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Everything posted by columbus

  1. columbus


    I noticed on the last couple of posts i made there are three little boxes in the top r/h corner of the post three questions.! 1 how come they are there. 2 how do i get rid of them. 3and is anyone else as thick as me when it comes to computers. Answers on a post card please.
  2. Flightline. Its easy you just put your foot down and say" IM GOING SHOOTING if thats all right with you love".
  3. Cranfield not being picky or anything just curious what do you do if you dont happen to have your car wiyh you and its raining lol.
  4. dont need those fancy calls just make a squeal like a rabbit and theyll come a running.
  5. columbus


    I have been shooting over 32 years now in all that time i have shot over some wierd and wonderful dogs from a boxer to a dachhound as long as it worked and you could keep a semblence of control over it it was used. But by far the two best dogs i have ever shot over have been springers,(both owned by the same person as it happens).Before you springer people start patting yourseves on the back and saying i told you so. THE worst dogs i have ever shot over by a mile have also been springers. So what can we make out of that i would suggest that it is the owners fault most of the time. The ESS is a handful for even the most competent of trainers, what happens to these dogs in the hands of us amtures is dreadful to see. Ive seen springers sent on a retrive on woodcock only to run away with the bird and (belive it or not )eat it.The owner of the dog just smiled and said "he does that sometimes", as if there was nothing wrong with it, i still cant belive it to this day,not that the dog done it but that the owner just accepted it.I think the ESS is a brilliant dog but the amount that are ruined through bad training far out ways the number of good dogs around.
  6. Bunter if you look on an o/survey map of your area it gives the mean high water mark witch for the pupose of duck shooting you cannot go above that line from feb1 to feb 20 when the duck and geese season ends.Or to put it another way you are allowed a 20 day extenyion of the season below the mean spring tide high water mark.
  7. columbus


    Martin my mates got a chessie cant fault its retreving but its the nastiest thing on four legs makes a pit bull look like a poodle its a bitch if any dog, dog or bitch comes within 20yds of it it goes ballistic apparently a lot of them are like that.
  8. columbus


    How many of you out there use dogs in your sport, tell us what type of dog you use and why.
  9. Sounds like a good shoot to me if those were pheasants youd have paid thousand for the privilige. I envey you shooting at its best very hard, very fast brill welldone as you said forget the average.
  10. As it may be the last one im hoping to go. do tou know what date it is.
  11. In my thread longnets i stated that if i want food for the hawk i just slip 2x25yd longnets into my pockets and go and get 3or4 rabbit just like that .Well i should have kept my big mouth shut.It goes somthing like this , only one rabbit left in freezer better get a few more.No prob ill go down the gorse patch with dog l/nets and ferret bound to have a few there thats the plan. First patch of gorse put the longnets along the path put the dog through nothing,funny i always have a rabbit or two out of there. second drop along a ride ive cut through the gorse, some times produces a rabbit, net out dog in,rabbit bolts runs along the net and out past the end of the net, bother,second rabbit bolts hit the netstake it falls over rabbit runs over top of net (on very stony ground ).Thats it im off then the dog marks a big warren in the gorse and bramble takes me over half an hour to run the net around the warren put in the jill 20 min nothing then a rabbit bolts from one hole to the next 10 min later another bolted same thing down the nearest hole.Picked up the jill when she surfaced next and went home. Moral of the story BOASTING DOES NO GOOD AT ALL.
  12. columbus


    sean im in chat now
  13. cranfield i know you a man with morals with certain exeptions everything you shoot you eat. I remember you saying that you other half dosnt like duck and thats why you dont shoot them anymore. Do you think it would be to much of a comprmise if you gave the birds to someone that did eat them. that way you could still enjoy the flighting and what you have shot is being eaten.
  14. Martin ive shot widgeon under the moon and it was great, the only problem with it is you may only get 1 or 2 nights a year that the tides, moon, and light high clouds happen at the same time. Still on the nights that it happens (usually a n or nw wind ) it is memorable.
  15. sean they are all made from 4z nylon they vary in size from 2.5 ft to 3.5 ft small ones for bolt holes.
  16. Brill isnt it deako ill never get tired of doing it done it for 20 pluss years now and i still get excited about giong out.
  17. Flightline try using a sea fihing weight and fishing line about 15 lbs b/s is allright thats what i do to loft a couple of deeks in a sitty tree when decoying on barley stubble.
  18. had a chat with a couple of people they recon 30p each is a fair price so they are up for grabs maybee more or less than 60/
  19. I love flighting ducks anyone else flight ducks at dusk i know deako does but anyone else.
  20. columbus

    Ant mass

    ant mass glad you found an avitar at last.
  21. Sean i did not say that acd's have no brain i said the one i had didnt have a brain, diffrent thing you get good and bad in all breeds of dog the breeding of the dog was impecable sire and dam both pro rabbit catchers dogs (must be on a winner)noop the dog was three when he died and acted like a pup. But you pay your money and take your chances when you by a pup i was just unlucky, thats the way it goes.
  22. Grpigeon are they a type of fancy pigeon, the only wood pigeon we have in this country are truly wild birds that are not bred in captivity.
  23. Sean i had one of those acd crosses before all speed no brain broke his neck on a pipe laying in a field rabbit seen it dog didnt to late dead dog.
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