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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. What respond to more wandering off and more random Kremlin sponsored stuff off the internet slapped over the thread? I think yesterday nailed it. Notwithstanding that Putin has never said the invasion and war is about the Donbass (I bet he doesn’t give a monkeys - those people he’s looking out for he’s shelled flat for the best part of the year and now has locked down under martial law) and no explanation has been given for such an expansive all points of the compass invasion in respect of a comparatively small region, I really do ‘get’ that it’s the shills best shot at a reason. However, correct me if I’m wrong, but the shills list off half a dozen US led ‘invasions’ and cry to hold the US accountable. In addition, we have no discernible example of an invasion followed by a war being either a good idea, the best option available or resulting in a positive outcome. So, all that the shills accuse the Americans of doing, we have Putin doing right here and now and with probably far less accurate bombs and or application of the Geneva convention. Then we have the whole ‘oh look back at the region’ over the last 10 years etc. Again, parking for a moment that Putin gives a monkeys about the region or it’s people, if Pimlico decided entirely on it’s own to extract itself from the UK…. well it’s all on the previous pages. That appeared to me to nail it. On the shills own case they make out against the US they are beaten with when it comes to Putin’s invasion and war. Then we still have MCHughCB saying that he had already offered up criticism of Putin - he hasn’t, or if he did it was the sort of criticism that wasn’t, like ‘he just cares too much’ or ‘he should have used more tanks and killed more people in the first two weeks’. So, standby we’re still waiting on McHughCB to say anything less than complementary about the war mongering lunatic that has started a war in mainland Europe and singled handedly responsible for the deaths of a hundred thousand plus people. And that brings us onto now and more mad links to the mad corners of the internet by the Shills. If I’ve missed anything or anyone thinks I’ve ducked a question, fill your boots.
  2. You boys want to take it easy on the nutty pills. If you scoff them all now, you'll have none left for the weekend 😀
  3. Humour me. Without wandering, what criticism would you make of Putin / the Russian invasion? Beyond ‘they should have used bigger bombs’ and such like. I doubt one tactical nuke would make any difference to the invasion / war and will only result in triggering the loss of Russian support by the likes of China and the galvanisation of support for Ukraine. I expect Putin to try and blow that dam up and claim it was Ukraine trying to false flag against Russia (etc).
  4. Very nicely put. There’s a handful you won’t convince though. You just can’t pierce through all those hours of reprogramming (aka watching crackpots on YouTube at 3 am). In 160+ pages I’ve since given up trying to get MCHughCB or Stonepark to acknowledge any misstep let alone wrong doing on the part of Putin in all of this 😆
  5. Ditto. We’ve still held back on the increase because we want to keep the tenants and we fixed rates for 5 years last year. I remember talking to my business partner at the time about fixing for 10 years - ah but who knows what the world will look like in 5 years let alone 10 years eh?
  6. They wanted the square footage of every room, and I mean every room. We regularly use a ‘plan man’ at work and it was easier to send him in and pay a couple of hundred quid to get it done properly and have a full floor plan on file.
  7. So, I’ve been hit with a selective license twice. The online process took a day and needed detailed floor plans. Drove me mad. I wrote to complain - same tenant 9 years and said we’d have to pass the whole cost on, which we did. It also triggered us being reminded to review the rent which we’d forgotten about. Massively counterproductive. It’s another indirect tax where all the political parties promise not to put up income tax but every other tax goes up and new inventive ones are created. Edit And here’s the kicker. I only found out one of our properties had fallen into a trial licensing area (previously it was HMOs only) when someone walked in with a property in the same road as ours and having been sued by their tenants who were tapped up by some ambulance chasers - if you need a licence and don’t have one, you can’t collect rent, and if you have collected rent then the tenants can come at you via a whole new industry of claims chasers and reclaim that rent. Deep joy.
  8. There you go again. Irrelevant. Utterly utterly irrelevant to the here and now of Ukraine. Also, great examples of where an invasion was a dreadful idea. Indeed you hold the US to account for those conflicts / invasions but you can’t Russia now - why is that? You cry hypocritical, back atcha Mention any of those countries or conflicts to anyone in Ukraine and they will wonder what Kremlin supplied drugs you are on. .
  9. No. There was a world war well underway and France already long invaded, occupied and under martial law.
  10. I honestly don’t have a view or care. The questions are irrelevant - whoever did or didn’t wait 8 weeks, 8 years or 88 years. So, what’s the point in speculating. I have my own view as to why the invasion took place, but to the greater extent that too is irrelevant and you wouldn’t agree and we’d go round in circles. Edit Interestingly, can anyone think back in history and come up with any set of circumstances where an invasion with 6 figure loss of life has been justified or for the best or arguably a great idea or the best option that was available at the time? .
