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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. ‘Do not believe anything until the Kremlin deny it’. TM Darth Putin. And as for not looking good for Zelensky - well, he’s still there 235 days later.
  2. But that quote, like all Kremlin quotes, is of course a lie or nonsense. So this war is about what again? I am confused - Nazis, drug dealers, nato, Donbass, Peter the Great? It’s a lucky dip depending what week it is. .
  3. Oh give over. How about a criticism for starting a war, invading Ukraine and causing the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people? Your criticism of Putin is up there with ‘he tries too hard and cares too much’. Pppffftt. There was never a deal in March and here’s the FT link https://www.ft.com/content/7b341e46-d375-4817-be67-802b7fa77ef1 I liked this bit where they say ‘war’ and not ‘special military operation’ 😉👊 Putin showed no sign of compromise on Wednesday, vowing Moscow would achieve all of its war aims in Ukraine. And that’s why this now feels like arguing over the colour of orange juice.
  4. And it’s defamatory to suggest these two brain washed shills are in the employ of the Kremlin? 😆😆😆 Oh well, my £50 is safe. .
  5. Very brave people going up against a very brutal and desperate regime. You can see how it’s happened though given the average age of Iran’s population vs the average age of the stoneage loving old **** who remain in charge of the place. Currently, there’s silence from the left because of course Iran comes with their two bogeyman Israel and the US (who thankfully try to stay on top of that regime’s ability to go nuclear). Indeed, I wonder what Corbyn & Co make of it all - no doubt they’ll keep saying that the hijab is empowering for the women of the West as the women of the East sacrifice themselves to be free of it (and all that comes with it). Wait for it though, no doubt whatever is going in in Iran will be because of US imperialist interference and the expansion of NATO 😉😀
  6. Ah ha, and that’s where you’re wrong. I bet you a £50 donation to the Salvation Army that you can’t get McHughCB to agree to that, even though it appears to be a fundamental and basic fact up there with the colour of orange juice. And Dave, you have just started the ball rolling to make all my points for me, thank you 👍 .
  7. Mungler

    Cold symptoms

    I went to Greece with the family in early July and: 1. Had an evening of delirium - I thought it was heat stroke coupled with a couple of drinks and where I was super hilarious and felt like I had had 10 pints 2. that night, shivers and cold sweats - I reckon my temperature would have been Sky high but I felt freezing 3. slept for 24 hours the next day That was the feeling unwell bit over and since then: 1. I still have zero taste or smell - I peeled 10 kilos of onions without my eyes watering and I have a cracking party trick of eating raw chillis - hot as you like, a dozen a time. 2. my left ear is blocked. I’ve had suction and hearing tests and all is fine, save I have chronic glue ear. I’ve been on beckonaze nasal spray for a month and it’s just helped me get my balance I assume covid but didn’t bother to test. This is all a major inconvenience but nothing like flu. It’s also nothing like anything I’ve had before and whatever it was was made in a laboratory IMHO. .
  8. But if you love all things Putin, surely being in the pay of the Kremlin can’t then be defamatory? But in all seriousness, if we can’t agree that the Russian invasion of Ukraine and war, is just that, then it’s unsurprising that continued disagreement follows.
  9. I am a massive fan of free speech and no one should be censored, banned or ‘whatever’ for their views either here or anywhere provided they are lawful. But if you are posting abject nonsense or arguing over the colour of orange juice then don’t be surprised with the robust replies / answers you court. If you consider the replies too robust or too hurty (notwithstanding that they are within the forum rules) then try putting on the big boy trousers. You could also ask the mods if they will add ‘Putin sympathiser’ and ‘Kremlin shill’ to the forum rules / banned word list, but that’s changing particular aspects of the forum legislation to suppress a counter view and or to ensure some don’t have their feelings hurt. And where does that end? As for: Really? That’s a gnats away from the ‘woah you were doing 34 mph in a 30 mph, that’s breaking the law and your ticket is in jeopardy’. Well done. And it was you of all people went there. And I don’t care what anyone says, McHughCB has to be in the pay of the Kremlin - there’s no other rational explanation 😆 Indeed, I’d be more worried what he and others are stockpiling under their beds, waiting for the revolution and the coded ‘go’ signal from the Kremlin.
  10. He loves the conspiracists approach of ‘just because there’s no evidence it didn’t happen, that’s doesn’t mean it didn’t happen’. Which is of course total nonsense. Indeed, you can put forward any argument you like on that basis and without any evidence ie just make it all up.
