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Everything posted by Mungler

  1. Oh that’s funny. And where is that written down? Is it in law? Seen how the Russian Law Courts deal with anyone who dissents from or challenges Putin? That’s because Putin is the law - he’s in charge of the big Russian petrol station run by gangsters and ex-KGB. But we can trust gangsters and ex-KGB to follow and respect the rules. Mind you they’re no so strong on borders and not murdering their neighbours 😉
  2. There are so many other alternatives to Paypal these days there is no need to use them or tacitly support their woke nonsense. I have supported the Free Speech Union for some time and Paypal's unilateral highhanded cancellation of the FSU accounts based on someone at Paypal's own assessment of the rights and wrongs of FSU's positioning on covid (since proven correct) is indicative of where we are heading and if more people cancelled their accounts we might at least slow the decline in our freedoms.
  3. Indeed, we were all getting along fine until Russia decided to invade Ukraine and a start a war. Now we're not. Go figure?
  4. You two don’t half spout a lot of nonsense. I am amazed that you actually believe it. They say a deal was nearly there but for Boris. Who says? Your Kremlin puppeteers? If Ukraine had not been resupplied it would have been over? I don’t get how you can actually type those words out and not pause to think how bizarre they are. Straight off the Kremlin website. But now we see Russia being re-supplied as it runs out of bombs to randomly drop on civilians.
  5. That’s right there was no other alternative but an invasion and war 🙄 We’ll see. The Putin apologists have got nothing right so far, and long may that continue.
  6. Yeah sack off discussion, negotiation or any peaceful / non military solution and go straight for invasion, that’s always going to be the right thing to do. Well, I hope he’s enjoying what he started. I know the Yanks are.
  7. If we have a really really cold winter it could well be that all bets are off as the Germans (who idiotically allowed themselves to be manipulated into energy independence on Russia) start to cave in on the sanctions. But Putin can’t win this war or occupy Ukraine long term and whatever he thought he would get out of it he’s already lost. And yes, his downfall has been the inherent corruption in all things Russian and the inability of anyone to speak the truth let alone truth to power. There we go. Talk about a weakened Russia on every level. Great job.
  8. No, I don’t need to. They are entirely irrelevant to the matters to hand.
  9. I closed my account too. If everyone tried harder to vote with their wallets we wouldn’t be in this mess.
  10. This isn’t about the UN. This is about your insistence of an invasion and war being a special military operation. If you want to consider every UN mission a war or an act of war, I don’t care, fill your boots. What we have nonetheless arrived at is a war between Russia and Ukraine resulting from Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. Now we’ve highlighted the utter the ridiculousness of ‘special military operation’ and debunked that daft fiction I am intrigued to know why you maintained the use of ‘special military operation’. Is that just because the Kremlin told you to?
  11. Let me help you. ‘War’ is defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. So, there we have it (and even on your definition) Russia and Ukraine are at war. I think we’re agreed on ‘invasion’ and that Russia has invaded Ukraine, and so to recap, following Russia invading Ukraine, a state of war exists between those countries. We got there in the end eh?
  12. Oh this is good. I see them all watching, and it’s a simple enough question, but it’s only troubling if you persist on calling a war a special military operation for no other reason than because Putin says so. Let’s open it up to the other shills and the PW floor : what is your definition of a war? I’ll check back on this question in an hour. That ought to give them enough time to radio Moscow for further instructions 😆😆 It’s up there 😆
  13. I’m waiting for Stonepark’s answer. Simple enough question right? Feel free to refer to any dictionary you fancy 🙂 This should be good….
  14. Just out of idle curiosity, what is your definition of a war?
  15. The Kremlin must be empty, given that they’re all out and on here 😆 I am amazed that all these alternative deep thinkers can’t think beyond what Putin has told them to think, what language to now use and all the Russian propaganda. Even on the subject of whether there’s a war going on we get repeated Kremlin speak and not the physical truth as it presents. Total brainwashing. Ask a Ukrainian refugee though - they are probably best placed to comment and I’ll bet they’ll mention the invasion, murder of their populous, the Russian occupation and war 😆 Its only Putin who insists on not calling an invasion and occupation anything but a war. Absoluteky bonkers. George Orwell would be proud. Zelensky rules by consensus. See all the Ukranians fighting and dying for their country and to force out the occupying Russian invaders?
  16. What are you blathering on about? Panama, Iraq, whatever. Irrelevant. Historic events do not predetermine the here and now or alter the Oxford English dictionary. Regardless of whatever whataboutery you wish to refer to now, the brass tacks remain - rolling tanks over the border (indeed the majority of borders by compass direction) of a democratic sovereign nation, murdering it's citizens and seeking to occupy foreign territory is the dictionary definition of an invasion and an act of war. That's a fact. Fill your boots with special military operation, Panama, Iraq, WMD, pyramids and lizard people. It's only a special military operation because Putin said so, and of course that's good enough for you and your inquiring mind.... challenge MSM, challenge NATO direction, challenge everything but Russian propaganda and anything Putin says or does. You are brainwashed.
  17. Questions : Was she a good mother? Did you have a happy childhood? Has she been a supportive and positive influence in your life? All the way through to the brutal "what are you going to get out of the relationship when you do the what you put in vs. what you get out, weigh up?" I never got the whole poking up with someone utterly poisonous or destructive because of some biological faint. .
  18. That's where I had got to too. Don't torture yourself - focus on you and your family. Chop her out. It will be a weight off your shoulders - your gain and her loss and all that.
  19. Once again we circle back to "bonkers". To keep asserting (without deviation) that this is but a "special military operation" (and now with a national call up) and not a war and not an invasion shows that you are either an expert level troll, a card carrying Russian shill or nuts. It is a brilliant demonstration though that you will unquestioningly accept Russian propaganda and alteration of facts and language - straight out of Animal Farm. I would be intrigued for Rewulf's views on this aspect.
  20. He won’t refer to it as anything else - it’s odd isn’t it, that and his love of Putin too.
  21. That is a very weak reply, if a reply at all and we can all see it.
  22. Pretty sure that the Russian tanks, cruise missiles and unguided soviet era rockets and missiles into civilian areas has helped. And that figure of 20,000 you just made up 😆
  23. ….and if the bloke from one road up offers to help throw you out, well that help will be gratefully received.
  24. I reckon the reason is because they thought it was going to be an easy land grab, but who knows why because we’ve had some weird and whacky reasons and nothing definitive. But they did and that’s all that matters. To suggest that the Russian invasion is a result of some NATO activity / inactivity is demonstrably and factually incorrect.
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