  11. Indeed. Timps has out of everyone best made the point that reciting alleged historical failings in US foreign policy isn’t relevant to the war to hand and doesn’t provide any rationale or plausible explanation for the invasion and war, other than to advance some sort of ‘what’s good for the goose’ argument, which doesn’t stand up that well or on its own merits in the context of unnecessarily starting a war where hundreds of thousands of people have died. But your version of peace does involve people dying because one side is better equipped and has more guns than the other, and leading to a nation (Ukraine) being subjugated to the rule of a self appointed despot who isn’t keen on elections, a free press, a free judiciary and if you are rude about him you’ll be put in prison etc. Indeed, you just want a Russian victory and can’t / won’t contemplate any other outcome. A teensy but odd and perhaps unfair to Ukraine? .
  12. No, to the extent that it is entirely irrelevant. If you think the good natured and magnanimous Mr Putin started a war with several hundred thousand troops because of his concerns over the Donbass, well, that’s you projecting, that’s not what the Kremlin have ever said and that’s not what any were saying contemporary to the tanks rolling over the border. You are clinging onto a notion, indeed the only notion, that might give Putin even a feint whiff of a reason that might sound plausible (and which it does not IMHO as a 3 points of the compass invasion was not necessary to iron out whatever trifling spat was occurring in the Donbass).
  13. But your version is that Ukraine would have to capitulate and submit to Russian rule or be wiped out. That’s not peace, that’s an outright Russian victory and both unacceptable to Ukraine and morally bereft.
  14. Your version of peace is starving the Ukrainians of support, thereby giving Putin everything he wants. Granted, it is an interesting concept in finding peace and likely to be a hard sell to the people whose country has been invaded - mind you, without support they’d just be slaughtered, Putin would still get what he wanted and we would then have your version of ‘peace’. Great plan. I’ll get a couple of dozen white doves in ready for release and a case a champagne for the peace celebrations 👍
  15. And rape your wife and murder your neighbours? And will you get the chance in a fair election to cast a vote a particular way to support your own personal views?
  16. I don’t need and don’t expect government to fix any and all problems that come my way. As far as I am aware the government isn’t paying anyones heating bill and that is because no government has money of its own, it only has money it collects off tax payers. So, even if the government were to pay my heating bill, that would be a bill I would end up ultimately wearing through taxation. Also, I have a confirmed installation date this month for a roof solar system I ordered the very day Putin invaded Ukraine (and I’m not joking either).
  17. PW is full of ever so clever alternative deep thinkers who refuse to be sheeple and who actively look to find conspiracy everywhere. These people have been entirely brainwashed by Kremlin propaganda because it’s all down the same rabbit hole - it’s alternative, it’s not MSM, it’s stuff only they can cleverly search for and find in the far corners of the internet and all Kremlin content cannot feed truth but easily feeds conspiracy. In fairness, of the Kremlin shills we have Reuwolf at the saner end of the spectrum and Stonepark and MCHughCB at the other totally bonkerooney end. As for tough questions I’ve ducked - I love a test. Fire away, list them out. Shall we impose a voluntary word count for question and answer? .
  18. Yeah good luck with that 🙂 Oooh look back over there and now over here - look anywhere but at the right here and right now. .
  19. Absolutely. And the invasion and war, so so unnecessary.
  20. Poor old Putin must have got terrible intel. He probably thought Zelensky would be gone and that there would be a Russian victory by the end of June 😆😄👊
  21. Hang on this is important. McHughCB, Stonepark, Rewulf’s reports back to their handlers have lead to this disaster. Turns out the Kremlin wrongly assumed no one liked and wouldn’t follow Zelensky and NATO wouldn’t help. Blimey, it’s like the Kremlin has been reading this forum thread from the start and filled their own heads with nonsense from their very own stooges 😀
  22. More random look over there, look back there at that from decades ago and what about…. Oh, and the percentage of the vote Putin achieved in the democracy that is Russia? I think Putin booked 78% of the vote but he did murder and imprison any significant opposition and the next best candidate he was running against happened to be his god daughter - what are the odds? 😆😆
  23. It’s ok, Darth Putin has clarified the situation.
  24. But with an illegal invasion, a war and more mass murder / atrocities etc.
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