  11. That’s because he murders or imprisons all opposition. If we wanted that or let that happen, Blair would still be in charge of us 😆 Errr the subject was NATO attacking Russia. Russia is at war with Ukraine and whilst the Ukrainians are being restrained in their attacks on Russian soil (at the request of NATO), a minor incursion of which you describe is a natural consequence and occurrence in a state of war and Russia invading its neighbour). No, I mean the unrelenting Putin apologists on here.who cannot find a single criticism to make of Putin (which is rather odd on any measure). Stolen from elsewhere, a Ukraine update: Conciliatory sounding speech by Putin this evening. Listen carefully though, and it's full of absolute whoppers. One in every sentence. He's very good. I was halfway through listening to this quietly spoken reasonable sounding man before I thought "Hang on, what did he just say?" So I listened again from the beginning looking for falsehoods, and once you do that, they are a blizzard. He appears to have silenced (for how long?) the nationalist loonies, and he's saying he's finished the missile strikes (he's running low). Although some Poles (I think it was Poles, stupidly I didn't check the language) are leaking they said if he didn't stop they'd hand their vast stock of cruise missiles to Ukraine to do what they wanted with. This sounds unlikely, not least because Ukraine isn't being by any means destroyed by the missiles. And they are it, a last throw before nukes. Putin can't take territory, he's actually losing it, and half a billion dollar's worth of missiles killed nineteen people, which is a tragedy of course, but there are 40 million Ukrainians, it'll take a while to get rid of them nineteen at a time, and caused sporadic power cuts for two days. Sounds like Putin wants a Winter pause so he can get his act in order and have a proper go in the Spring. Something we have learned in the last eight months though is that Putin is a master propagandist but a terrible military strategist, not least because everyone from the toilet cleaner to the chief of staff is consumed by lies and corruption. He simply has no clue what's going on (he should have read the bloggers he's just silenced, they know, and they can't wait to tell him). It's well worth looking carefully at what Putin wants, to see whom it actually advantages. All very interesting. Do we have another goodwill gesture coming? Russia is going to lose Kherson soon. Potentially an army goes with it. Remove army out of harm's way, call it a goodwill gesture, as opposed to a rout? I don't know. I know this much though - I've met people like Putin before, although thank eff they weren't nuclear armed tyrants, just crooks and bullies, and I know any concession you make to them will be swallowed and expanded, and any concession they make to you will be corrupted, shrunk, redefined and eventually withdrawn. They do not negotiate in good faith, so neither can you.
  12. So are you saying that it is on the cards that NATO wants to attack Russia (and bring about the end of the world)? You’re nuts. And as for that Reuters article - a single missile, no suggestion who fired it, where it came from, what the intended target was or to eliminate that it was a stray from the war with Ukraine, or one of their own / a false flag. Absolute nothing bit of journalism. Yep MAD destruction is, always has been and remains on the table but that doesn’t cater for a preemptive strike. Indeed we don’t even need to talk about it. That’s encouraging. I wonder if a way out for him has been found. .
  13. You crack pot. Video title ‘France refuses to attack Russia’. No one is up for attacking Russia. What’s next on your Kremlin mandated You Tube watchlist tonight? 😆 Or is it just sitting round the fire signing traditional Red Army songs with Stonepark and McLovin? .
  14. It’s proper odd. In all of this not a single criticism of Putin or reference to the invasion of Ukraine and war as anything other than a ‘special military operation’. That’s real independent and balanced thought for you 😆
  15. If you say so. Or you could just shuffle off and bother some other thread.
  16. Ooooh I’d love a chance to vote in that. Mind you, I’m all up for invading Scotland and carpet bombing the civilians - I know that would get the thumbs up on here and we can all then blame the Americans 😆
  17. I still love how the shills say that the US is to blame for all of this. Hilarious. Utterly bonkers. If only the US hadn’t made Putin the master strategist invade a neighbour and start a war he is now losing. Genius level blame game right there. Bonkers. In other news, if this is true and surely it can’t be, then it won’t be too long now… We’ve since found two far worse Putin apologists than you. It’s so bad they even make you look half sane 😆
  18. Ah they were fighting people who were otherwise going to attack the Donbass; all the way from Estonia, Poland and Finland 😆 So we’ve gone from what is in fact an invasion and a war, to SMO to Nazis, gangsters and drug dealers to freeing the people of Donbass - who knew? I wonder if the people of Donbass wools have liked the option of not being invaded, moving to Russia or otherwise trying much harder with a political solution (as we have been told everyone else must). Brainwashed.
  19. Yes. And? There’s a lot the master strategist didn’t bank on.
  20. I too am beginning to wonder if this is now some epic Harnser-esque wind up of Guinness World record proportions. Bonkers.
  21. He didn’t say that. You did. Indeed whoever did / didn’t is irrelevant to an invasion. More irrelevance and dodging about.
  22. Can’t deal with the simple proposition of putting the troops and tanks in reverse and a politically negotiated solution and so we get more whataboutery and ‘Ooooh no, look over there, what about what’s happening over there, not here’. And that’s where we are. What a mess. The master strategist didn’t plan on Ukraine coming together behind a charismatic leader and making a ‘super power’ look ridiculous.
  23. And there’s the silence from the shills. Put the Russian tanks and troops in reverse, then let’s have a stab at peace (we’d be 99% there with a withdrawal of course) and as well as workable solution to whatever gripes are doing the rounds that week. So easy, so sensible, so 2021 and yet so much silence.
  24. Oh and Darth Putin never fails to deliver the goods 😆
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