 20th of april is this a common event with you, seeing birds this early.
  24. Supergame first off congrats on getting your name and status back. Next Well said i agree with you 100% and if someone was stupid enough to vandalise my car there wound not be a car that had a rspca sticker etc safe in the same area. I am proud to carry on the traditions of my father and his father and as long as it is my legal right, i will continue to do so with pride. God help anyone who thinks that he/she can do anything about it. P.S. It does help that my car is worth less than £500. :ph34r:
  25. Cranfield your a good shot :blink:
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