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Everything posted by columbus

  1. Good news boys its not you or your machines its the server for the chat room. Spoken to william a new one will be up and running soon, better than the one we've got.
  2. java scipt bu*gered if i know what it means
  3. ern is it telling yopu server disconected
  4. ive been trying for two days to get in there used to be so easy now i cant access it at all
  5. HI fellow welshman welcome i hope you enjoy the site as much as i do.they are not a bad bunch for sies.
  6. forgot to add should change his name to ppms.
  7. It seems that i better go and top myself if pp leaves the site cause there'll be a posse after my blood.I do hope this is not going to be a monthly occurance.
  8. Carefull Quercus some one will acuse you of advertising with a post like that.
  9. Ern . If you are in any doubt take a look at the two posts above this one look at the number of posts for each one then look at the joining dates i think you will get the message.
  10. Ern. I have no motivation to be moderated at all. I only post when i think i have something constructive to say, or to qualify another post. I have no intrest in this post race what so ever, if it amuses them, let the children be, thats what i say.
  11. pieman i think you mean mr motivator. derek to his friends.
  12. When i was a little lad all those years ago my first experiances of shooting, fishing,etc came from going with my father.So when it came time for me to make my own way in the sporting world,it was obvious that my fathers sporting values would be mine. We lived in a small mining village in the welsh valleys, where game! was at a priemium if you went out and had a pigeon and a rabbit on the same day ,you'd had a red letter day.Not much to attract pigeon on coal tips.In the second week of feb we always stopped shooting, was told by dad that pigeon and rabbits were starting to breed and that if we wanted some for next year we had to let them breed. Now that stuck a chord in my mind and even though things have changed and i'm living in a different district now i cant seem to get those fudimental ethics out of my mind. I see nothing wrong with shooting pigeon all year round (they are a pest after all)but silly me i still follow those seasons imprinted in my mind. Even though i know they do not apply in this day and age.And that is why ive put the gun away untill mid august when the pigeons start again for me. Does anyone else follow the seasons like that .
  13. LLOL see you got me at it now. :(
  14. looking at the board it looks like we have a late starter in ernya.
  15. Youve done it know yp he's really going for it look at the board index.
  16. I can tell you this, as a statment of fact not conjecture if you worried about barrel lenth, you should do what i have done get your self an eight bore with 28in barrels never mind the quality feel the width.
  17. My moneys on pieman got alot to say, mostly gibberish! Sometimes sounds italian!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
  18. columbus


    My wife will hardly handle dead game she dosnt mind when its plucked and drawn (i hope that came out right) but she will not handle them in the feather.My mates wife on the other hand takes the birds off him at the door and the next time he sees it,its on a plate,ive offerd a swop but he wont hear of it.Whots your other half like when it comes to things like that, to be fair mine will pack worms if im rushing to catch the courrier.
  19. columbus


    anyone up for it?:thumbs:??
  20. NTTF how do you find the britteny's never seen them working, but ive been told that they are slow to start and not that keen on cover. As a pro trainer would you say this is the case.C
  21. Happy birthday William. Take the carnation sender out for a nice meal and ENJOY. C
  22. Hi NTTF im intrested in you choise of dogs, you say that you train hpr's yet you dont use one your self im intrieged as to why. Ive just accuired a gwp and even though hes still a pup im very impressed at the level of obidiance i have got him to (more the dog than me )in a short time. Whats your opinion of the breed and what sort of pitfalls should i look out for.In the past ive trained spaniels and labs but nothing has been as bidable as this dog. Im just wondering is it a false dawn, are we going to have fireworks later on, or are they mostly easy to train.
  23. I know we will rename this section to" how can i get money out of those suckers" section, i know! ill show them some geese. What a pity its come to this.
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