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  1. Pulsar c50 non Wi-Fi good condition comes with everything when purchased new. £750 Northamptonshire
  2. Sako 85s 243 comes with ase jet z compact .25 mod only. £1000 collection nn11.
  3. Hawke frontier 4-24x50 30sf. Lr dot ret good condition comes with sunshade and metal flip up lens covers in original box £450 https://uk.hawkeoptics.com/frontier-30-sf-4-24x50-lr-dot.html
  4. I’m moving on my pulsar c50 day/night scope non Wi-Fi model purchased new Nov22 looking for £800 will get pics up later based Northamptonshire (May do deal with day scope)
  5. Sako 85s 243 comes with ase ultra jet z compact mod, browning sling £1000 or with hawke frontier 30 sf 4-24x50 SFP LR DOT 4 ret scope(with metal flip up covers and sun shade) and Harris bipod £1500 location Northamptonshire
  6. Nice one .. can’t beat a bit of rat shooting
  7. All sold now can admin please remove post . Thanks
  8. pulsar c50 and thermal are now sold.(sorry can’t seem to edit ad)
  9. I have a few things for sale pulsar helion 2 XQ38F £1700 pulsar c50 (only a couple months old) £800 hawke frontier sf (h7)4-24x50 LR dot £450 grs beserk stock for howa short action (couple of months old) £300 also I have some other bits I need to sort out like Harris bipods one is fixed other one tilt. Can post once funds have cleared but would prefer collection, Daventry Northamptonshire or possibly Milton Keynes weekdays
  10. Cool I’m back at the s##t hole Tuesday lol. Can’t complain really been there since 2010. 👍
  11. Hi yes I do the bird control there, do you know the place.
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